Chapter 27

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We sit on the sofa for abit before offering if anyone needs help with decorating "um yeah but you don't need to help Yano , plus yous don't have spare clothes "
"Well one of the boys surely has spare clothes they don't mind getting ruined right ?"
"Yeah here you go mate " says mikey as he hands him some of his old clothes
"And idk what I'll wear " I laugh
"Has brook got none of ur old clothes still ?"
"Probably not".
"Oh well we will have to try find some more of the boys old clothes " Andy speaks
"Here" rye chucks a pair of clothes at me as I catch them .
We both change and get to painting .
Brooklyn finally comes from his room from his decorating with black on his face and his hands with a pair of shorts on and no top . He looks gorgeous. He starts painting in a different part from us with Harvey and rye yet we can still see each other .
We have the radio on full volume and 'nothing like us , by Justin Bieber ' comes on
"Such an old song" Jason says as I agree

"Lately I've been thinking,
Thinking bout what we had ,
I know it was hard but it's all that we knew yeah ,
Have you been drinking ,
to take all the pain away ,
I wish I could give you what you deserve ,
Cos nothing could ever ,
ever replace you ,
nothing could make me feel like you do , you know there's no one I can relate to ,
I know we don't find a love that's so true ,
There's nothing like us ,
there's nothing like you and me ,
together through the storm . "

Those lyrics are hitting me hard . It's true . But it hurts when I think about it of course , everything's so different now , and it's how it has to be right ?
Brooklyn begins singing along to the song as he paints and wow he's just perfect . Yet I still catch him staring at me , and me starting at him which results in total eye contact for a few seconds before I smile slightly and look down , getting up and turning off the song . He must have had the same feeling about the song as did I , it's just so relatable and right now songs like this hit my feels .
I turn it over onto another radio station and begin paining again until Lewis Capaldi, someone you loved now plays .

I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
"This all or nothin really got a way of driving me crazy
"I need somebody to heal , somebody to know , somebody to have , somebody to hold
"It's easy to say , but it's never the same , I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain
"Now the day bleeds , into night fall, and your not here , to get me through it all. " 
I just sit and bare through it until it finally finishes , every lyric making me think about me and Brooklyn . Love that .

Yet again another emotional song comes on , what the fuck, whyyyyy.

"But I think I'm lost without you
I just feel crushed without you
I've been strong for so long
That I never thought how much I needed you
I think I'm lost without you"

"How many fucking emotional songs do they have to play in one day for god sake man fuck off " I say stressed out as I stand up and press the radio off . Brooklyn watching my every move; as though he relates and understands everything I'm saying or thinking as it's shown in his gorgeous broke eyes .
Jason must be able to pick up on the atmosphere and how we're both feeling as he speaks aggressively yet quietly "what's going on"
"What do you mean " I ask confused
"don't fucking play games with me " he whisper shouts
I ignore him as I stand up and go into the kitchen for a drink. What does he mean , does he think there's something to do with brook and he dosent like it Cos he likes me ?
He comes after me as he grabs my wrist tightly "ow get off me " I panic slightly as i try get out of his grip and he tightens it on me . "You like him don't you "
"Jason how could I not , you don't understand, I love him " I say truthfully no matter what he may think .
"Well get over him . He dosent want you"  he says with discust .... that hurt .
"But I do " he whispers in my ear .

Okay I'm scared , and confused, of course I feel so much for Brooklyn it's not as simple to get over . And yes I think Jason's good looking and most of the time , kind . And I knew he liked me , I had the suspicion but he knows the certain stances with everything and I don't get why he's being so protective and horrible . We are just friends. He's mental . How can he change so quick . It's upsetting to see this happen , I really didn't expect it , what the fuck is going on with him .

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