Chapter 33 Boom Town Part 1

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"Okay!" I jumped into the main console room announcing that I was here to everyone. "What do you think?" I signalled to my outfit of the day, as I stepped over to where Rose and Smiths sat on the drivers seat.

"Beautiful like always" Jack grinned at me and I rolled my eyes at him, with a smile as he fiddled with a object in his hand. I knew Jack would be the first to comment and say something like that.

"Yeah, you look fine." Smiths agreed, with a book in her hand that she was reading. I noticed that was one of her favourite pass times to do, and when we weren't on adventures spent most of the time in the Tardis's library. I know if you wanted some random trivia she would know, by how quickly she get through books.

"I still dunno understand, why you are worried about what you wear." Rose pointed out to me, leaning her head back and her foot on the chair.

"I'm not worried about what to wear, I just want to look nice. I haven't seen him since I was eighteen and I felt like wearing a dress." I explained to her, but I won't lie and say I wasn't nervous to meet James. Mickey had told me on the phone, that he was back and wanted to see me again and talk. I had nothing against James and I might as well seeing as we were in Cardiff, but I was eighteen when I last saw him. I had no clue what we were going to talk about, but I couldn't say no to him, not when Mickey told me how him and Lorraine split. I was curious to know why, but also I knew that James would have questions as well with what I was doing. I was determined to stay as honest as possible to him.

"Who is this James again?" Jack inquired as it was the reason I decided to dress nice.

"He's Re's adoptive father, but hasn't kept in contact with her for almost 2 years now." Smiths answered him before going back to her book as the Doctor turned to look over at me from his post on a ladder.

"Are you sure you want to go and see him?" He asked know my relationship with my family. I smiled at him, half because of the light on his head and half because I could tell that he was worried that I was going to go and see him by own. James was coming from London along with Mickey, but though Mickey was coming over here, I wanted to meet James in a cafe instead. Plus he didn't know anything about the Doctor a part from that he was a man and I was travelling with him.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like he's Lorraine. James hasn't really done anything wrong, he's just been busy with work. When I did have times with him they were good ones, I feel like it would be a good to catch up with him." I told him. "Also I heard he's split from Lorraine, so I may the only one he's has left and I won't push him away because of that. I mean he try and make things work we he was there. Anyway what are you doing up there?" I questioned the Doctor as while I talked he went back to his work.

"Just some maintenance." He told me simply, as he tightened some wires together as we heard a knock on the Tardis.

"I'll get it." Jack said as he was closes to the Tardis's door. I watched as he opened the door saying. "Who the hell are you?" He greeted the person and I heard Mickey's voice answer him confused.

"What d'you mean, who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?" I could here the rudeness in his voice and I grinned.

"Captain Jack Harkness. Whatever your selling, we're not buying." Jack answered him before Mickey told him to get out of the way, pushing past him into the Tardis.

"Don't tell me, this must be Mickey." Jack guessed as Smiths and Rose went from the drivers seat, as Jack shut the door.

"Here comes trouble! How're you doing, Ricky boy?" The Doctor greeted our friend cheerily.

"It's Mickey!" Mickey reminded him and laughed.

"Don't listen to him, he's winding you up." Rose pointed out coming over to him.

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