Chapter 3 Rebecca Part 3

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"Do you think We should try the hospital? Suki said they had a few jobs going in the canteen. That's it then... dishing out chips... or I could do A Levels..." Rose thought out loud wondering what we could do now, as we went for food. "I dunno. It's all Jimmy Stone's fault. I only left school because of him, and look where he ended up. What do you think?"

"Hmm I could do A levels with ya. I didn't know what to do with my life back then, it could be nice to try and get a qualification that actually matters I guess." I told her taking sip out of my ice tea I had ordered.

Before Rose could respond to me Mickey interrupted "So, where did you meet this Doctor?"

"I'm sorry, wasn't I talking about me and Re for a second?" Rose responded to Mickey, slightly annoyed.

"Because, I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? Is he something to do with that?" Mickey continued.

"No" I quickly replied to Mickey giving him a look. I don't know how, but I could tell this wasn't Mickey. I only had a few friends, well only these two to be honest, so I know when they were acting funny.

"Come on" Mickey smirk at us and Rose replied with "sort of" but I gave her a look to not continue. "What was he doing there?"

"I'm not going on about him, Mickey, I'm not, because, I know it sounds daft but... I don't think he's safe. I think he's dangerous." Rose told him.

"I find him intriguing" I simply stated with a smile. I had to admit I kind of believed what Clive was saying. I wonder if he was an Alien, I mean he talked about living plastic, that could be something extra-terrestrial as well. I know that we can't be the only ones in this universe.

"But you would Re" Rose retaliated and I put my hands up in defeat but with a smile.

"But you can trust me sweetheart! Babe, sugar, darling, sugar." Mickey, what seemed like to me glitch. Ro looked at her boyfriend confused. "You can tell me anything. Tell me about the Doctor and what he's planning, and I can help you, Rose. Because that's all I really wanna do, sweetheart, babe, sugar, sweetheart."

"What're you doing that for?" Rose questioned him and a waiter came towards us.

"Your champagne." He spoke and I looked up to see who asked us that only to see that the so called waiter was the doctor. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him and he smiled back at me before Mickey told him keeping his eyes on Rose.

"We didn't order any champagne." Mickey mentioned. I watched as the Doctor moved to the other side of the table and began to speak to Rose.

"Ma'am. Your champagne." He notified Rose.

"It's not ours... Mickey, what is it? What's wrong?" Rose observed neither of them looking up and I couldn't help but let out a laugh at this.

"I need to find out how much you know, so where is he?" Mickey demanded Rose to tell him.

"Doesn't anybody want this champagne?" The Doctor question hold his hands out, and I had to place my head in my hand, at how Rose and Mickey weren't recognising it was the doctor.

"Look, we didn't order I--Ah. Got-cha." Mickey announced and Rose finally turned to see the Doctor.

"Don't mind me. I'm just toasting the happy couple. On the house!" The Doctor grinned shake the bottle of Champagne, which caused the cork to hit Mickey in the forehead. I jumped back slightly as I saw the cork absorbs into his forehead. I quickly got out of my seat and grabbed onto Rose pulling her away. I watched as Mickey's hand began to turn into a club and tried hitting the Doctor with it. I looked around for what I could do before running to the fire alarm and pressing it.

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