Chapter 12 Aliens of London part 3

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"So, what're you doing down there?" I heard Mickey ask to the Doctor as I watched from the chair, which I had pulled my legs up on. I was still trying to think about what I had said as I watched them. I wasn't crying or really feeling anything at the moment in time. I was just quiet because I didn't know what to do. Rose came up to me as the Doctor called him Ricky again. She rubbed my head with a soft smile and I returned it.

"I know you don't want to talk about it know, but you can always talk to me about it later, don't let it get to much into your head. I promise I won't tease, or joke about." She whispered softly to me. I nodded and thanks her. I closed my eyes for a second and tried to compose myself and act they way I normally act.

"Some friend you've got." mickey turned to us, and Rose responded with.

"He's winding you up." Mickey looked upset, but so did I, he didn't need to act like that, but Rose decided to go up to him and apologise. Though he did act like that, I also shouldn't have said some of the stuff I said to him as well. I listened to the conversation they were having and I began rubbing my mouth hand as I watched. Mickey then turned his head to me and sighed before walking up to me leaving Rose. I made room for him to sit down, knowing he was going to talk to me.

"I'm sorry about what I said to you." He apologised to me knowing that though he was angry he was wrong to say some things to me and I spoke.

"it's okay." I spoke softly to him. "I'm sorry as well. You do mean something to me and I shouldn't acted like that. You are still my friend, it's just that it hurt me for you to shout at me. I understand what had happen to you and apologise for that, please believe when I say that we weren't meant to go for so long." I also apologetic and he nodded accepting to apology.

"I believe you, you have no reason to lie." He breathed and held out his hand. "Lets start again, this time." He spoke and I grinned and shook his hand, nodding.

"Okay, Mickey." We then let go of each other hand and the Doctor voice came from below where he was working on the Tardis. I watched as he went to the monitor and I went over to where he was, so did the others.

"Got what?" I asked him and he began to explain.

"Patched in the radar, looped it back twelve hours so we can follow the flight of the spaceship, here we go... hold on..." He began and then whacked the computer screen. "Come on!" we began to watch the screen "That's the spaceship on it's way to Earth... see? Except... hold on... see, the spaceship did a sling shot round the Earth before it landed."

"But that means it came from earth" I pointed out.

"Exactly" He nodded to me "It went up and came back down. Whoever those aliens are, they haven't just arrived. They've been here for a while. The question is, what have they been doing?" He thought out loud before turning to me. "Alright?" he questioned and I nodded.

"Yeah just needed a bit, like earlier not my day, sorry I hit you." I told him and he nodded.

"It's alright, sorry about checking without telling you." He responded and I laughed.

"Okay we should stop with all the apologising now, and find out what's going on." I grinned at him and he grinned at me before Mickey began to speak.

"How many channels do you get?"

"All the basic packages." The doctor told Mickey.

"You get sports channels?" He asked.

"Yes, I get the football." He responded to Mickey annoyed, looking back at the screen "Hold on, I know that bloke."

"It is looking likely that the government is bringing in alien specialists - those people who have devoted their lives to studying outer space." The reporter spoke.

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