Chapter 35

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It goes Brooklyn , sophie and rye on one sofa then Andy and jack on the floor near the table as the 5 of them play games . I sit on the sofa opposite them all and Jason follows me . He sits beside me , his hand on my thigh . "Would anyone like a drink or anything to eat ?" He asks the boys " nah we're good mate Thankyou" they reply . "Would you babe?" "Yeah please, I'll go get it tho , you stay here " I reply as he refuses and grabs onto my hands as I try walk away , which makes me grab him up from the sofa as he follows . We walk into the kitchen and he pours me a glass of juice and I reach up for the crisps which are in the top cupboard . Unable to reach , I go on my tip-toes until I feel a pair of gentle yet strong hands place on my waist as Jason comes behind me and gets me them. We walk into the room together laughing, having just messed around in the kitchen .  Brooklyn stares at me , hating to see me and Jason together .

As the time gets later , we decide to leave . The boys say bye to sophie and I say bye to sophie and Jason .
"Thankyou so much Amelia . Ur the best" sophie hugs me tight as I do the same back .
"Your welcome gorgeous, I'm glad it all worked out " we both smile and I make my way over
To Jason to say goodbye .
"Thankyou beautiful. It means so much , your amazing " he hugs me tightly "your welcome " I smile. Unexpectedly , he kisses me . In shock, I kiss back and he pulls away,  whispering in my ear . "Just thought you deserved that as for what you done for her today " he smirks to me as I blush a little .
I walk out the house . The boys in front of me . "Did you see the way he looked at me there ?" Brooklyn says irritated .
"What do you mean ?" I question him .
"When he kissed you" he swallows , making it obvious that the fact another boy kissed me in front of him affected him .
"He kissed you then when you had your back to us he gave me such a fucking sly look and that smirk ... just to try rub it in , he knows what he's doing Amelia . He's lucky I didn't punch him all over . I would have if it wasn't for sophie " he explains .
"I'm sorry " I say , not knowing what else to say.
"No your not , otherwise you wouldn't be with him "
" We're not together " I say getting agitated
"Okay no bother , it is what it is innit, you live your life n I'll live mine , you wanna live like a slut , then so shall I "
"A - a slut , I'm a slut now am I " I laugh despite being taken back by his Choice of words .
"Right okay guys no need to start arguing " rye says trying to settle the situation.
I walk away and head home alone .

Brooklyn's pov

I love her . Of course I do , everything about her . There's no one that could make me feel the way I do about her , there's nothing stopping me feeling that either . In my eyes , she's perfect . But she hurts me . She angers me . And i can't express my feelings very well in all honesty. So that's why shit happens. I guess in a way it just shows i care .
I'm trying to get over her . I'm trying to move on . It is what it is , we both need to live our life . But I can't help getting jealous.

She's trying to tell me there's nothing going on , is she actually serious . He's a prick mate . The way he holds her, the things he says , he fucking kisses her , and makes her smile/ laugh .
I just hate him .

I decide to go for a drink , it's been a long time since I have and to be honest I would say I deserve it .
I offer the roadtrip boys out but they decide not to so Since I haven't seen them for a while , I go out for a fun night out with my close childhood friends from down Essex .
My first night out single, I need to forget about shit and learn not to care.
Like ... I care , but fuck you

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