Chapter 35 Boom Town Part 3

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  "That sounds like it was fun." James laughed as I told him past adventure with the gang.
"It was fun and so amazing! It was so beautiful as well." I remembered the memories with a gleam in my eyes.
"It sounds like it." He smiled, with a gleam of his own in his eyes.
"I wish you could see it, maybe one day you could. I mean the Doctor could be a bit iffy about you he has this thing of it could become more domestic, which to fair it kind of already has with Rose, Jack, Smiths and I all along for the ride with him." I laughed myself.
"I guess it is rather homey in there isn't it, but I would have to decline that offer of tagging along with you, even if it was just for a ride. One thing I'm not a young as I once was and it sounds like a lot of running to do, also I am fine just being on planet earth, but you can fly all around the earth and tell me all about it once you come back to visit me. You will come back to visit now?" He responded.
"Of course I will." I beamed, before shaking my head. "I can't believe how accepting you are of all of this, and you know what I really enjoy this, finally getting a chance to talk with."
"I am grateful of this as well, but it should of happened long before today." He agreed.
"But at least its happening now." I smiled sadly at him and he nodded.
"Yeah." He smiled softly as well before changing the atmosphere. "Anyway you have told me stories, now tell me more about these people you travel with, I haven't fully had a change to talk with them yet, with all that's going on, and if you want to know why I am so accepting of this is because I knew that we couldn't be the only ones in this world. I couldn't believe it still, but I know it would be unlikely only for us to be living in this whole universe, but anyway I know Rose, but tell me about this Doctor. Whys he called the Doctor?"
"Oh well." I stopped for a second. "Well that's because his name is a secret and you know I never asked him what it was after the first day I met him. I didn't feel like I needed to anyways. He's the Doctor, just the Doctor, though also John Smith if he needs a cover name, but to me that's his name, it may not be the name he was given when he was born, but its his name now. I don't really care about it, it shouldn't matter, he will still be the same person, no matter the name." I leaned back on my seat. "It's like if I found out what my name would of been if my mother could of chose it, it would technically be my name, but I will still go by Rebecca by choice, but I would still be me."
"I see." He commented and he took a sip from his drink, before I continued.
"And as for who he is." I thought for a moment. "I don't know how to explain it. He's intriguing, smart, funny, alien." I laughed at that part. "A good man, but also a sad man as well." I frowned as I spoke. "I know that he was alone for a long time before he met us and with some of the things he has been though..." I smiled sadly. "He tells me some of them, when were alone together. He talks to me, but most of the time with everyone else he is more distant. I know why, or I feel like I do. I want to always be there for him, though I haven't been through the same things, I knew what it likes to be lonely, no jabs at you though sorry, but I want to be there for him. I like to think that I give him hope, just like he has given me many things in turn." I looked away for a second I could feel tears well up. "James, because of him not only do I travel and now have an amazing friend that I care about, but I found out something. I found out something about my mother from him, my birth mother!"
"Your birth mother! How?!" James was surprised and wanted to know more about it.
"I had an adventure with the Doctor, things happened and I lost my pocket watch, the Doctor found it." I placed my pocket watch on the table. "The Doctor saw these before, I'm pretty sure he has one. This is Gallifreyian."
"Gallifreyian?" He questioned confused. "Is that some kind of planet? How would you mother get something like that?" I gave him a look and he looked away. "But that's impossible. You're human."
"Nothing is impossible!" I moved my shaken hands. "The pocket watch conceals and changes the person into something else. They change species for how long the pocket watch is closed for. My mother must of done, which made me human, but there might be a chance that I am not, but I am like the Doctor, and there is no one left but apart from him and most likely me to. Does this make you see me a whole lot different now?" I didn't understand why I was telling him this, but I was. James took a second to reply,like he was thinking.
"Well it's strange to here that, and it does make me look at you differently." James started honestly and I looked down. "But..." My head snapped up and he smiled softly at him. "Your my daughter and I care about you no matter what you are. Just like the names it doesn't change you personality wise, you still a smart and intelligent young girl, with the dream to explore and your doing it, and you won't let anyone stop, not even Lorraine and I'm so glad about that. You seem more alive then you ever were, more happy. You know I should thank this Doctor, he did a better job at making you happy then you so called family." He told me and held on to my hand on the table. I smiled at him, happy that he accepted me for who I am, but then I thought to Lorraine as he mentioned to her, and I remember one of the things I wanted to ask.
"What happened with you two? Lorraine of course" I brought up and it seemed he was somewhat surprised at the sudden change of topic.
