Chapter 40

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Brook's POV
"Jack , what the fuck actually just happened " I sob . I'm actually crying .
I love that girl with all of me . And that gorgeous baby of ours , our amazing creation . But when I'm angry and hurt I lash out , I do and say things that are un forgivable , and I hate myself for that . I know how much it still hurts her that our baby didn't survive , as it does with me , and maybe that's why I said it .... because I want to hurt her the way she's hurt me .

She's hurt me so much , it's sad I know , I should be happy when she's happy and I am , except its wrong that she's happy with someone that isn't me . It hurts me so bad it's all happening infront of my eyes like I knew it would and I hate it . How can she move on so quickly , like did she really love me like she says he does ?

Amelia's pov
Walking home with Jason was silent , at least for abit , until he spoke up and I wish he never .

"Why did rye step up for u so much?" He questions me . The tone in his voice sounding quite irritated , I don't like when he's irritated, he's unpredictable.
"Because he's my best mate , sorta like a brother "
"Well all the other boys didn't like he did " he snaps at me. I hope he isn't going to start an argument.
"He's the one who fights more out of all them , he's the sorta more protective one over all of us in a way"
"Nahh.... Maybe Brooklyn was right, maybe something is going on between you two"
"No , no definitely not ,please don't be like this , don't cause an argument , please I'm not in the mood , I just want to go back to yours and cuddle " I sigh , feeling weak and emotional . " go cuddle with rye , or Brooklyn " he scoffs, I try grab his hand but he pulls it away obnoxiously.
"Baby please stop , ur my boyfriend, your the one I'm with and want to be with , it's you and only you, please I just want to stop arguing , I've had enough of that can't you see?" I sigh , my eyes becoming watery .

Why's he being like this ? He's already treat me wrong before but I forgave him as we weren't together then ..... but is this a sign that he's abusive ? Because deep down he does scare me sometimes , his moods . I don't know how to handle them , I don't understand him , but maybe that's just because we haven't been a couple for long ?
Or maybe what I'm thinking is right and I shouldn't be scared of him ? I don't feel safe with him , I feel vulnerable and that's why I always have to be nice and try resolve things so we don't argue because I don't know what he'll do .

"Okay" he brushes it off . He seems like he's in a mood , like he's got an attitude , maybe I'm just over thinking it though , or maybe I'm right .... I don't know but I'm not gonna question it .

"I'm sorry "
He ignores me
I don't know what I'm sorry for
But I am
I feel like I've done something wrong
Or maybe it's him making me feel this way ?
Nah it's not him , he's hurting . I am in the wrong , he's not  , he watched me have a huge argument with Brooklyn , and he's my boyfriend , I've hurt him , he has a right to be angry . My anxiety doesn't help my overthinking though .

We get to his and we hardly speak to each other , it's sad . I take my shoes off and crawl under the covers he passes me a hoodie of his as he sees me cold and shivering in his bed I smile to say Thankyou and he returns it .
He comes in the bed next to me and we watch Netflix , the silence filling the room awkwardly .
" I'll go home if you want me to "
"No , I want you to stay " he speaks expressionless , as though he doesn't really care but he's pretending to , I don't know maybe I'm just being paranoid .
Staying at Jason's again , I'll be back home tomorrow I love u x
Mum- okay gorgeous I love you x

I cautiously move closer to him , cuddling into his side , trying to show him that he does mean a lot to me , I know how it feels to feel worthless and unwanted and I'm hoping that's not how he feels after what happened earlier he may feel like i want Brooklyn or Rye .
I'll always love Brooklyn
And I'll always Love rye in some way
But Jason is my boyfriend.

I snuggle into him , as he finally stops tensing and relaxes , resting his arms over me .
"I'm sorry for being like this " he admits
"No no shh. I'm sorry " I take responsibility as we lay there , the atmosphere being less awkward as earlier . I lift my head from his chest as he looks down at me and I place a delicate kiss upon his lips .
"Night night "

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