Chapter 42 Born Again Special Mini Adventure

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I felt Rose grab onto my arm as we watched the new Doctor, who began to look at the console. I could tell the Rose was scared by who this new man was, while I was sad and crestfallen because he changed and I would need to learn about him once again, maybe not the as much, I know they would be a lot of things similar, but there will also be a lot of things different. I still felt the pit of guilt in my stomach knowing that, it was me that caused him to regenerate and change.

"6 PM... Tuesday..." We heard the Doctor say as he began to place the date and time of our next destination. "October... 5006... on the way to Barcelona!" He smiled as he straightened up and looked straight at us, he was pleased with himself. "Now then... what do I look like?" Before he quickly held his hand up to silence us and continued. "No, no no, no no no no no no no. No. Don't tell me." He pointed his figures and then started to examine himself, from what he could see. "Let's see... two legs, two arms, two hands..." He checks his wrists. "Slight weakness in the dorsal tubercle." His head flew to his head. "HAIR! I'm not bald!" I couldn't help but smile slightly at his reaction, as he runs his hands through his hair. "Oh - Oh! Big hair!" He moves his hands to his sideburns, looking delighted. "Sideburns - I've got sideburns! Or really bad skin. Little bit thinner..." He slaps his stomach. "That's weird. Give me time, I'll get used to it." Before he announces. "I... have got... a mole. I can feel it." He looked over at us, and I could feel Rose getting more scared through the tension she held my arm, and I placed my hand on her hand, to try and comfort her. "Between my shoulder blades, there's a mole." He explained moving his shoulders. "That's all right. Love the mole." He then grins at us. "Go on then, tell me." He began to stand straight up again readying himself for an assessment. "What do you think?"

"Different." I commented not really knowing what to say.

"Re, who is he?" Rose asked me, knowing that I wasn't scared like her about a 'different' man standing before us. The Doctor heard that slightly surprised at that comment, saddened.

"I'm the Doctor." He told Rose as he pointed to where he regenerated from, but Rose shook her head, not believing him.

"No... where is he? Where's the Doctor? Re?" She turned to me, who had a small frown on my face looking down. It was hard on me and I knew what was going to happen, Rose didn't, so it was obvious why she was not believing and asking these questions. She turned back to the Doctor again with her voice raising. "What have you done to him?"

"Nothing." I brought up. "Remembered Timelords have a way to cheat death and to cheat death you have to change. You just saw him change. That's the Doctor." I signalled to Rose, but I could see she was having trouble.

" No, we saw him sort of explode, and then he replaced him, like a... a teleport or a transmat or a body swap or something." She then turns to the Doctor again from looking at me for a second taken a few steps closer to the Doctor and pushes him in the chest. "You're not fooling me." The Doctor rolled on his feet.

"Rose." I called out her name, from the pillar I was by, but she ignored me.

"I've seen all sorts of things. Nano genes... Gelth..." She started to list things. "Slitheen..." I watched the Doctor raise his eyebrows, and I soon began to realise a sudden ache in my head once again, which confused me as to why. "Oh, my God, are you a Slitheen?" My attention went back to Rose.

"Rose. He's not a Slitheen, could of looked like one though." I commented know walking over to her and she looked at me for a second.

"Rose, it's me." The Doctor spoke in a pleading tone, before moving his top body forward a bit. "Honestly, it's me." Rose stared back at him. "I was dying. To save my own life I changed my body. Every single cell, but... it's still me."

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