Chapter 15

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We finally reach the club and we make our way through the crowded people surrounding each other ,  sweaty bodies dancing on one another's , getting intoxicated by alcohol but smiles and laughs are seen and heard coming from their mouths and majority of people within the venue .
Music pumps through our ears rapidly at a violent volume , making the adrenaline rush around our bodies frantically .
We buy drinks and begin dancing around enjoying ourselves 'letting our hair down ' you could say .
After a lot of drinks , cute ass selfies and dancing .
Panicking , Rye comes closer to me.
"Kiss me " he says quickly
"W-what " I ask fully aware of what he just said yet refusing to let my brain process it .
"Kiss me " he looks behind him, scared , then back at me
"Quick please " he comes closer to me looking from my eyes to my lips , the tension growing Between not just him but the both of us and how close we both now are.
"Rye u aren't being serious "  I say looking him in the eyes as he steps even closer to me , feeling the warmth from each other .
Without being to do anything . He attaches his lips to mine , placing one hand on my cheek and an arm on my back below my waist , pulling me closer and closing the whatever little space Between us.
I am confused
What do I do
What is going on
Well I know what's going on but I don't yano
My life's a mess
What about brook ..... what about everything.
Fuck .

He pulls away . I'm standing confused and both breathless
" I . Am . So . Sorry " he says with pauses throughout . Stepping back slightly and putting his arms out in front of him , in the motion as if you would go to stop something .

Without being able to say anything , I walk away to where the others are and down my drink before quickly getting another .

Me- Harv
Harv- Mel ?
Me- I've fucked things up , well I haven't , Rye has but Yano .
Harv- I don't understand
Me- we kissed
Harv- you and rye ?
Me- yeah
Harv - oh ffs
Me- I'm sorry
Harv- just enjoy the rest of ur night don't worry about that, we can sort it out in the morning with all of you & us ok.
Me- ok , I love u bro
Harv- I love u too

He's probably annoyed at me Cos me and rye kissed , he's probs thinking I'm a slut , Brooklyn , now rye & their bestfriends too . It's not my fault tho
Well it is
But it's not
Is it ?
I don't even know anymore fml

I'm so confused right now I need answers.

"Rye , we need to talk " I pull his arm and drift him to a place more quieter and alone .
"Can we just do it in the morning , please ?"
"No we can't, I've just fucked everything up by that , you have , we have , you've just left me confused, I deserve answers "
"Right look ." He takes us over to some seats to explain
"I'm sorry I kissed you , although it was hot "
I hit him in the chest as he holds it pretending to be in Pain . He said that at the end , to try lighten the mood as usual . That's stupid Ryan for u , all of us know that . Even the roadies ;)

"Your fit and ur not a bad kisser if I have to be honest , even u know that but it don't mean I like you in that way and we can't go round kissing each other Rye you know this . Just please tell me .  Please be honest , not just what I want to hear , because if you lie , it will kill me , I don't want you to be sad all the time . I don't want you to change. I would hate to see you in a way that I wouldn't wanna be in myself .  But , do you like me again ?" 

"I'm going to be honest , yes your gorgeous, amazing body , amazing personality , amazing sense of humour , an amazing woman . Yes I feel for you , but it's different . It's weird . Like I don't have feelings for you like , I used to feel that way towards you. We all know that , and I'm sorry Cos that made me look like a dick but I can't help how I felt . But now . I love you, a lot . But as , a best best best best friend, like a bestfriend you sometimes get a little gay with Cos ur so close , you don't feel for them in that way but then you feel a lot for them ? Yano . Like me and Andy , I'm not gay but sorta like that . But obvs your a girl . " he finally lets out
"That does not make sense does it " he shakes his head stressed out a little.
"I get ya , I guess " I laugh as he smiles
"Look , You know what I'm like , im a fuck boy , I like to wind you up a lot , etc but to clear it , I am not sad of the current situation, i don't want to ruin anything , I love seeing you happy , I love seeing you with Brook . I love you , just not in that way , I get how you would have doubts tho because we are one big family , and you don't want anything To ruin that so since what happened  with us last time you feel like that , and my stunt there didn't help  "

"Ryan shut the fuck up , I love you too, I get it . Even though your a confusing human at times  " we both laugh before hugging tight .
"One thing though " I say confused as we pull away
"Yeah ?" He asks looking at me
"Why did you actually kiss me ?"
"Oh yeah so " he starts rambling on
"Remember ellie " he looks at me with eyebrows raised .
"Remember ellie ? You for real , she was my best fucking friend , until she changed and decided to run off some place else without bothering her arse " I say beginning to get angry as the signals for me to calm down .
"Yeah well Remember How we had a thing , and I never felt for someone Cos I was scared then I actually let my self fall into it then she left , remember when I was so upset , Cos of all of that ,  Well she's here . And she was heading our way , she was obviously going to see me so I had to try hide or something, or if she seen me she would see me Kissing a girl to show she didn't kill me off , so yeah that's why I was so nervous , why I wanted you to kiss me . Im sorry "  he takes a deep breath out and lifts his head from the ground to look at me .
"Okay , okay , I can't believe she's fucking here but okay , yeah I get it , of course I do , I forgive you Beaummont , how could I not, but , one problem though . "
"Hmm" He Hums his reply for yes as he lifts his head up , making eye contact to show he's listening.
" what if she looked over when we were kissing"
"Well I imagine she more than likely would
Have , that's why I done that so she could sorta skip past us , past me "
"Rye what if she recognised me , what if she knew it was me , kissing you "  I say worriedly
"She probably didn't , it would have just looked like a normal girl ; right ?" Rye says trying to re assure himself .
" I hope so , Cos she's changed now , she could potentially tell Brooklyn "

"Oh fuck "

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