"That was off guard, but okay." He spoke taking his hand away from mine, taking his glasses off and cleaning them. "Like you know I was a busy man, I couldn't keep her company, she didn't love me any more. Found a different man." He stated.
"Oh I'm sorry." I apologised and he shook his head.
"Don't be, she was becoming to much of a pain for me to handle. Truthfully the spark left long ago. I only stayed with her because I wanted to be able to support you and Nathan and that I also don't believe in divorce, that's of course has happened and I failed on the previous front, which I am still sorry for." He explained to me slipping his glasses back on.
"It's okay, plus if were to give me money, Lorraine would comment about how you shouldn't be and how I should learn to earn money myself, instead of depending on you to." I brought up annoyed, and he nodded, knowing what she was like.
"I wouldn't have cared though what Lorraine would of said." He told me and I laughed. "I would get it in the neck as much as you." He laughed as well before we both decided to take a sip out of a drink. Soon we began rumbling coming from somewhere.
"I wonder what that is?" James questioned as I looked around the room.
"I'm not sure, but I don't think it's nothing. It's one thing I learnt on travels with the Doctor. Earlier today he mention bad wolf. If you remember I don't think that is a coincidence either. James can we please head back to the Tardis I feel like something's going to happen soon." I slowly reached for my watch only to feel the heat come from it. "Uh yeah, okay!" I sprinted up, stuffing the watch into my purse. "Watch is burning up better go." I told him.
"Your watch is burning? What does that mean.?" He asked standing up as well.
"It's means danger. Come on!" I grabbed his hand I began to run towards the door. The moment we did, the light began to smash and there was shaking.
"Looks like your watch was right!" He yelled over to me as we dodge some flying glass.
"Told ya nothings never nothing." I soon opened the door pulling James along with me, heading towards the Tardis. I watched as many people ran passed us, trying to get away from whatever was happening. I then saw to familiar figures staring at the Tardis.
"Doctor!" I yelled over to him and he over seeing James and I. We soon reached him, through the chaos. Him grabbing my arms stopping me, due to how fast I was running. "Do you know what's going on!?"
"It's the rift. The rift's opening!" He told me.
"The rift!?" James requested, trying to catch his breath.
"Not right now!" I told him, grabbing his hand again as we began towards the Tardis. I reached the first with James, unlocking the door, holding it open for everyone to get in.
"What the hell are you doing??" The Doctor exclaimed as he entered to Jack.
"It just went crazy!" Jack responded to him and the Tardis shook, and the Doctor ran to the console.
"It's the rift! Time and space are ripping apart. The whole city's gonna disappear!" The Doctor explained as small explosions came from the Tardis.
"It's the extrapolator! I've disconnected it but it's still feeding off the engine! It's USING the TARDIS - I can't stop it!" Jack mentioned.
"Wait! If the rift opens it won't be just Cardiff, If I am right. It will rip open the whole planet!" I ran over to them, seeing what they were doing, and to see if I could help. Suddenly the door burst opened to reveal Rose.
"What is it?? What's happening?!" Rose urgently asked.
"Oh, just little ME!" Margaret then yelled gleefully taking off her hand and wrapping it around Rose neck. We all went to sprint over to save her, but the Slitheen threatened us. "One wrong move and she snaps like a promise."
"I might've known." The Doctor commented.
"I've had you bleating all night, poor baby, now shut it." Margaret came over and then order Jack to place the surfboard by her feet. Jack was hesitant, but did as he was told, when Blon tightened her grip on Rose. "Thank you. Just as I planned."
"I thought you needed to blow up the nuclear power station." Rose made out and then the female alien replied.
"Failing that - if I were to be... arrested... then anyone capable of tracking me down would have considerable technology of their own. Therefore, they would be captivated by the extrapolator. Especially a magpie mind like yours, Doctor. So the extrapolator was programmed to go to Plan B!" She pulled Roses hair. "To lock onto the nearest alien power source and open the rift." She looked around the Tardis in awe. "And what a power source it found... I'm back on schedule... thanks to you."
"The rift's gonna convulse - she'll destroy the whole planet." Jack stated.
"And you with it!" She pushed Rose to the side, but still holding her as she stepped on to the extrapolator. "While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom. Stand back boys... surf's up." Suddenly a panel of the Tardis lefts up and a blinding white light came and surrounded Margaret, and I looked at it shocked.
"Of course, opening the rift means you'll pull this ship apart." The Doctor spoke calmly.
"So sue me." She turned to the Doctor.
"It's not just any old power source. It's the TARDIS. My TARDIS. The best ship in the universe." He pointed out.
"It'll make wonderful scrap." She retaliated.
"What's that light?" Rose asked, even though she could barely speak.
