Chapter 39 The Parting of the Ways Part 1

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I jumped as One of the Daleks noticed me and began to round me.

"You know the Doctor! You understand him! You will predict his actions!" He claimed, and I just shrugged, I didn't know, but even if did I wouldn't tell them.
"I don't know! But even if I did, I would never tell you." I looked at it with determination in my eyes. Knowing the Doctor was coming for me gave me a new round confidence in front of the Daleks.
"Predict! Predict! Predict!" It yelled in hysteria, before being distracted by another Dalek.
"TARDIS detected. In flight." The pepper spoke.
"Launch missiles! Exterminate!" The salt exclaimed.
"You can't! Do that!" I yelled at it.
"And why not!" Salt turned at me, and I stopped realising what I said.
"Like I would tell you." I refrained from telling him and it turned around ordering the fire, which made me alarmed. I watched as to missiles were fired from within there ship towards the Tardis, which was hurtling through space. I watched them explode beside the Tardis, but I soon began to here her engine. She wasn't hit by them. I turned around to see the Tardis materialising around me and the Dalek stood next me, while I felt a breeze flow passed around me.
"Re! Get down!" The Doctor yelled and I ducked as the Dalek yells his death sentence, but it backfires as Jack shot it with a weapon. It explodes and I began to slowly get on my feet, only to be tackled by a bear hug.
"You idiot!" Rose shouted at me, who was the one holding me tight and I hugged her back.
"So be, but I wasn't going to let it get you." I pulled away from her, smiling before turning to face the Doctor, who without a word came up to me and pulling me into a tight embrace, which I quickly returned.
"Thank you." I thanked him refusing to let go just yet.
"Told you I'd come and get you." We pulled away slightly, but still in each others arms.
"I never doubted that you wouldn't." I gave him a soft smile.
"I did! You all right?" He asked.
"Yeah, happiest I've felt all day." I mentioned. "Are you alright? I'm sorry if I worried you, that's never what I intend to do."
"I know and Not bad. Been better!" He told me and began to walk away going over to the Dalek, and I frowned seeing it before Jack caught my attention.
"Hey, don't I get a hug?" He approached me and I looked at hi9m.
"Of course not! The best for last." I grinned.
"I was talking to him." He gestured at the Doctor and I gave him a look, but was still smiling.
"Oh really? Well then. Guess your not special then." We laughed and pulled each other into a hug.
"Welcome home!" He welcomed me.
"I can easily say that I thought I'd never see you or anybody else again." I pointed out to him.
"Oh, you were lucky - I was just a one-shot wonder. Drained the gun of all its power supply. Now it's just a piece of junk." Jack brought up letting go and I nodded at him before walking over to crouch beside the Doctor, who was examining the Dalek.
"I'm sorry." I apologised to him sadly, about the fact that the Daleks lived before Rose began to speak.
"You said they were extinct. How comes they're still alive?" Rose questioned.
"One minute they're the greatest threat in the universe, the next minute they vanished out of time and space." Jack mentioned.
"They went off to fight a bigger war... the Time War..." He began to explain to Jack.
"I thought that was just a legend." Jack was surprised.
"I was there. The war between the Daleks and the Time Lords. With the whole of creation at stake. My people were destroyed, but they took the Daleks with them." He lectured as the Dalek smoulders. "I almost thought it was worth it. Now it turns out they died for nothing." The Doctor spoke quietly, and I grabbed his hand to comfort him for a bit. He's face turned to me and I just look at him sad as well, as Rose spoke again.
"There's thousands of them now. We could hardly stop ONE. What're we gonna do?" Rose pointed out and I turned to her. The Doctor moved his hand from mine and stood up.
"No good stood round here chin-wagging! Human race, you'd gossip all day. The Daleks have got the answers - let's go and meet the neighbours." He spoke cheerfully.
"You can't go out there--!" I exclaimed, but he opened the door and stepped out. I quickly went to following and so did the others.
"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!" The Daleks yelled, but the fires were backfired as the Tardis seem to have the forcefield around it defending itself and us. Soon the Daleks gave up and the Doctor raised his hands mockingly.
"Is that it? Useless! Nul points." The Doctor leaned against the Tardis. "It's all right, come on out. That forcefield can hold back anything." He told Rose and Jack, who did so.
"Almost anything." Jack stated.
"... Yes, but I wasn't gonna tell them that. Thanks." The doctor turned to Jack annoyed.
"Sorry." He apologised. The Daleks were silent watching us and The Doctor steps forward addressing them.
"D'you know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek Homeworld? The Oncoming Storm. You might've removed all your emotions... but I reckon that right down deep in your DNA, there's one little spark left. And that's fear." The Daleks eyepieces twitched slightly. "Doesn't it just BURN when you face me? So, tell me - how did you survive the Time War?"
"They survived through me." The Doctor and I turned around startled at the sound of this new voice. He took a couple steps further to see the Dalek Emperor illuminated, towering above them all.
"Re... Rose... Captain... this is the Emperor of the Daleks." He introduced us wide eyed.
"You destroyed us, Doctor. The Dalek Race died in your inferno, but my ship survived, falling through time, crippled but alive." The Emperor explained.
"I get it." The Doctor began, before the Daleks yelled for him not to interrupt. I stood there just watching not as phased as I normally would because of this forcefield, I saw Rose and Jack flinch though, I could tell the Doctor was annoyed. "I think you're forgetting something. I'm the Doctor. And if there's one thing I can do - it's talk. I've got five billion languages, and you haven't got one way of stopping me. So if anybody's gonna shut up, it's YOU!" The Doctor yelled the last few words and the Daleks shuffle backwards a bit. "Okey doke." His voiced changed into a happier one. "So, where were we?"
"We waited here in the dark space, damaged but rebuilding. Centuries passed, and we quietly infiltrated the systems of Earth. Harvesting the waste of humanity. The prisoners, the refugees, the dispossessed - they all came to us. The bodies were filtered, pulped, sifted." The Emperor continued to talk and I looked down annoyed. "The seed of the Human Race is perverted. Only one cell in a billion was fit to be nurtured."
"So, you created an army of Daleks out of the dead." The Doctor commented.
"That makes them... half human." Rose stated.
"Those words are blasphemy!" The Emperor raised his voice, and The Daleks began to yell in agreement. "Everything human has been purged. I cultivated pure and blessed Dalek." I watched the Doctor looked around clearly disturbed.
"Since when did the Daleks have a concept of blasphemy?" He asked.
"I reached into the dirt and made new life. I am the God of all Daleks!" The leader announced, and the Daleks worshipped him, and the Doctor turned to us.
"They're insane! A hundred years hiding in silence - that's enough to drive anyone mad." I saw him stare at some of the Daleks walking towards them. "But it's worse than that. Driven mad by your own flesh. The stink of humanity." He shook his head sad for them. "You hate your own existence. And that makes them more deadly than ever." He then talked directly to the Emperor Dalek. "We're going."
"You may NOT leave my presence!" The Leader ordered, but we were already hallway to the Tardis by now and none of the Daleks had the power to stop us. They tried, but couldn't. We soon enter the Tardis and I watched the Doctor lean his head on the door, and I looked down frowning feeling sad for him.

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