Chapter 29

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Brook- are you okay
I look at him from where I'm sitting and he's looking down at his phone .
I probably shouldn't because we can't be together and it's not going to make it any easier for me but , I admire him , I can't help but take in everything about him . I love him . We have a crazy bond , he knows me in ways no one else ever could . Ugh I just wanna go over there and kiss him until we're breathless , and hold him as close to me as possible , but I can't , and that hurts , alot .
Me- I'm fine
Brook- your scars ....
Me- don't worry about it
Brook- well I am , I think about you every day , I can't help but worry about you Amelia
Me- just forget about it
Brook- and how am I meant to just forget about it so easily when I love you ?
I leave him on read as I look over to him.
He sits staring at his screen before looking over to me to which I'm already staring at him . We hold eye contact for a few seconds before I get up and walk out of the room.
Me- I don't do it anymore , they were the most recent ones and that's why they looked fresher than the others but I've stoped , I promise you that .
Brook- when was the last time you done it
Me- when I had to end it with you.
Brooklyn I'm so sorry , I hate the fact I've made you so upset .
Brook- Dont worry about it
Me- i love you , you know that right ?
Brook- I know . I love you too
Me- I know
I go into the hall way where I meet harvey and we go downstairs, preparing to leave .
Jason- I'm so sorry .
Me- I just don't understand why your being like this .
Read by Jason

We go over to the boys and say goodbye individually.
I stop in front of brook as he speaks
"I'm sorry " he says in a saddened way
"You scars , that's how many times you needed me and I wasn't there" he says as a tear slips down his face as he overthinks it all .
Without saying anything, I put my two arms around his neck and hug him tightly , taken back, he places his around my waist . I want to be in his arms forever.

" Okay let's go " Harvey speaks as him and all the boys turn and look at us, me and brook breaking apart .
"Bye I love you all so much " i shout as I walk out the door .

"What's going on with this Jason guy?" Harvey asks as we walk home
"Wdym , you were decorating upstairs when that happened"
"The boys do tell me things yano "
"So do u know what he done to me and stuff ?"
"Yeah I was just wondering why and has anything been said "
"Well he messaged me and said he's so sorry and I said I just don't understand why he's being like this and he just ignored me . But when we were in the kitchen he said I need to get over Brooklyn because he Doesn't want me , but he does , but then I'm so confused because he was grabbing my arm and being quite horrible compared to Normal and he was weird when I wanted to go home , what the fuck " I say
"He likes you " Harvey's says automatically
"What?" I laugh confused
"Trust me "
"But he's being horrible and controlling when he Doesn't have a right to , how can he like me"
I question
"He definitely does not have the right to at all to control or be horrible but some people think differently idk I'm not him I don't know how he thinks , it's weird but he does like you , and if that's what you've always thought, then it makes sense "
I sigh as we continue walking home .
"You should speak to him "  Harvey breaks the silence

"I'm not messaging him unless he messages me"

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