"It's the heart of the Tardis." I awed. "Right Doctor? You told me about her heart." I turned to him and he nodded.
"The heart of the TARDIS. This ship's alive. You've opened its soul." He explained more clearly. Margaret began to stare back into the light and became captivated by it.
"It's ... so bright..." She awed.
"Look at it, Margaret..." He told her.
"... Beautiful..." She couldn't look away.
"Look inside, Blon Fel Fotch. Look at the light." He ordered. I watched has the hand holding Rose lets her go, James catching her before she falls from stumbling, and slowly brings her along over to us. I saw how Blon began to smile widely and look over to the Doctor.
"Thank you ..." She soft softly and genuinely. Soon she was engulfed by light and he flesh suit feel to the ground. Suddenly the Doctor sprang to life and went around the console saying.
"Don't look - stay there - close your eyes!" And we all did what he said. "Now, Jack, come on - shut it all down. Shut down!" He spoke directly to Jack. "Re, that panel over there - turn all the switches to the right." He ordered me who nodded, and we all three worked together. Rose standing beside James, watching us. Working together everything soon began to calm down.
"Nicely done. Thank you." He thanked us before Rose began to talk.
"What happened to Margaret?"
"Must've got burnt up. Carried out her own death sentence." Jack brought up, but the Doctor and I walked to her body suit.
"No. I don't think she's dead." The Doctor mentioned.
"Then, where'd she go?" Rose wondered.
"She looked into the heart of the TARDIS, and even I don't know how strong that is. And the ship's telepathic - like I told you, Rose, Re. Gets inside your head. Translates alien languages. Maybe the raw energy can translate all sorts of thoughts..." As he spoke I knelt down to the body suit and began to rummage through it pulling out an egg. "There she is!" He grinned and I gave him the egg. Knowing this is probably what Smiths meant.
"She's an egg?" James commented and I looked at him before turning toward the Doctor who spoke again.
"Regressed to her childhood." He told James.
"She's an egg?" Rose repeated.
"She can start again! Live her life from scratch. If we take her home, give her to a different family, tell 'em to bring her up properly, she might be all right!" He answered.
"Or she might be worse." Jack mentioned.
"That would be her choice in the future though." I spoke up.
"She's an egg." Rose said again, but not as a question.
"She's an egg." He replied before Rose began to jump up from crouching down with The Doctor, Jack and I.
"Oh, my God. Mickey--" She yelled, causing me to jump up.
"Mickey?" I called after her before Jack got my attention.
"Re, do you know where Smiths has gone?" He asked and I remembered I was meant to tell them.
"Oh yeah, Sorry, She said she had to leave, she needed to go and visit the people she travelled with before she joined the agency." I explained to him.
"And she didn't bother to say goodbye." Jack sighed. "Well that Smiths for ya, can't tell you how many times, she has done that to me."
"She always says goodbye to me." I smirked and I walked over to my father. "Are you okay?"
"This is what happens most of the time." He pointed his hands down.
"Most of the time, but there are times when it doesn't happen." I commented, and he shook his head.
"How can you live like this?" He wondered.
"Because it makes my heart beat faster, making me feel alive." I smiled happily and he nodded.
"Of course that would be the reason." He laughed and looks around. "I'm guessing your be leaving soon?"
"Uh I'm not sure..." I spoke before looking over at the Doctor who was know at the console. I watched as he pretended that he wasn't listening to our conversation, but he knew that I knew he was, and then gave me the answer I was waiting for.
"It's all powered up. We can go once Rose is back." He explained and I nodded.
"Well then... I guess I better get going." James started. "It was nice to see you again, and you've got my number, please keep in contact." He said his goodbye, and I nodded.
"I will, I'm so glad we had a chance to catch up." I gave him a quick hug before he nodded to me and began to walk to the Tardis, before adding.
"Tell Rose I say goodbye, and Doctor." He turned to the Doctor who looked over to him. "Re has told me how dangerous these travels can be, make sure she stays safe Doctor. I was never there for her in the past, but she is smart and intelligent lady and I don't want anything to happen to her." The Doctor nodded to what James spoke. "Also thank you, she's a lot more happier now then in the past and that's because of you. I'll see you all again, I'll make sure of it." He nodded his head before leaving the Tardis.
"So that was James?" Jack spoke up and I nodded.
"Yeah." I smiled, so glad I chose to go and see him. I then clapped my hands and then jumped over to the Doctor. "So while we wait for Rose to get back! You can show me on the screen where Raxacoricofallapatorius is." I grinned at him, ready to leave Cardiff with the fond memory of my time with James.  

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