Chapter 8

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"Shall I go see who it is ?" I question as I stand up
"No don't ! I will ! " rye rushes up and pushes me gently back down , looking at the others as they share the same nervous expression .

Ryes p.o.v

I knew it , damn , it's him .
He has a right to come, it's his home and we all love and support him , he's a part of our family obviously but he knew the way Amelia is because I tell him , he's messed Too and he knew she was here so why would he come ,
To see her ? It might make her happy , which is amazing but what if it knocks her even more over ?

"I'm sorry my head is in the wrong place , I'm a mess , Fucked up, so - uh , I didn't switch on about it all til I came through the door , I'll quickly get my stuff and go , no one needs to see me- "   He pauses "I-including her" he looks to the ground .
"Get ur stuff ? Wdym , where you going " I question
"I need to get away for abit because it's all getting Too much so I'm gonna go to my mums for a few days"
"What you gonna do about Amelia ? "
"What do you mean , because she's in the house now ? I don't know man , I'm so sorry for coming like this , I love her and , just fuck look at the state of me , it's been a month " he slides down the walk and puts his head in his hands . Is he gonna cry again ?

Amelia's p.o.v
Oh my god
Do I go see him will it heal me or make me worse ?
Do I avoid him , even tho he's in the same fucking house ?!
I'm like this because of my love for him so does that mean I need him ? But then if i see him I know I can't have him no more so will it make me worse ?
There's only one way to find out right ?

All the others face drops and they turn to me , I'm sat numb , not knowing what to do .

Maybe they feel it's their responsibility to protect me and since I actually came here today after , absolutely everything, their my family and they wanna look after me together that's why their acting like this around me because of what has happened ?

I sit , listening closely , hearing his perfect voice and that damn accent , my favourite voice .
I slowly get up from where I'm sat and Erin squeezes my hand as I walk past her .

I stand at the door frame  of the sitting room (Mindy room ) looking into the passage , I see him , sitting  there , broken . Worse than he was that time ages ago when I first left him for 2 weeks and we confessed our feelings .
But he's still so fit , so damn gorgeous , I'm in love with that man .
"Brook?" my delicate broke voice says quietly , emotion in my voice and actions as a tear slowly and numb rolls down my face , me standing there in shock , hardly blinking

Rye moves out of our way and back into the others room , quietly chatting with them , letting us have our moment .

His face automatically lifts , hearing my voice and knowing it's me , he quickly stands , lifting his head .
Wow .
My emotions have never been this messed up ever.
I jump into his embrace , his muscly arms taking in the whole of me , his grip tightly on me , being in his arms is the most amazing feeling yet so surreal , the butterflies flying in my stomach , I close my eyes and take all of this in .
In his arms it feels for that time that all my problems have disappeared into the air and it's just the two of us , wow , I could never even explain it if I tried . It's perfect  . This is amazing , he is the love of my life , forever and always.

I open my eyes and look up , identifying his gorgeous features on his perfect face , his eyes are shut with his arms locked around me in an amazing  way , his hugs are perfect, literally . There's a tear slowly sliding down his cheek , I rub it away gently before he looks down to me , putting his forehead on mine , staring into my eyes , getting his thumbs and scraping them gracefully under my wet eyes .
He smiles faintly at me, his eyes sparkling in mine as he sighs.
I take my hand and place it on his cheek , rubbing my thumb along it before bringing him closer to me , leaning in he follows and his plumb lips finally touch mine , energy zolting through every inch of my body , he never fails to make me feel these feelings .
What a man .
He  presses his lips harder on mine and I forcefully kiss back , we begin making out but slowly, gracefully, lovingly .
After what feels like forever in each other's company , I love it , but we both pull away , breathless  and we automatically rest our fore heads on one another again , staring in each others eyes , feeling all the emotion being shared while admiring everything about each other . "I love you so much" I sigh
"And there's no words to ever explain it , I know " he smiles faintly .
"Tons and tons , stacks and stacks , hundreds and thousands , forever and always " we say in sync . He pulls out his phone from his pocket and looks at the time
12 am
I then peek over the screen and look at his lock screen , it's us , then the date  before we both look up to each other , our eyes connecting again as my eyes begin to get glossy.
"Baby , don't cry , please " Brooklyn speaks broke , as if he's about to cry .
"y- you can't call me b-" I say sadly
"Baby , I know , it just feels right to hear that word to come out my mouth for you after so long , you'll always be my baby "  He faintly smiles back as I kiss his swollen lips again , passionately with love .
" you know what day it is now ?" He says with the littlest tint of hope in his voice that I can remember, we both seen the time and date before , we just stayed quiet about it though.
"It's our 2 years of being together —-" I look into his eyes and he smiles faintly yet again , still seeing the emotion behind his face .
"Baby"  I finish my sentence and he smiles abit , sighing 

2 years of bromelia ! Except their not back on 😕

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