Chapter 26 The Empty Child Part 1

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"What's the emergency?" I asked the Doctor as we chased an object through space.

"It's mauve." He answered as I looked over his shoulder at the screen in front of us.

"Mauve?" Rose questioned as we tried to balance while the Tardis was on it's trail.

"The universally recognized colour for danger." He lectured as Rose ran over to us.

"Mauve? I thought it was red." I inquired holding onto the panel as the Tardis shook.

"That's just humans. By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing." He explained as I grinned, an image popping into my head, but I soon made it go away as it was not as important as to what this object was. The Doctor began to start talking again. "It's got a very basic flight computer - I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Where it goes, we go."

"And how safe is it?" Rose pressed for an answer.

"Totally." He responded before the side of the Tardis I was on exploded. I jumped back holding my hand that was on the panel. "Okay, reasonably. Should have said reasonably there."

"You think?" I gave him an annoyed look, but glad I got away before the explosion hit me.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no! It's jumping time tracks - getting away from us." He notified us.

"What exactly is this thing?" Rose asked the question that I was also thinking about.

"No idea." He answered.

"Then can you explain why are we chasing it?" I requested.

"It's mauve and dangerous. And about 30 seconds from the centre of London." He told us.

"Oh, Okay." I muttered as I turned back looking at the screen.


"Do you know how long we can knock around space without having to bump into Earth?" The Doctor wondered.

"Five days?" Rose guessed.

"Or is that just when we're out of milk?" I joked.

"Of all the species in all the universe and it has to come out of a cow." He mentions.

"Or a female" I pointed out, which made Rose and the Doctor look at me. I raised my hands. "I just saying, cause it's true." I stepped away from the Tardis as I began to look around. "Okay, so. Where is it? And how far did it jump to?" I questioned the Doctor.

"Must have come down somewhere quite close. Within a mile, anyway. And it can't have been more than a few weeks ago. Maybe a month." He answered me.

"A month?! We were right behind it!" Rose exclaimed.

"It was jumping time tracks all over the place, we're bound to be a little bit out. Do YOU wanna drive?" He asked Rose.

"I do." I blurted out though and he looked at me. "It would be fun. Do you think you can teach me/" I asked him as it was know brought up.

"Maybe later." He responded to me and I gave him a smile. It's been a little while, since we had found out about my watch and I would have said that it has made us a lot more closer then we were before. Though the Doctor disliked talking much about his... well I guess our planet, even if I could be just a normal human, my ancestors where from there, he would still tell me certain things about the Timelords, things about regeneration, which I found fascinating and things along those lines, but most of the times we just talked about stories that happened in our lives, but it was mostly the Doctors adventure as he was well 900. I wanted to learn about things and he was teaching me them, and now I guessed flying was on the list of things he has to tell me about as well now. I nodded happily before Rose brought us back to what was happening at the moment.

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