Kilran's Ship

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"As long as it can't be seen by Imperial sensors I really don't have the knowledge to follow."

"Tansy, you even talk over my head some times." Tansy frowned as Flint chuckled at his own comment. "No worries boss. Got a link into the bridge and scanning for any other signals that could carry an imperial code." With the suit off, we moved through the ship. We were not the only ones on board as a dozen SiS operatives were set up in the ship. The low buzz of them talking into their headsets and tapping away at their keyboards gave me the impression of a dozen geeks playing the latest game release with the amount of intensity they were showing.

"They took your warning that a spy was aboard the Telos seriously. With the added protocols this ship carried they will find out who as soon as they raise their head." I stopped as the distinct accent of an Imperial was carried in the words. I almost didn't recognize the man I had escaped the last time we met.

"Should you not be in some cell somewhere revealing everything?"

"Oh I did all that. Finding out my mind was not my own broke any loyalty to the Empire. Plus the medical team assigned to me found the cause and method of the programming. I am still under its effects, but I have as much control as possible. It was also the fastest way for them to get access to my ship."

"Glad to see you are okay."

"I am more than okay. I am freer than I have been in a long time, Arvewan Kenway."

"T'aa Onasi." I so hoped he would lean forward, and reveal he was like me, but he didn't. I got the feeling he was looking over my body and the lust he felt made me frown.

"Yes, I have been reading what the SiS have on you already. I am sure the ISB has about the same."

"I know what the ISB had on me. I have Watcher One's datapad."

"Thee, Watcher One? I am very impressed. A man I still respect, or should I add past tense?"

"Oh no, he is alive as far as I know." I expected a message from him, but I had not received anything yet. We moved to the bridge just in time to see the two separate shuttles depart the Telos for Taral V. Arvewan's crew guided the ship through hyperspace to arrive in the Taral System. From there it was a waiting game as we monitored the traffic in the system and what was coming from the Telos, my people and her escorts. I didn't like being out of the fight as I paced the ship.

"A rain of fire is coming. The scarred man's hatred burns everything." My eyes flew open as I stopped pacing. I had not even known I had closed them. I saw that no one else on the ship had heard Meetra speaking.

"Look alive people Kilran's fleet is inbound." As I said this, dozens of ships entered into the system very close to the planet. "Find the command ship and move to dock."

"Roger that." The Phantom moved forward as Kilran's fleet maneuvered towards the planet. As we got closer, bombers left the holds of several ships. The hanger bay loomed in front of us as we swung around the command ship. The ship shook as two fighters impacted with our shields as the stealth field dropped.

"So much for a perfect entrance." The crew landed the ship as I rushed to the main hatch. T7 was right behind me along with Arvewan. Another agent handed him a rifle as the hatch opened and the ramp dropped. The security team we had rushed down the ramp and opened fire on the flight deck personal as we rushed down behind them. My blades ignited as I cleared the ship's ramp. Seconds later I was directing a hail of fire back at the imperials as they tried to repel my team.

"We don't have much time. We need to get to engineering and the auxiliary bridge controls."

"Arvewan, tell them to stop shooting at us then?" He looked at me as he laughed. A second later he pulled the trigger on his rifle another imp fell to the deck followed by the two that were standing behind the first guy. Arvewan and T7 calmly moved with me taking care of any targets that reflected shots did not reach. Once we passed into one of the narrow passageways, Arvewan dropped his sniper rifle for a more compact blaster. The ship was in chaos allowing us to move with little resistance. The choke points were manned, but a quick sprint and even quicker blade work removed the hindrance.

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