Chapter 12

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After spending time with the boys , me and Harvey go home and have a cute movie night with our parents. He already told them the full story , he didn't want me to have to as I'm emotional to begin with Yano .

After having time with my mum, dad and Harvey for like 4 hours ish since being back from the boys ,  I sort myself out  and clear my notifications before going to bed.

The next day
I have a well deserved long lie in and wake up at 1:30 pm . I throw a hoodie over me and brush my hair before running into Harvey's room with my phone volume all the way up . His new song dropped today !

I run into his room .... " I wish you were here "
"Every time you disappear "
"I'm missing your body let me make it clear "
"Every time you disappear , I want you near "
I shout as I wake him up , dancing and singing , being the proud yet annoying little sister he loves . He throws a pillow at me as I stumble back and he begins laughing .

Every song I take time to listen to the lyrics to , and now I'm thinking about it , this makes me think of me and Brooklyn , it's a bop tho and I'm proud so ima dance and sing to it all day long .

Today's the day I let my hair down and finally go partayingggg , with Luke.

Me- yo brooo, what time we actually leaving ? Can't wait btw😆😘
Luke- umm leave the house at like 10:30? Can't wait also girllll😆😘
Me- yeah okay , I was thinking you could come over for pre drinks ? Cos obvs I can't come to urs Cos lover boy & don't think my mum & dad would like be keen on the idea of me having them here , the roadtrip boys were asking after you though so we could ask if we could at theirs and  maybe they could come out ? Up to u tho 🤷‍♀️😘
Luke- OMG yes sounds sick ! See you soon 😆😘
I leave Luke on read and go text the boys on our group chat .
Me- boisssss
Rye - someone's happy
Andy- spill sis
Mikey- oo what's the tea
Jack- were waiting
Me- ok so Yano how you were asking about Luke and stuff , and how we were going out tonight , well . We can't have pre drinks at his Cos brook , we can't have them at mine Cos my mam and dad aren't keen at it being at mine , soooo
Rye- so can u have them at ours ?
Andy - of course you can well if the others say yeah but ....
Mikey- we have to come out with yous Also
Me- obvs that's what I was gonna say we could do that at urs the all go out to partayyyy
Jack- yes ladsss
Andy- c'mon boisssss
Rye- sesh sesh sesh
Mikey- let's get the drinks flowinggggg
Me- I can't wait ahhh I love you all so much wow
Read by brook 💔

It hurts , I mean I'm
Happy ; but without him I can never be happier like before .  Ever .

My mum and dad know I'm going out and they give me permission , they are so supportive with me and Brook and everything . I love my family . 

I walk downstairs to my mum cooking and my dad watching the tv
"Hiii" I chime
"Morning lazy bones " my mam laughs as I go over and hug her .
No matter how how old I get , I'll always be my mamas baby .
"Hey princess " my dad smiles as i take a seat next to him on the sofa
" I don't know weather to think that was cute or cringe " I laugh teasing him as he kisses my head and we both smile .
"Hey superstar " I throw a pillow at Harvey from across the room
"Super star ?" He questions , scrunching his face up
"Yano since your like famous and that " I smile rolling my eyes as we all laugh .
" so I was thinking "  I explain as I look at Harv and he gives recognition back
"Yano how I'm going out . Well , we're having pre drinks at the boys Cos we don't wanna do it here and brooks at Luke's , then their coming out with us also so , ur invited if you wanna "

"Umm ,  1 it would be kinda weird seeing my sister drunk and on the pull plus I would be protecting u alll the time as u know what am like and u would get pissed off and u can't  even lie about thaaa , and as much as it would be fun I've got studio tonight so I can't thanks tho"
"Okay suit ya self " I poke my tongue out cheekily as he speaks up again "we can trust you though , just be careful you already know all this yeah , make sure the boys look after u , I'll make sure they do " he tells me
"Don't worry okay , I know " I smile as we go back to watching tv .

After spending time with the family I go upstairs and scroll through Instagram while relaxing on my bed .
That's when I see it , them. The bunch of edits , of Brooklyn . Except I still scroll through them all , I still watch them .

And it breaks me
For a moment or two I want to be happy , I actually smile , then it hits me , back into shitty reality
My baby
But he's not mine
Fuck that hurts
Then the tears come . Oh god Amelia .
Then I do something . Silly ? Bad ? Good ? I don't know but I did it anyways .

Me- I love you
I text him .
And he responded immediately

Brook💔- I love you
The tears continue one by one rapidly falling down my face as my vision becomes blurry from the water painted over them .

Brook 💔- but we can't love each other
Me- I want you to touch me , kiss me , hold me in ur arms and love me , tell me it's all gonna be okay , please
Brook 💔 baby please don't do this
Me- please tell me it is
Brook💔- I can't because I don't know that myself either .
Brook💔- we need each other
Me- but we can't have each other
Me- I'm sorry
Brook💔 - what for ? please tell me you haven't done anything stupid
Me- I'm sorry for falling for my brothers bestfriend

And then I begin to sob even harder . Unable to stop ,
I throw my phone across my room and scream as I break down , unraveling my frail self into another thousand broken prices while my heart breaks yet feeling like it's In the palms of someone's hands and their clenching onto it , unable to calm myself down .

Falling for my brothers BestFriend ; sequel Where stories live. Discover now