Chapter 16

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Now I've spoken to rye and everything's okay , I can enjoy my night and worry about everything else  tomorrow, that may be hard but I need to enjoy this night out for once .

As were all on the dance floor enjoying ourselves , Rye takes Andy by surprise as he kisses his cheek " I love you " he says cutely, Andy reply's and we all laugh as they share a 'Randy' moment .
But then , some excuse of a man which I've never seen in my life, clearly very drunk , approaches us . "You gay faggot " "what did you just say there mate " rye turns and begins to argue . "Your a gay faggot " he says heartless , rye becoming more angry . " who the fuck do you think you are " Andy steps in. "Your the excuse for a man , not me , your the bent one " the man speaks carelessly. "Your a vile human you know that , you homophobic little twat " Andy spits .  The man goes to punch Andy before rye steps in front , everything getting heated in a blur, causing the tension to rise even more .  Rye gets knocked to the floor before Andy begins to take his hit on him .

Me and jack get rye who's now off the floor and ready to do damage as his face and body fill with anger .  We take Andy and remove them both from the situation .
"Amelia , get off me , please " Rye speaks , clearly irritated . "No , nor you or Andy are going to fight back " I speak , trying to calm them both .
" he deserves what he gets and It's not like I can't fight , I have the strength and ability to do damage , please let go of me Mel " he speaks becoming angered. "Rye ! I'm not letting go , for one, I know what your capable of , trust me on that one , every one of us do , that's why I'm not letting it happen . He was so wrong , he deserves what he gets but your going to be the better person and not rise to it . Because I know what you can do , and I'm not prepared to see it unfold , you probably hate me right now but you'll understand " I look him in the eyes , soothing him . As he just looks at me then back to the ground .
May not seem it but not only rye , Andy can be aggressive when he needs to be . Preach to jack for restraining him .

Luke and Mikey now step in , not letting the situation lie as I rush over before they could make a move on him as I know what would happen. "Boys ! Boys " I scream , becoming nervous as I feel as if I'm screaming silent , the place getting full and my temperature and breathing rising , feeling as if I'm about to have a panic attack . "Boys please stop ! Listen to me !" I scream , tears Almost falling but refusing to let that show .  I attempt to jump in between but it dosent work and I'm un able to break them all apart . Suddenly, a figure appears in the crowd , anger and slight fear in his eyes as he steps forward towards us and throws his fist into the 'mans' face , he stumbles back before the new comer hits him repetitive. Finally , the working staff come over and help breaks it up , the homophobic excuse of a man gets checked he's okay before him and the rest of us being chucked out the club .

"Hey " I turn around hearing a masculine voice coming from behind me , I don't appear to recognise .
" are you the one who just stepped in for us back there ?" I ask
"Uhh , yeah " he scratches his neck whilst looking at me .
"Thankyou so much , it means a lot , he was being homophobic To my bestfriends when their not even gay " I speak explaining the story the shortest way possible .
" no need to explain , I don't care , just glad I could help ; especially knowing you were intentionally in danger " he says smiling
"Thankyou again like I say it meant a lot , wouldn't like to imagine what would have happened end if it wasn't for you  " I smile back
"Yeah no problem no need to thank me , umm can i maybe get your number ? "
"Uh yeah " I reply , taken back by his response as I  blush slightly
" we should meet up one time , I could get to know you more , your a gorgeous girl " he begins flirting abit , well if ur single " he smirks
"Uh - ah - y-yeah I'm s- single " I speak , stuttering at first , confused on what exactly to say. Becoming nervous , hearing those words leave my mouth still sting like a bitch though .
"Thanks , I'll text you " he winks and smiles and he walks away after I insert my number into his phone .
So much happened tonight
That was eventful
Yet all I can think about
Brooklyn ......

Falling for my brothers BestFriend ; sequel Where stories live. Discover now