Chapter 37 Bad Wolf Part 2

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  "You are the weakest link. Goodbye!" We heard the call of Colleen's demise, sadly it seemed that Rose and Roderick chose for him. I myself choosing Rodrick out of the reason he didn't bank, which I could tell he was somewhat annoyed about, but Colleen was banking the money.
"Going to the break! Two minutes on the clock." The floor director announced and I looked at Rose both of us was tired and fed-up by this. This was not what expected nor what I wanted to happen, but it just left us three now. I could tell both of us we going to chose Rodrick next, but then it would leave us I could see the worry in Rose's eyes and I looked down. I knew I wasn't going to let her go, which means that it would be the end for me. It was a shame, but least it will be dying for a friend I love. I hoped Jack and The Doctor wouldn't miss me that much. The Doctor though, I frowned at that thought. I would be leaving him, and I didn't want that, but I had to remember it was for a friend, and I would die any day for one of them, plus hopefully I will be with Nathan. It would be nice to see him again. I smiled sadly before I heard Rose talk to Rodrick. "Just a reminder - we've got solar flare activity coming up in ten."
"Colleen was clever, she banked all our money. Why'd you vote for her?" I could tell she was curious as why he didn't chose her, and I was lucky that he didn't, otherwise it would have been Rose who would have gone.
"'Cos I want to keep you in! You're stupid! You don't even know the Princess Vossaheen's surname. When it comes to the final, I want to be up against you. So that you get disintegrated, and I get a stack-load of credits. Courtesy of the Bad Wolf Corporation..." He told her and clenched my fist at that, I wasn't going to let that happen and know I know he would be voting for me, but luckily he didn't know that Rose and I knew each other and that he was going to go. didn't want to send him to his death, like many, but still. Then I realised something he said bad wolf.
"I'm sorry! What do you mean? Bad Wolf! Who's Bad Wolf?" I questioned urgently. He turned to me not believing in didn't know about this.
"They're in charge. They run the Game Station." He commented.
"Why are they called Bad Wolf?" Rose inquired.
"I dunno, it's just a name. It's like an Old Earth... nursery rhyme sort of thing-- what does it matter?" Rodrick asked.
"We keep hearing those words everywhere we go. Bad Wolf." I stated remembering all the times we've heard it, back in 1869 when Gwen said it, it being graffited on the Tardis when we got back, 2012 back in Van Statten's Base, On the news station, back at the town hall in Cardiff. It was following us.
"Excuse me." Rodrick spoke alarmed when I said we, but I ignored him.
"Different times... different places like it's written all over the universe... Someone been planning this... Rose where not here by mistake." I gave her a look realising that this could be one of the only reasons for this.
I closed my eyes as I heard the sound of Rodrick being disintegrated leaving only me and Rose, which was the one thing I dreaded the most at the moment.
"That leaves Rebecca and Rose - you're going head-to-head... let's play 'The Weakest Link'." The Anne-droid spoke and I quickly looked over to Rose, who had sad eyes. I could tell she was going to try and through this match as well and I wouldn't let. I didn't want to.
"Rebecca – What is the name of the race of humanoid creatures that suck the blood of there victims?" The Anne-droid as me the first question a I was the strongest link out of us. I could see Rose staring at me and I stare at her, before looking down. I knew what it was because of a book that I read, but I went for more of answer that looked like it would be right, but wasn't.
"Vampires." I stated, with a breath.
"Incorrect – Plasmvores. Rose" She turned to Rose know as on the screen held and X that I held. Rose looked at me and I knew that she knew that I would have known that, as I mentioned that there was a race that was similar to Vampires. She knew what I was planning, when she began to shake her head telling me not to, but I wasn't going to look at her and I gave a small sad smile, as I felt tears coming down my face. "in geography, the Grand Central Ravine is named after which Ancient Britain City?"
"Is it York?" She guessed.
"No, the correct answer is Sheffield. Rebecca, in literature, the author of 'Lucky' was Jackie who?" The robot asked me, and I could easily confirm that I didn't know this answer.
"Hill?" I shrugged not knowing. They atmosphere was dark and was fall of apprehensive fear of one of going, which I knew would be me.
"No, the correct answer is Collins." I nodded at that and another cross came to me. "Rose, the oldest inhabitant of the Isop Galaxy is the Face of what?" I turned to her, she knew this, but I could tell she was hesitant looking at me. I shook my head, knowing this could last forever, if she didn't do this, she needed to get one right. She then shook her head at me.
"I don't know." She lied and looked down, and smiled a bit. She was determined, but so was I.
"Incorrect – The Face of Boe, Rebecca, in history, who was the President of the Red Velvets?" It came back to me and all I could do was shrug, again I didn't know the answer, but then again I didn't really know that much information relating to Earth, which is funny because I did live on it, maybe eons ago, but still.
"Christopher Fanigain?" I spoke the first thing to pop up in my head.

"Incorrect - Hoshbin Frane." Anne sharply turns her head to "Rose, in food, the dish Gaffabeque originated on which planet?"

"Um... is it...Mars?" Rose spoke.

"Nope, the correct answer is Lucifer." I breathed again this was going to be one hell of a ride. This kept going for quite awhile and I could easily guess people who were watching this would get annoy know.
"Rose" It was back to Rose again. "In history, which Icelandic city hosted Murder Spree Twenty?"
"Reykjavik...?" Rose spoke gibberish
"No, the correct answer is Pola Ventura." It spoke again, soon I had a feeling if we didn't answer soon both was going to die. It began to ask me a question again, but before I could answer the door to the exit slammed open, getting the attention of Rose and I.
"Re! Rose!" The Doctor yelled.
"Doctor!" I yelled surprised.
"Incorrect – Stardust." The Anne-droid spoke and I it caught my attention again.
"Stop this game!" Jack exclaimed.
"I order you to stop this game!" The Doctor ordered.
"We're live on air!" The Floor manger yelled over to them, and the Doctor began to run to us. I gave one look at Rose and we both began to run. I could feel that the Anne-droid was moving it body to follow us.
"You are the weakest link." It yelled and like what happened back in Statten's museum I pushed Rose so that she wouldn't get it. I watched her fall into the Doctor's arms before I turned around, watching as the beam hit me.  

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