Chapter 5 The End of the World Part 2

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"Ro! Hey Ro! Slow down." I shouted over to her before I caught up with her.

"Are you okay, with this." She responded to me.

"What? About the world being destroyed, or the Aliens?" I questioned as I stood beside her by a window, which we both looked out from.

"Both." She replied simply.

"No I am not okay with the world being destroyed, but at least it's natures choice and not because we have been invaded." I explained. "With the Aliens though I am fine with it. I always believed they existed, never thought I'd see any, but I know they were out there, so it doesn't surprise and I am not weird out by it. I understand that's is overwhelming though, especially when they are all viewing the world demise. See it this way though, I bet they are just like us all you have to do is look past what they look like." I smiled softly at her.

"Yeah, but what about the last human?" She moved her as she questioned me on how I felt about Cassandra.

"You mean the human trampoline, trust me when I think doubt she really is. I mean I am pretty sure that we arrived on other planets that were inhabited. We could of mixed species, the only way she is the last human was because she decided to have so much plastic surgery to stay alive this long, but I wouldn't call her the last human, she is barely that through surgery. She nodded understanding what I had told her. We kept looking outside the window to our earth, and I held her hand and leaned on her shoulder.

We were alone for a moment until we heard footsteps approaching us. I looked over to see a young staff member behind us.

"I'm sorry are we allowed to be in here?" I apologised nervously at the female.

"You have to give us permission to talk." The woman told us, I felt sad when I heard that.

"Oh okay, well then I give you permission to talk. Anytime to us really." I looked at Rose who turned around and she nodded as well.

"Thank you!" She smiled happily at us. "And, no. You're not in the way. Guests are allowed anywhere." She explained before walking over to a panel on the wall.

"That's nice to know, thanks for telling us that. I am Rebecca by the way, and this my friend Rose." I grinned.

"What's you name?" Rose spoke up.


"Raffalo?" I repeated. "It's the first time I heard that name before. I like it."

"Thanks, Miss. I won't be long, I've just got to carry out some maintenance." She announced kneeling down by the air vents. "There's a tiny little glitch in the Face of Boe suite. There must be something blocking the system - he's not getting any hot water."

"You're a plumber" Rose asked and Raffalo nodded.

"That's right, Miss." She told us and I gave Rose a look.

"See" I whispered to her "even aliens have same jobs we do." I looked at Raffalo then asked "Where are you from? And please call me Re instead of miss."

"Very well. I am from Crespallion." She admitted.

"That's a planet, is it?"I questioned as she began to stand up.

"No, Crespallion's part of the Jaggit Brocade, affiliated to the Scarlet Junction, Convex 56. And where are you from, Miss?... I mean Re. If you don't mind me asking."

"No! Not at all. Erm... I dunno" I thought for a bit "a long way away..."

"We just sort of, hitched a lift with this man." Rose soon realised the risk she took with me. Even though I knew it was a risk already, but it was a risk that I could pass up.

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