Chapter 44

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I'm at the boys house and I've had multiple texts from Jason
I'm sorry for acting like that , I get you were just trying to look after me , Come round ? I wanna make it up to you x
Me- tomorrow? x
Read by Jason

I'm at the boys house and I haven't been since the argument with me and Brooklyn , Safe to say that didn't end well .

"Mel can I speak to you " oh speak of the devil , it's Brooklyn , I don't want to speak to him but it's his house and I'm not in the mood to make a fuss

I stand in the hallway with my arms crossed , facing Brooklyn as he grabs my arm .
I pull away, flinching as he sees the emotion in my eyes
"Why are you acting like that ? I'm not gonna hurt you "
"Wait- has he ?" Brooklyn asks quickly , anger through out his voice
"What no never i smile as I shake it off "
"Well Anyways just want to say I'm so sorry , I never meant any of what I said . I'll always love you Amelia , I just wanted to hurt you because your hurting me by being with him "
"It's fine I get it . I'm sorry too "
He opens his arms and I hug him back , being in his tight embracement didn't feel wrong , it felt like home , I belonged here .
We let go before our eyes meet and I walk away .
"Oh and Brooklyn , I'll always love you too" I sigh , smiling as I look at him before I walk down the stairs .
Maybe I shouldn't have said that ? Or maybe I should have . Idk
We decide to watch films for abit before ordering McDonald's on Uber eats
"Mel what do you want ?" Rye asks
"Double cheeseburger , extra bacon and tomato sauce on it, medium fries and caramel ice frappe , am I right ?" He looks at me with his cheeky grin as everyone looks at me and I smile admiring the magic in it "yep he's right" I smile as they all do , yet shocked still realising the connection we have .

It was nice to spend time at the boys , all of us together chilling , like normal , it feels like it's been a while . Nothings changed and I love it .
I get home And walk into a empty house, but unlocked, and all the lights are off apart from mine is dimly shining , wtf .
Me and Harvey walk upstairs cautiously and he opens my door before me . Until he moves aside and whispers "I'm going out "
"Jason " I sigh , I don't know if it was a sigh of relief or sigh of sorrow. Yeah he's my boyfriend but I need some space, it can't be okay when he wants it to be , I have a mind and emotions of my own and I feel like sometimes he doesn't consider that
He's laid out on the bed , looking gorgeous ofc I have to say . But he's got candles lit around my room , and rose petals everywhere . there's chocolate and flowers, that's cute . "Thankyou " I smile at him
"You like it ? " he smiles . Damn that fkn smile man .
"Yeah it's pretty cute" I smile as I look down
"Don't worry, your parents planned to let me have the keys and they'd go out for abit , they know "
Kinda more cute ngl
"What made you do this "
well like I know I deserve it deep down for what he's treating me like but he's so in denial most the time what's made him change .
He grabs my hand and signals me to lay on the bed with him
"I'm sorry , for switching up on you all the time , I never knew how to Handle my emotions I've always been a fucked up kid , I don't mean to be like this and I take it out on the one I care about the most it makes no sense "
"Do you mind me asking W-What made you so fucked up ? "
"You see gorgeous, this is wrong you shouldn't even have to ask if I mind you asking , I really must scare u that much ?" He puts his head in his hands and I grab them off and place them on my lap , with mine still on top .
"I used to be in a gang , I moved from another part of the uk to here , I was brought up pretty rough and I seen and done shit I shouldn't have had to . I hate myself , my past has fucked me up and I don't know how to heal from it . And I've never opened up to anyone like that before . So I hope you know I'm sorry " he looks me dead in the eyes . I don't know what do say , im shocked but I would never judge . I understand, it makes me care more tbh , and dont we all love abit of bad ? I mean now I think of it he looks pretty attractive as a bad boy gangster no but all jokes aside .
I kiss him slowly , caressing his cheek and then moving my hands to wrap around his neck , making sure to move my hands up the back of his neck and into his hair at the same time , I know he loves it .
I pull away smiling , pecking 3 last times before opening my chocolates ofc, getting into bed and watching Netflix , Jason cuddling into me , kissing my neck and tickling my arm, way to my heart

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