Chapter 23 Fathers Day Part 1

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"You know what I am going to say Rose." I told her as I slipped my white Jacket over my pokemon jumper, and bouncing the curls in my hair.

"But he was alone Re." Rose responded.

"I understand that Rose. I understand he was alone, but I am not worried about him." I walked towards her and placed my hands on either side of her face. "I am worried about you." I explained to her.

"I will be fine." My flowered named friend tried to reassure me.

"How could you say that, he is your father. It is going to hurt you, take it from someone who knows what it feels like. I don't want you to feel the way I did when I lost my brother." I announced and I then sat beside her on my bed. "Even if you don't know what he really is like, it will hurt to see the life you love go." I closed my eyes.

"But I want to see him." She admitted.

"Yes Rose. I know. I want to see my brother too, but I know if I did I would try a do something stupid." I announced.

"But how do you know I would do the same as you?" She stood up.

"Because I know you Rose. I know you would do something at the turn of the moment."

"Don't you trust me!"

"I do, but emotions can make you do things you would regret."

"and I would do something regretful."

"Rose." I sternly said. "Just think about it before you decide." I stood back up from the bed, grabbing my watch from the desk and shoved it in my pocket. "I only want to protect you Rose." I told her before I went towards the door to go and grab some breakfast. Rose didn't understand. She doesn't understand what it feels like. To see someone you care about die. I shook my head as walked down the hallway of the Tardis. It hurts more ways then one.


I walked down the corridors of the Tardis fully refreshed after the breakfast I had. I turned the corner towards where the control room would be, but my mind was on Rose. I hoped she thought about it, and I hope she chose not to do it, but I guess I was wrong once I jumped into the Tardis to see Rose talking to the Doctor.

"That's what mum always says. So, I was thinking... could we? Could we go and see my dad when he was still alive?" I stopped where I was and a frown fell upon my face as I heard her talk. I stood there quietly no one realising I had come in.

"Where's this come from, all of a sudden?" The Doctor questioned her.

"All right then, if we can't, if it goes against the laws of times or something, then never mind, we'll just leave it." She countered.

"No, I can do anything. I'm just more worried about you." He replied raising his eyebrows.

"Like I am" I finally revealed that I was in the room. Rose turned around and we court eye contact.

"I thought about it, and I wanna see him." She directed the first part to me, but I wasn't happy about. I couldn't stop her from doing so, but I didn't approve. Rose turned back to the Doctor wanting for his answer.

"Your wish is my command. But be careful what you wish for." The Doctor warned. I could tell he know I didn't like it.


"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline, Angela, Suzette Prentiss..." The register spoke as the three of us sat furthest away from the front, where Roses parents were getting married.

"I, Peter Alan Tyler, take you, Jacqueline Suzanne... Suzette... Anita..." I swore how Rose's dad struggled with what he was saying, and I felt sorry for him as he was in front of such a crowd, especially Jackie, who was narrowing her eyes. I would say that it felt nice watching them get married even though Peter was messing up, but I knew what was to come and I still didn't like it.

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