Chapter 1 Rebecca Part 1

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"Re. Re!." I heard my name being called as I moaned and rolled over in my bed. "Re! Come on! GET UP!" The voice that called my name raised it's voice and I felt my red covers, that was keeping me warm, were ripped away from me. I suddenly jumped in my bed, my wavy mixed brown hair falling in front of my face.

"Whaaa!?" I let out a confused and surprised yelp at what happened. My eyes darted around my room, to see a familiar face staring at me with my quilt in her hands.

"Nice for you to join me in the real world Re." Rose told me throwing the cover into my face. "Come on, or were going to be late for work." I looked at my alarm clock and realised what the time was.

"What! I thought I set the alarm!" I exclaimed as I grabbed the clock from my bed side manner.

"Well it looks like it's broken, anyway come on!" Rose hurried me to get ready.

"Okay! Okay! I'm getting ready! I'm getting ready." I responded and jumped off of my bed. "Thanks for waking me up."

"No problem, just buy a new alarm clock later." She spoke before smiling. "That's if you remember that is." She teased before leaving the room. I nodded to myself for no particular reason and took a deep breath before heading towards the bathroom.

It didn't take me long to get ready, it never did when I was dressing for work. I didn't see the point in getting all dressed up for work especially when it eats into my hours, as long as I have an outfit that I am happy with and that I look presentable, as in not wearing pjs out, in I was completely fine. I didn't need to spend hours on my hair, or on my make-up. In fact most of the time I let my hair dry naturally as I enjoy the wavy effect it gives me. I finished brushing my hair out with my de-tangling brush and went to the small jewellery box on my desk. There I pulled out my old fashioned pocket watch. A soft smile appeared on my face as I looked at the design on it. It was a strange design, but I loved it anyway, why wouldn't I, especially when this was the only thing I have that belonged to my mother. I always wondered what she was like. I shook my head forgetting what I thought about and placed the pocket watch into my pocket. I couldn't leave my good luck charm behind. I laughed slightly thinking about the watch like that, but I believe what I thought was true. I believe that this watch warns me when danger is about to occur, I mean it begins to glow and burn when something always happens near me. No one believes me though, but it's understandable why and it's not like I care what anybody thinks about it anyway. It's mine and my belief, no one can tell me otherwise. I began to leave my room and head to the kitchen.

"Morning." I chimed now fully awake from the shower I recently took.

"Morning, Dear." I heard Jackie greet me as I placed some bread into the toaster. "I made you a cuppa tea." She told me and I nodded.

"Thanks Jackie, and like always it's perfect." I smile at her and took a sip of the tea from the cup that laid on the table. Milk and three sugars just how I liked it, sweet. I looked at the time "Looks like we have time before we have to leave." I spoke to Rose who was finishing her breakfast, and she nodded.

"Yeah, only because I woke you up." She teased.

"Yeah, but you woke me up to go back to hell." I moaned but with a smile on my face and made her smile. Rose and I both disliked our job, but its the only job we have, so we have to live with it. I sat down beside her. "I really hope that we don't get stopped again to give Wilson his money."

"Agreed." Rose agreed. "Why do we always have to do it? Why can't someone else?"

"I don't know all I want to know is if Mickey Mouse is going to meet us for lunch." I responded.

"Of course he is, when does he not show up." She spoke with a smile on her face.

"True" I nodded saying that. Mickey along with Rose was one of my close friends. I always saw him as a brother of sorts. I know I could rely and trust him, plus he was fun to be around apart from when he plays with his food, which I find to be quite disgusting, but I let that slide. I finished my breakfast along with Rose and we soon decided to leave for work.

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