Chapter 34

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I get home and put my pjs on , hair up and apply a face mask as I text the group chat me and the boys have .

Me- what yous doing tomorrow?
Rye- nothing
Me- Jason's sister is a roadie and I was wondering if I could bring her around for a surprise ?
Brook- no not really
Me- what do you mean not really ?
Brook- you asked me and that's my answer.... why would I want to do anything for Jason .
Me- your not doing it for him your doing it for me
Brook- and your doing it for your boyfriend. No
Me- he's not my boyfriend
Brook- May aswel be
Rye- cmon no need to fight . She's a Roadie , if you don't like her brother then it's not her fault , she loves us and she supports us , she's just like any other fan and you know how much they all mean to us .
Brook- I'm not doing it for Jason , or you Amelia , but for her .
Me- she's called sophie and she's 10 I think .
Jack- I'm down but one thing, Blair dosent like people coming to our house like if their fans and we're friends or mutual friends with their friends or relatives .
Me- oh .... I guess I better not ask either Cos he's already a dick to me to begin with after me n Brook.... and if it's to do with Jason I cba with him giving me shit too .
Andy- how about we go over to his ? I would love to surprise her
Me- yeah okay Thankyou ily boys
Rye- love you too sexy
Jack- love you too sis
Andy- love u lil Cantwell
Read by brook

Me- my idea was to surprise soph with meeting the boys tomorrow, but they aren't allowed people over Cos Blair said or something so could they come over to yours?
Jason - Yeah course. Thankyou so much for even thinking of doing this for her , your amazing. I can't wait to see her face xx
Me- neither, she's adorable , yano me , happy to help x
Jason- there really is no one like you Amelia Cantwell xx
Me- I know , you said ;) x
Jason - n those lips , oh wow your just perfect, where'd you learn to make boys feel this way ? ;) xx
Me- your too kind , Thankyou for today x
Jason- I'm serious Amelia , but no need to thank me , thank YOU xx
Me- see you tomorrow gorgeous x
Jason- see you tomorrow beautiful xx

I smile to myself as I turn my phone off and go to bed having already spent time downstairs with my family relaxing .

I wake up with the sound of 4 boys storming through my room, banging the door open and making loud noises as they shout my name . They shake me and throw pillows off me as I roll over , rub my eyes and throw it back .

The fucking Roadtrip boys .

They all sit at the bottom of my bed and Brooklyn didn't join in with the 'fun' of waking  me up , he just decided to look around at the Polaroid's of us whilst sitting on the end of my bed which yes, still hang on my walls .
I text mikey , feels weird having 4 of my closest boys here instead Of 5.
Me- I miss you , it's not the same without you where
Mike- I miss you too ma gorgeous lil sis , I'll see you soon I promise
Me- I'm proud of you
Mike- I'm proud of you , ily
Me- ily always
I smile down at my phone knowing "it's not good bye it's see you later " and understanding he's done the right thing , it's as long as he's happy that matters .
I jump in the shower, closing my ensuit door .
I hear rye joke to Brooklyn "would you like to join her in there "  as he replies "mmmh but think she would prefer Jason " ..... if only he knew . I try forget what I just head and play my recent playlist from YouTube onto my speaker as the boys sit on the other side of the door , in my room .
As I am or Harvey, I'm roadtrips biggest fan , so of course their covers begin playing through my speaker

The boys begin to bop along to themselves as they become impressed with their vocals in the cover and begin hyping one another up , as well as trying to copy it .

I unlock my bathroom door with the recent cover , cross me , on loud .
I walk past Brooklyn as I open my wardrobe and copy his lyrics from the cover "if you cross her then you cross me huh?" I say/ ask gently and quietly as he locks eyes with mine , us having little space between us. "Hmm" he hums in reply of a yes "now you get why I don't like Jason?" He looks at me emotion less as he gives me a slight sly eye as I go find some clothes to put on .

Once I'm finally ready , we head out to Jason's . I'm excited to make some dreams come true .

I knock on the door and tell the boys to be quiet as Jason answers
"Hey gorgeous" he says as he opens his arms for a hug , I hug back of course , my arms wrap around his neck. "Hey handsome" I mumble into his neck giving him a compliment as he did to me .
He signals for us to come in as I look back to the boys giving them a smile . Brooklyn looking so unfazed about him about to surprise a roadie . He just looks so numb and careless , his eyes looking slightly glossy as a shot of slight anger is seen within him also .
"Cmon bro" Andy jack and rye nudge him
We walk into his home and Jason shouts for sophie . She walks down the stairs and stops at the top, seeing the boys stand at the bottom .

"Oh , my , god " she stops in her space , hand over mouth as she begins crying . My heart man , the cutest .

Without noticing , I have my eyes glued on Brooklyn , seeing his face change as his eyes light up and and his beautiful smile comes on show finally . I love seeing him happy , and the fact he has went all soft over seeing this 10 year old roadie so happy to see him makes me soft . He would have been such an amazing father to our child . Whoever gets him , they don't understand how lucky they will be , I'll forever be jealous of who becomes his wife and / or mother of his kids one day .

"Hey babe" rye speaks
"H-h-hi , I love you" she shakes
"We love you too gorgeous, you gonna come down ?" He replies
She nods her head in signal for a yes as she walks down the stairs ,  she gets to the 3rd step and leaps unexpectedly into Brooklyn's arms . He catches her and hugs her tightly , his veins and muscles coming visible as he holds her safe and tight . Oh wow . I feel like crying this is so cute . If you don't find a man who's good with kids attractive then your lying .
"Is Brooklyn your favourite?" Andy chuckles ?
She replies nodding her head as I admire the lot of them in awe as Brooklyn turns to me having her snuggling in his neck and smiles , lifting his eyebrows up .
They sit on the sofa together , talking, playing games, taking photos  and laughing . My faves .

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