Black Sun (Part One)

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I sighed while moved from the kneeling meditation to one of my katas. It was still a form of meditation, and my eyes remained closed. Not having a place to sleep I was in a small room in the senate building that hadn't seen use in a long time. My chest was in the room as well as what belonged to Cort though he was most obviously with his master in the medical ward. I went through the entire kata before her comlink beeped. Not even bothering to open my eyes I answered.

"Good morning Ingo." I answered knowing who it was.

"Morning it is, but I hardly call it good. I got Sanusha with me and Cort is on his way to the taxi stand here. You about ready?" He asked.

"I will be there in a minute." T'aa replied.

"Oh and lover boy here is really confused." She heard Sanusha say in the back ground. Then she heard complaining and laughter. Oh God, what did I start here, she thought.

"T'aa, out." I added as I closed the comlink. "I am really going to hate this. Why did I have to kiss him?" I checked my gear quickly and headed out. The early hour still attracted many to the Senate as I weaved through the thong of beings coming and going. I didn't have to say anything more than a simple greeting or a nod as a jedi in armor, people tended to get out of my way. I made it to the taxi stand just in time to jump into one of the cars with Cort.

"Seems you had an interesting night." Cort stated. She frowned, but not because he knew, but because he didn't act jealous or hurt that she kissed Corso. He felt more disappointed that she broke the rules.

"Drop it as it won't happen again." I mumbled as the taxi followed the other ones that carried the others.

"I will just that you will have to let the boy down as he is distracted." Cort replied.

"I don't think it will last long after the shooting starts. I'll get Sanusha to smack him or something. That or you could talk to him." I suggested with a grin.

"Oh no, this is something you need to do. I will not even think to pretend to be the jealous one." Cort countered making me frown again as he was only concerned.

"Ah but you just did, not that you are jealous. I know what we had, was just a one time thing, but what happened last night wouldn't have happened if we were still... you know?" I stated. Cort shook his head.

"Are you holding on to what we did? The feelings we had?" Cort asked.

"No, I mean it will be a memory that stays close to my heart, but I don't desire it to happen again. It is just that I thought of you as we kissed and it was the only thing that stopped me last night." I explained. "But it also felt wrong because of how I used to be. I didn't get that with you."

"Yes this former life. Well I would assume that who you are is a blending of the two and last night he was in the front. Not that I have any experience in sharing a body." Cort replied as I suddenly giggled.

"Cort I don't share a body. We switched places, but I share her memories." I corrected. "Were we not supposed to plan out our day?"

"We will once we get there." Cort replied. "There seems to be a small cafe near the taxi stand to the area that Sanusha needs to go to."

"Ah okay, and I am a little hungry." I added. It wasn't much longer to the taxis stopped, and they all piled out. The being that ran the little cafe moaned as we came up. His few customers got up and left.

"No, no, no, you can't just come to my cafe and scare all my customers away. Can you people not come dressed like you are going to war?" he complained.

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