Chapter 22 A Little bit of Hope?

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"Well I can see why Smiths disliked him so much." I jumped up to the driver's seat, as the Doctor turned on the autopilot of the Tardis.

"Yeah I'm with you there, but how did she know what he was really like? He said she wasn't there long enough there to get to know him." Rose responded.

"Well one reason could be she one of those types of people, who can just read another aura and sense what they are like, or it could be that in the future we end up having tranporters that can take us though time like the Tardis." I told her as I got comfortable on the control seat, as they bother looked at me, and I decided to expand what I said. "Back at the museum while you guys were choosing whether to take Adam along or not I saw her at the end of the corridor. She smiled, giving me a wave before she disappeared." I moved my hand I spoke and I leaned forwards on the chair before asking. "Doctor do we get time travel in the future?"

"Well not everyone, there's these people called Time agents, they created this wrist strap called a vortex manipulator. It can make someone travel through time and space, but it is nothing compared to the Tardis." He replied walking up to were I was sitting and joined me on the seat.

"And only the Time agents use the vortex manipulator?" Rose asked him, as I fell back into the seat. He nodded at Rose and I turned my head to him.

"So does that mean Smiths most likely a time agent?" I assumed.

"Yes, unless she stole one." He told me and it was my turn to nod.

"I wonder what she's doing now." I wondered turning my head back to face forward in no general direction.

"I'm not" I heard Rose say. "I'm going to go wash up." I wouldn't blame her, it was boiling in satellite five. I should probably go wash to but right now after talking about Smiths, I remembered what happened on that day. I wanted to talk to the Doctor about before and ask him some questions. I placed it in the back of my head before the adventure, but now the trip is over, I feel like it would be a good time to ask, and I didn't want to leave it for later. I watched Rose leave, and I began to feel nervous about asking him. It was about his people... My people... Who I was. I wanted to know the answer, but I also had fear about finding out. I took a deep breath before disturbing the peaceful silence that we had once Rose left.

"Hey Doctor, Can I ask you something?" I pulled my right foot up on the seat, placing an arm on top of it looking at the Doctor again.

"Go ahead" He grinned at me, I gave him a small smile back. I opened my mouth to talk, but closed it again, unsure of how to ask him. "Last night" I breathed. "Back at Statten museum, you told me that my mother was a time lord, but turned herself human." I reminded him of last night, as he began to sit up on the chair, waiting for me to continue. "Well what does that make me?" I questioned him.

"Human" he simply said standing up, moving back towards the controls of the Tardis.

"Even if she had conceived me before hand?" I was shocked at how quick he answered my questioned.

"It's dangerous to change yourself human, with a child inside you, so that is unlikely." He responded mono-toned.

"But if it was during the time war, surely you would do anything to save your child from it, even if it's dangerous!" I pointed out and he stopped what he was doing with the controls and the was silence. I took a deep breath decided I would tell him something I never told anyone. "When I was 18, I decided to look up who my mother was, where I came from, who my father was, and do I have any living family." I smiled sadly. "I found nothing, nothing about who my father was, the only thing I found was a newspaper article I found of my mother. A female lying on the end of a road, pregnant, with amnesia." I brushed my hair away from my face. "If you use the pocket watch, then surely you will lose the essence of who you are, everything you know, and remember gone, like amnesia." I stared at the Doctor in the eyes as he turned to me. "Doctor, what am I now?" We stared at each other for awhile, silence in the air.

"I don't know" He spoke quietly and honest. I gave the Doctor are confused look, the Doctor knew mostly everything, though I guess by the fact it was considered dangerous no one had probably tried it apart from my mother.

"Ah okay." I smiled sadly turning my head. I guess I wasn't going to find out just yet. I turned my head back to him to say never mind, but I noticed a sad look on his face before he turned back around to face the console.

"Doctor?" I questioned slowly walking up to him, noticing he now had his eyes closed. "Doctor are you okay?" I was worried if I upset him by asking the question. I sighed when I remembered that talking about his species was a touchy subjects and I just casually mentioned it like it was nothing. "I'm sorry." I apologised. "I forgot that you didn't like talking about the Timelords, but I was confused by who I am." He opened his eyes to look at me.

"You don't need to apologise." He responded to my apology.

"But your sad now. I can see it. It's my fault." I told him looking down.

"You said you where confused, you had a right to ask."

"Yes, but that has made you upset! I don't like making my friends sad." I announced to him. "And your one of my closest friends." I admitted.

"I am not upset that you asked a question." He replied to me.

"Then why?" I quickly asked. "Tell me why? Please." I grabbed his hand, waiting to see if he would answer me. I watched him with sad eyes and he sighed beginning to speak again.

"If you were created before hand, it could be possible that you are a time lord..." He began until I understood what he was getting at.

"Or I am still a human." I finished him off and began to look across the room. "You thought you were the last of the time lord's and here I am claiming that I could be one."

"I don't want to get my hopes up." He confessed.

"Because I probably won't be one" I understood, but shook my head, smiling sadly. "So? I may not end up being one, but I am still a child of one, I am guessing no one has done what my mother did, so many things could happen, also if my mother survived before she gave birth to me, other might have to."

"I would have known." He stated.

"Not if they used a pocket watch." I smiled at him. "What is wrong with a little bit of hope?"

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