Chapter 2 Rebecca Part 2

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"Oh now you go off!" I cursed as I heard my broken alarm clock go off and I throw my pillow over my head. I reached my arm out trying to turn it off. "Why couldn't you do this yesterday? You know when I had a job." I moaned at my alarm before throwing the pillow off my face. I sat up and took a breath before getting out of bed. I needed to find a new job now, how else would I get money for myself and also pay Jackie for taking me in. I couldn't live with my adoptive parents for any longer... well I didn't want to anyway, sure they moved and I would have love to gone and explore that part of the world, but Lorraine, my supposed to be adoptive mother, was someone that I just had to get away from. It's not like anything truly bad happened it's just that I couldn't get along with someone who hated me and saw me as a burden. I didn't like her as well and I didn't want to live by her rules any more, so when Jackie offered me a chance to stay here with her and Rose, I just had to take the offer. I didn't feel like I burdened them and I felt Jackie was more of a mother to me, while Rose was like a sister. I am truly grateful for the day that I met Rose, if it wasn't for Rose I would have been alone. I looked into the mirror that hovered above my desk, and looked at my blue eyes shining back at me. I smiled remembering how we met and how she became my best friend. I then decided to leave my bed and get ready for this day. It felt funny though. I believe that something was going to happen today. I wondered if it was because of what happened yesterday. The memory of yesterday flashed before my eyes. Though I felt slightly crept out by it sill, I also remember the feeling of adrenaline as we ran away from them. It's strange to me that the feeling felt thrilling and exciting. It's like I wanted to happen again, but at the same time my mind when to the man. The doctor was it? The Doctor of what? Who was he? I still didn't fully understand what he was doing there, but one thing I know was that he intrigued me. I also felt thankful that he was actually there, if he didn't tell us to run I am sure that I wouldn't be here now. I laughed. Run it was so simple, but my mind didn't think of that, nor did Rose's. I shook my head before getting ready.

I walked out into the kitchen where I saw Jackie sitting. "Morning Jackie." I smiled while I put the kettle on.

"Morning, but I don't know why you decided to get up, you haven't got your job any more." Jackie told me the obvious and I nodded, but responded.

"I know that, which is more of a reason to get up earlier. I need to find a new job, or how else will I pay you this months rent."

"You don't have to pay me rent, sweetheart, your like family, you don't see Rose paying now don't you." She pointed out and I softly smile at her.

"But I want to Jackie. If it wasn't for you offering a place to stay I would be with Lorraine. In a different part of the world, but with her, I just can't." I explained and she nodded. She knew that I had a problem with my 'mother' and to be honest she didn't like her that much as well. It was probably due to how much of a 'posh tottie' Lorraine was. I began to pull the hot water into my cup and I turned my head to Jackie. "Would you like one?" I asked and she nodded. I grabbed her glass, and she thanked me. I then took a place at the table, we sat quietly for a bit until Rose decided to join us. Jackie then began to suggest places that we could work, while I looked through the newspaper.

"There's Finches... you could try them. They've always got jobs."

"Oh, great. The butchers." Rose whined and I smirked, though I wouldn't want to work there as well, the way Rose said it made me laugh.

"Well it might do you good! That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I'm not joking about getting compensation - you've had genuine shock and trauma! Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! I know she IS Greek, but that's not the point - it's a valid claim." Jackie rambled at us, but I toned it out as I heard some rattling coming from the front door. I leaned back in my seat to try and look at the door from my place, but I couldn't see anything. I stood up when I heard it again and so did Rose. We both went up to the door, only to see the cat flap wasn't nailed down, which confused me as I thought that Jackie had done that a couple of weeks ago.

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