Chapter 40 The Parting of the Ways Part 2

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We all sat in silence as we worked on the wires in front of us. It was only us three now, but the silence stopped when Rose decided to speak.

"Suppose..." She begin but didn't finish her sentence.
"Suppose what?" I questioned to her.
"Nothing." She shrugged it off.
"You said 'suppose'." The Doctor spoke
"No, I was just thinking... I mean, obviously you can't, but... you've got a time machine. Why can't you just go back to last week and warn them?" She commented, and the Doctor not looking up from his work answered.
"Soon as the TARDIS lands in that second, I become part of events. Stuck in the timeline." He explained.
"Yeah, thought it'd be something like that..." Rose expected that answer.
"There's another thing the TARDIS could do... it could take us away..." The Doctor told us, and we glanced at him. "We could leave. Let history take its course. We go to Marbella in 1989." Rose smiled softly and so did I, but I then talk.
"Yeah, that's not something you would do." I mentioned.
"No, but you could ask." He meet my eyes before saying. "Never even occurred to you, did it?" and I shook my head with a small smile.
"Nope, never did and never will. That never is an option for me, and I believe it's the same with rose." I told him, and he smiled at me, which caused me to look back at my work. We soon heard a noise coming for the computer. The Doctor looks over alert.
"The Delta Wave's started building. How long does it need?" The Doctor asked and we all leapt up to our feet and rushed over. The Doctor sat in the chair and Rose and I peered over his shoulders. He began to press a few buttons before his face falls.
"Doctor, what's wrong? Is it bad?" I asked him and he placed his head in his knees. "Okay, it's bad." I commented.
"How bad is it?" Rose asked, before the Doctor jumps up gleefully. "Rose Tyler, you're a GENIUS!" He placed a kiss on Rose forehead. "We can do it! If I use the TARDIS to cross my old timeline... yes!" He then grabbed my hand shooting off towards the Tardis, with Rose following. He soon began to pulled to the controls.
"Hold that down and keep position." The Doctor looked after to me.
"What's it do?" I questioned him as the Doctor looked in the computer.
"Cancels the buffers. If I'm very clever - and I'm more than clever, I'm BRILLIANT - I might just save the world. Or rip it apart..." He commented.
"We'd go for the first one." I brought up signalling to Rose and I has I held down the lever.
"Me too. Now, I've just got to go and power up the Game Station. Hold on! Rose stay here too!" He then began to run out of the Tardis full of energy and the door shuts behind him.
"Do you think this will work?" Rose questioned as I held it down, but know something didn't feel right to me, my feeling were justified and the engines of the machine be to groan, and I knew the sound know of it beginning to go through time. My heart lept as I let go of the leaver beginning to run to the door, only for them to be looked. "Re, what's going on?" Rose questioned before she realised what was going on.
"Doctor! Doctor let me out!" I yelled through the door slamming on it, on it as I begin to panic. "Let me out! Doctor! Please!" I pleaded as tears began to full from my eyes.
"Re..." Rose calls my name sadly as I pounded on the door. Suddenly a hologram appears of the Doctor by the console and I span around, when I heard him speak.
"This is Emergency Programme One. Re, Rose, now listen, this is important. If this message is activated, then it can only mean one thing." I leaned onto the door and Rose stares wide eyed at the hologram. "We must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I'm dead or about to die any second with no chance of escape."
"No!" Rose lunged forward as I slowly began to fall down on to the floor.
"And that's okay. Hope it's a good death." I felt myself beginning to shake, and I began to bring on of my hands to my face, in shock. "But I promised to look after you two, and that's what I'm doing. The TARDIS is taking you home."
"I won't let you." Rose announced rushing up the remainder of the steps ahead of him.
"And I bet you're fussing and moaning now - typical. But hold on and just listen a bit more. The TARDIS can never return for me. Emergency Programme One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do: let the TARDIS die. Just let this old box gather dust. No one can open it; no one will even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years, the world will move on and the box will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all. One thing." He turns to Rose. "Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose, Re." He then turns back to me. "Have a fantastic life." All Rose and I could do was just watch as the Doctor disappears.
"You can't do this to us." Rose began to stride over to the console. "You can't." She rages at the console. "Take me back! Take me back! Re!" She yells my name before realising that I was on the floor not moving. "Re!" She calls to me and runs over. "Come on! No! He's not dead! Don't do what you did on the day my father died! Come on! We can save him!" She told me determined, holding my shoulders, but I wasn't looking at her.
"I...I can't... I can't fly the Tardis... We can't... We dunno how to..." I tried to speak, shaking my head and putting my heads to my head.
"We'll figure something out! Re! We have to!" Rose stood up again. "I knew we will!" She then ran back to the Tardis. "Come on, fly. How do you fly? Come on, HELP ME!" She raged at the machine again and I turned my head to look at the ground. The Tardis had stopped shaking, signalling we were outside. I show Rose turn to the door, her face saddened, before walking towards the doors, which I leaned on one, while the other was free. She slowly opened the door, but I stayed still. I couldn't move even if I wanted to. The Doctor sent me back. I knew it was for my own good, but I should have had the choice. He didn't give me it, and now he is over a hundred years in the future, preparing to fight the Daleks alone, apart from Jack, who they might even be dead now. I wouldn't know because I wasn't there any more. ~I clenched my fists. I didn't like this, I didn't like the pain in my heart. I felt tears down more, as I heard a familiar voice outside.
"I knew it! I was all the way down Clifton's Parade, and I heard the engines and I thought 'there's only one thing that makes a noise like that'. What is it?" I heard Mickey ask Rose, before there was silence for a bit, before the door opens again and Mickey appears beside me with Rose. "Re..." He called out my name, and I just let out a whimper trying to breath the tears and I slowly lend on to him, crying.
"Re, my darling. Please you need to move." The voice of James, who Mickey called over along with Jackie, though they left with Rose, while I refused to move and he stayed with me. He was crouched down, with a hand on his shoulder. I could see from the conner of my eyes, he was frowning and was sad. Tears weren't falling any more, they couldn't, I was to dehydrated, but I didn't move from my spot.

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