Chapter 9

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He turns away from me, going in his room and packing his suitcase as I follow .
"Brook, where are you going?"
"I cant stay here"
"Why ?" I question taking a seat on the bed
"Because of you , him, us"
"Him?" I question , standing up
"I know there's been things going on with you and rye " he speaks up .
Did he actually just say that ?
I let out a small chuckle although I'm actually heartbroken
"Are you serious right now ?"  I begin walking further to him as he's still packing his suitcase which is on the bed .
" so your telling me , nothings going on between you too ?" He stops and looks me in the eyes
"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying !" I begin to shout abit as tears stroll down my face .
"So that dance ages ago in Harvey's studio, you remember that , it was heated , and sexy but it shouldn't have been because it was with him and not me " he raises his voice abit
"Don't get me started on that , you kissed another little slut, at that time and you know I wasn't exactly cheating on you while we danced like that , you know it , I don't see the big deal " I reply in the same manner he did before hand .
"He liked you , he kissed you !, while I was laying fighting for my life ! "
"Don't bring that up " I speak lowering my tone
"What because you can't handle the truth ?" He replies
"This was all in the past , why
You bringing it up and why are you making me look so bad ?" I speak , looking down , feeling hurt by this argument .
"Because it all goes towards the point I'm about to make " He quiets down a little.
"That's where it started , then remember that photo of yous on our story which I sent you , the way you fell asleep cuddling him , those story's that got uploaded onto our Instagram earlier , then the one that Erin put on , the way his hand was on you " he speaks , sounding hurt.
"I get it okay ! I get it , if that was you with Erin I would feel the same , but it's not true , we're not seeing!" I shout trying to get my point across
"Not yet " he scoffs
"What ?" I sigh
" yous aren't seeing yet " he replies with no expression
"We're just friends !" I shout
"That's what we used to say too , now look at us"  he replies
"Is that what you really think of me ?" I question in disbelief
"I wouldn't put it past you " he speaks , not paying attention .
"I can't believe you " I shake my head , looking down to the floor , heartbroken.

" do you have any idea ?" I shout at last
"What ?" He looks up at me .
"You don't know what my life's like now , what I've been going through " I pause, standing still looking at him while tears begin to stroll down my face again "I do " he looks me in the eyes
"No , no you don't , but you don't even care do you ?" I stand there with no emotion on my face, despite the tears down my cheeks.
"I What ?" He stands still , staring at me looking numb , hearing the hurting in his voice .
"You don't care " I say
"Say it again" he gulps , as he looks into my eyes , as tears fall from his eyes .
"You don't care about me, about us, about my depression and anxiety, you don't care " i stand , looking him in the eyes , quieting my tone down slightly .
" I don't care " he whispers looking down then up to my eyes again, chuckling softly while shaking his head .
"Yeah ur right ; I don't care , about you , us , but answer me one question " he speaks emotionless
"If I didn't care why did I keep this?" He crouches down to his drawer and pulls something out .

He comes up to me holding it in his hands , showing me .

My pregnancy test .

"Why Amelia ? If I don't care why did I keep this ?" He replies normally although there's tears down both our faces .
"Don't do this " i say as more tears come down my face .
"Just answer my question " He says angrily yet hurting .
"I said don't " I shout , crying as I take it from his hands and throw it across the room .
"I guess I won't be needing this anymore either then " he says as he gets the photo frame of us .
"Don't" I put my arm out
"Why it's not like I care " he says , I can hear the hurt in his voice knowing what I said to him .
"Well I do " I reply back faintly
"You care ? You clearly don't fucking care if your saying shit like that knowing everything we've been through and how much I try support you , how I know it affects you and I hate it , but I don't care ?!!" He shouts
"Stop!" I raise my voice
" why should I fucking stop because I'm not gonna listen to someone i don't care about " He shouts
" your taking this too far , it's not a big deal "
"Not a big deal , when you love someone like i love you, it is a big deal , knowing what you're going through , it is a big deal , to say I don't care , it hurts knowing there's nothing I can do to stop it apart from sit there and watch , it affects me too , because I know what u go through you wouldn't wish it on ur worst enemy, yet I don't care , I don't fucking care, I do care cos if I didn't , we wouldn't be having this argument , and you know that , but maybe your the one who dosent care considering your getting with my apparent best mate " he raises his voice
"Shut up just shut the fuck up !!" I shout

I look at him , the anger and sadness all building up in one, his hand and jaw clenches

He is gorgeous , but not the point right now .

His muscles get more visible and his eyes have a fire like glow in them .

Ryes p.o.v
The shouting back and forth began and we all began talking amongst ourselves about them , they have something so special no one else could ever have , no one could ever describe it , trust us on this one .
I can't help but clench my jaw each time , questioning weather I shall go in the room or not . I cant name it but there's something there for Amelia , not love , not feelings , although I do have feelings and love , but not In that way , anymore . It's more than friend but so much less than a relation ship . Like I protect her like a sister and stuff but Yano .

We're all talking together about their situation while their shouting at eachother , then I hear a glass smash , that's when I finally stop putting it off and go in .

There's glass all on the floor , and a photo of brook and Amelia , it's , a smashed photo frame.
Brooklyn's hand was bloody a tiny bit and Amelia was crying . My automatic instinct

"What the fuck" I say looking at the both of them

"Look here he is coming to save you , where's mikey or jack or any of the other boys ? Thought so " Brooklyn looks Amelia dead in the eyes whilst shaking his head.

I don't even care right now , only one thing is on my mind and I don't know why . I hate to think it's true . I have to ask .

"Did you hit her" I say slight bit of anger in my voice .
"Do you really think I would hit her ?" He speaks hurting , looking at me then to her before shaking his head down to the floor .
"Well I wouldn't put it past you " I reply looking at him , thinking back to the time we had our fight .

Brooks p.o.v

It's like every feeling in my body started a fire inside me , my jaw clenched along with my fist and I jump forward and go for him , until she places her delicate hands on mine and tries to stop me , I still go for him and it gets heated , there's almost a fight and the screams of Amelia become muffled . All I can concentrate on is this , until I snap back into reality and feel her hand on my chest and one cupping my clenched first , "stop ! brook! "Brook look at me , brooklyn , look at me !" She shouts with tears down her face yet her voice is so soothing , I look down to her and were standing there looking into eachothers eyes, as I breathe heavy with my jaw still clenched , despite everything right now , I look into her eyes and it's as if she just put the fire out inside me , it's magical .

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