Chapter 22

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I turn around having put my hair in a cute messy pony tail to Blair sitting , staring at me . Oof , If looks could kill. "What?" I stare at him as I talk with abit of an attitude . "What's those on your neck ?" He asks concerned but sternly . Automatically the boys turn and look at me as I make slight eye contact with brook . The boys switched on and realised I'm guessing . There's obviously no point denying what they are but who their off , I have to deny that , I have to protect Brooklyn's career . "What do you think ?" I reply "okay well who they off?"
"What the fuck has it got to do with you ? " I begin to raise my voice a little .
"Incase they were from Brooklyn " " they weren't actually , but so fucking what if they were from Brooklyn , honestly I'm sick to death of you controlling us. I love him and I can't even have contact with him , Cos you say so ! Like Who do you actually think you are " I raise my voice more each time .
"No Blair you don't understand at all , so don't pretend that you do , you hurt us , there was no need for it and I don't want anything to do with you after it all in all honesty . "
"Amelia" Harvey pulls me back trying to calm me down .
" all I'm saying is you don't exactly love him if you allowed another person to give you those , stop acting like such a victim when u must have gotten over Brooklyn quickly "
After that , anger flushes throughout my body , how dare he say that , like he would know . All the boys and Harvey are a witness to know that's lies . Harvey tightens his grip on me , not letting me go so therefore I pick up the closest thing to me And aim it at Blair and it violently hits the wall behind his head , making a dint.
Everything goes by too quick until the only thing in my focus before is Brooklyn of course .
Instantly, He jumps over the sofa he was sitting on & goes to punch Blair , I run towards him but Harvey still doesn't let me go. The only thing I can do is shout and hope he doesn't follow through with his actions.
"Brook!" I shout as I quickly get his attention and he looks at me . "Don't ." I look at him putting my hand out in a stop signal . Looking through to him , calming him down .
"I'm sorry " he says in a upset tone  as he looks around to everyone before leaving the house . I turn around into Harvey's chest as he keeps ahold of me and whisper loud enough for him to hear ,  "Harvey please let me go . I won't do anything to Blair , but let me go see him , I don't know what frame of mind he's in "  he then loosens his grip on me and I run out the house , taking my phone .
I run out the blocks of flats and down the street and stop when I finally find brook. "Brook" he automatically turns and looks at me .
"Mmh" he hums in replacement of a yes .
" I'm so sorry "
"What do you mean "
"I mean -" I come closer to him , before saying it , tears fall from my eyes at the thought of what I have to bring myself to except and say .
"We have to let go . For real this time . You need to move on . You have an amazing  career with so many supporters that's gonna get thrown out the window if we keep going . We want us . But we can't have what we want . No matter how much it hurts . We have to do this. Your gonna loose your career , look how you've changed because of me , your anger . Your loosing yourself . So am I . And I know it's because we need each other but its not going to work no matter how much we want it to . We can do it with a little hope even if we don't want to , we have no option . I will always love you more than you could ever know . This isn't easy . At all . My heart will forever belong to you . I promise that"
I'm now stood sobbing , stood in front of the boy who I give my all to , who I love unconditionally, the feelings mutual .
He grasps me tightly in his embracement   . Those strong arms I love making me feel so safe as I'm pressed up against him . My arms wrap around his waist tightly as I rest my head against the his chest , hearing his precious heart beat calmly . He kisses my forehead gently , my eyes welling yet again thinking this is possibly the least time he can Touch me like this . He kisses me slowly, the emotion flowing out of the both of us , but the love surrounding it too.  We pull away breathless as our heads Lean on one another . We look into each other's eyes and in sync , we say, "I love you tons and tons , stacks and stacks , hundreds and thousands, forever and always " before smiling slightly at the fact we're so connected before looking down . We attach hands and walk our separate ways , clinging onto one another's Hand until it's out of reach .
This was good bye .
Not forever .
Not to him .
But to our amazing relationship.

Falling for my brothers BestFriend ; sequel Where stories live. Discover now