Chapter 10 Aliens of London Part 1

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My eyes roamed as I looked around the apartment lot, it felt strange now more quiet, it didn't feel right any more it held the feeling of ignorance now how people do not know about the world around us and the world seemed so small now. Though I still believed in aliens before my trip with the Doctor actually seeing it truly in real life changes it. The world sounded peaceful as well due to this, it was soothing but also sad at the same time.

"Well it looks like were back." I announced and then made a small smile. "How long has it been?" I questioned turning my head to the Doctor who just exited the Tardis.

"About 12 hours." He answered and I nodded my head and my small smile turned into a grin.

"Are you sure?" I joked before turning my head back to the apartments.

"It doesn't happen all the time." He responded back to me.

"But it does happen quite a bit" I brought up before Rose began to speak.

"Okay! Right, we won't be long, we just gonna see my mum."

"And also change." I added and then the doctor asked.

"What're you going to tell her?"

"I don't know! We've been to the year 5 billion... and only been gone, what, 12 hours?" She laughed. "No, I'll just tell her we've spent the night at Shareens. See you later!" She began to walk toward the doors entrance, which I followed before turning back to the doctor and telling him.

"You better not disappear while we gone otherwise I'll hunt you down otherwise, you won't be able to get rid of me easily." I warned but with a smile and Rose snorted.

"Yeah, I tried." I nudged her once she said that though I know it was joke and began walking again before saying that I will see the Doctor in a bit.

Once we got further from the Doctor, and began to head up the stairs to the apartment, Rose began to speak.

"Is it just me or did you really say that you would chase after a guy."

"I didn't mean it like that." I brought up my finger. "He's the only person that has given me a chance to go travelling, even in space and time, there is no way I am going to let him out of my grasp now, plus you know I don't see him in that way, just like all the other guys and plus he probably really old and an alien." I explained.

"Like that would ever stop you, knowing you it obvious you would most likely get with an Alien then an actual human, also you said plenty of times you don't care about age as long as there legal, plus you have never had a crush and you won't know what one is like and from what I have seen he is the only person you have ever kept a long conversation with apart from me or my mother, not even Mickey." She started.

"That's a lie I have had long conversations with Mickey." I defended.

"Yeah only when I've been there. When have you literally gone out of you way to go and hang out with and talk to him on your own." She retaliated.

"Well that's just because we don't have much in common, but still talk to him more then others he is like a brother."

"Yeah but within these two days we've been gone when ever we have been in the Tardis you have talked more to him then even me."

"Well that's because I find him interesting, he's gone on so many adventures and I want to know about them."

"You also ask how the Tardis works, and if one day he could teach you to fly it, I'm pretty sure you would ask him about his planet as well if it wasn't such a touchy subject."

"Yes because he is an alien! Look I won't deny it I like him as a friend, and for some reason I feel like it is easy for me to talk to him, but its not anything more then that. I wouldn't even want it to."

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