Chapter 27 The Empty Child Part 2

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Re PoV:

I moaned as I woke up, with a pain in my head, and began to sit up on the bed I was in.

"Oh look, who's awake now." I heard a female voice say to me and I jumped before turning my head to see a familiar brunette.

"Smiths?" I questioned looking at her confused.

"Hi." She gave me a grin giving me a slight wave, as she sat on chair of the strange spaceship I was in.

"How... What... What are you doing here?" I asked her unsure as to why she is here. "And where are we?"

"I'm here with a friend, this is his spaceship. We're still in London though, so don't you worry." She explained to me, I nodded.

"Where's Rose?" I questioned, knowing she should be with me.

"Rose? You mean the other girl you were with? She's with Jack. That's my friends name. I should may warn you that I don't actually know who you are, but you know who I am." She brought up.

"What do you mean?" I kept asking questions.

"I haven't met you yet, it seems. You know my name, can I know yours?" She responded.

"Re." I simply stated as I began to stand up, and brush my hair out of my face, only to hiss in pain at the rope burns.

"Re. Lovely name." She complemented me before standing up as well. "Here." She told me. "Place you heads in front of you over here." She ordered me.


"Because these Nanogenes can heal you." She explained. "Their Sub-atomic robots, they healed 3 layer of your friends skin, Jack though tied her hands together so she didn't move, but I suspect you won't though."

"Well if they heal, I guess not." She smiled at me and I moved my hands in front of me and she clicked a switch, soon a bunch of firefly creatures came out and moved around my hands. I awed at them, while Smiths watched, she then clicked the switch off.

"There we go all better." She clapped her hands.

"Thanks." I thanked her and then asked a question. "Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you a time agent?"

"Was, but not any more. Hated it there. Met Jack though. I mostly prefer travelling through time at my own free will." She told me. "I guess your saw me use my wrist strap. I don't normally use it often though, it can get busted easily. I mostly travel with friends or family. Your are stranger to these parts. Your travel though time as well. I'm guessing with friends." I nodded at her.

"Only Rose?" She questioned and I shook my head.

"No. I also travel with a man called the Doctor." I told her with a smile, but then realising that we had left the Doctor. I frowned I hoped he wasn't worried about us and that he was looking for the container, which I felt was more important as it said it was dangerous, but I had a feeling he was also probably looking for us as well.

"Come on." She brought me back from my thoughts, I think she noticed my frown on my face. I didn't like that fact that I could of made the Doctor worry, but we saw that boy and we had to try to get to him. He could have been hurt otherwise and I wouldn't want that. "let's go and see what business our friends our talking about." She grabbed one of my hands and pulled me to some stairs.

"Business?" I questioned and she nodded.

"Yes, Jack does business, even though I try not to get involved." She pulled me to the roof and I gasped. Here I was standing on top of a spaceship looking over a view of London.

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