Chapter 16 Dalek Part 1

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"So, what is it? What's wrong?" I questioned the Doctor as we stepped out of the Tardis into some darkly lit museum.

"Don't know, some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course..." The Doctor responded to me as I began to look around.

"Where are we?" Rose questioned.

"Earth, Utah, North America. About half a mile underground." The Doctor told us the location.

"Underground, isn't that great" I sarcastically cheered and then turned to the Doctor. "And what time period are we in?" I smiled wanting to know the time.

"2012." He stated simply.

"God, that's so close."Rose mentioned and thought for a second before saying. "So that should make me and Re... 26." The Doctor flicks on a switch to light up the hallway we were in.

"It's a museum" I pointed out staring at the things in the glass wondering what most of this stuff is.

"An alien museum. Someone's got a hobby. They must've spent a fortune on this. Chunks of meteorite, moon dust... that's the milometer from the Roswell Spaceship." The Doctor explained, and we began to walk down the hallway some more, with him naming most of the things we came across until we got to the arm of a Slitheen.

"That's a bit of Slitheen! That's a Slitheen's arm, it's been stuffed." Rose exclaimed.

"I doubt it would be the same Slitheen's we came across though, but I do wonder what there species where called." I wondered to Rose before noticing the Doctor was focusing on something else.

"Ah! Look at you!" He awed and I looked over to him seeing a robots head.

"What is it?" I questioned him as I walked over, my hand behind my back, swaying slightly as I walked, intrigued to know what it is.

"An old friend of mine... well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I'm getting old." He told me and I grinned when he said that.

"Well I will say 900 is old for humans." I laughed with a smile before asking. "Anyway is that where the signal's coming from?"

"Nah, it's stone dead. The signal's alive. Something's reaching out." He explained staring intently at the glass "Calling for help." The Doctor soon placed the tips of his fingers on the glass, and a sudden noise blast though the building. It wasn't long until we were surrounded be soldiers. I leaned to the doctor.

"If someone's collecting aliens, that makes you Exhibit A." I muttered to the Doctor while guns pointed at us, and the Doctor just grinned.

Smiths PoV:

I huffed as I walked briskly though out the corridors following the man that I worked for Van Statten. I sighed how I wished this was over soon. I hated it here especially under his rules and being surrounded by guns. I disliked guns, things that take away life. I liked life and I didn't enjoy how people could play God with them.

"On behalf of all of us, I want to wish you a very happy birthday, sir." The man besides Van Statten began, but got no reply from 'my boss'. "And the President called to convey his personal best wishes." He continued.

"The President is 10 points down. I want him replaced." Statten explained, and I rolled my brown eyes. Why did I have to deal with this man, he did my head in, but then I remembered my job.

"I don't think that's very wise, sir..." The man gave his opinion, which I knew wasn't very wise. When you with him its best to keep quiet all he cares about is himself.

"Thank you so much for your opinion. You're fired." Statten fired the man and told the soldiers to get rid of him. "Wipe his memory, put him on the road some place - Memphis, Minneapolis - somewhere beginning with 'M'." The soldiers dragged him off, while Goddard and I walk either side of him. "So, the next President, what do you think? Republican or Democrat?" He asked us.

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