Chapter 25 Fathers Day Part 3

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"You okay Jackie?" I asked her walking up to her. She had the baby in her arms who I guessed was Rose, and was watching Mickey. "I heard the Doctor say your name" I lied quickly before she asked. "Names Rebecca, but you can call me Re."

"Rebecca, I know a family that has a child with that name, hated the mother." She told me.

"You did?" I questioned her. She nodded

"Yeah she thought she was better then everyone else, I don't see why her husband married her though. The son was nice though, he's the same age as Mickey, they moved away to another part of London only recently."

"What was there names" I asked her curiously.

"Oh there name's were the Wilson's" She simply told me and my eyes widened.

"The Wilson's? You knew them? Lorraine and James?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah, James is a friend of Petes, well before they moved, you know them to?" She asked me.

"Uh...yeah I met them once, I helped out at the orphanage where they got Rebecca from" I lied again scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh does that mean your good with kids." She said out loud.

"Uh...Yeah" I responded nervously.

"Oh good, do you mind holding Rose for me, just for a bit." She begged slightly.

"Sure, I will be happy to." I told her and she passed me Rose, while she went to chase after Mickey.

"Mickey get back here" I heard her as she walked away. I laughed before smiling at the baby Rose. I began to bounce her up and down, grinning. Who knew I would hold my best friend as a baby. Who knew Jackie knew my adoptive parent before I started to hanging out with Rose. My smiled widened 'I guess, I know why there was so much atmosphere when Lorraine and Jackie the first time they met now' I thought to myself.

"Looks like your good with a baby." I jumped hearing the Doctor behind me.

"Don't do that!" I scolded. "Especially when I am holding baby Ro-Ro." I begin to tickle her stomach and laughed at Rose's reaction. "She is so cute as a baby" I awed. "And thank you, I guess, I always love babies. I wouldn't mind having one myself." I announced and then pulled a face at Rose.

"but that would involve you being with someone." He explained.

"Really? I didn't know" I joked rolling my eyes. "That's one of the cons. Unless I either go to an orphanage, or go to those bank things." I frowned jokingly

"Why are you so against dating someone?" He questioned me curiously.

"Well..." I began to get nervous when he asked me that question. Just as my luck my crush had not gone away and I felt nervous talking about this stuff with him. "I wouldn't say... I am technically against it. It's just that... I know that having a relationship will get in the way of my dreams to travel. Also I don't think I would be that great in a relationship anyways." I explained.

"Wouldn't a baby also get in the way as well? And Why don't you think you'll be great in a relationship?"

"Oh look at you, now asking all these personal questions. Seems a bit out of character." I teased and I looked away for a second, still bouncing Rose. "I'd just weird them out." I smiled. "and for a baby yeah I guess so, but then again I would find that a good sacrifice if I were able to bring a living life into this world, and watch it grow to become extraordinary." I smiled widely looking at Ro-ro.

"You're not as weird as you think you are." The Doctor assured me.

"Says the alien." I pointed out.

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