Chapter 7 The Unquiet Dead Part 1

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"Hold that one down!" The Doctor directed me as I helped him with Rose to try and settle the Tardis.

"What this one?" I questioned but pulled the lever down anyway, not bothering to wait for an answer. There were a loud alarm that was blasting through the ship and we were shaking violently.

"It's not going to work!" Rose gave her opinion holding another lever down on the other side.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, you've seen the future - let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?" He responded.

"Oh! That's the Victorian era, I love their dresses" I hyped up perfectly fine with what the doctor has suggested.

"What happened in 1860?" Rose asked the only man in the ship.

"I don't know, let's find out. Hold on, here we go!" He answered setting the Tardis to take us to our destination. We listened as the Tardis screeched through the time vortex which caused us to all fall on the floor. I couldn't help, but let out a laugh as the Tardis soon landed. Even though the ride was shaky I found it to be a lot of fun. The Doctor and Rose soon joined in with my laughter for a moment before we all got up from the smoking ground.

"Blimey!" Rose breathed and I grinned.

"Well that was fun!" I laughed happily.

"You're telling me! Are you alright?" The Doctor asked us as he motioned to look at the screen.

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you my Rose." I looked over to Rose.

"Yeah. I think so! Nothing broken... Did we make it? Where are we?" Rose questioned and we looked over the Doctor's shoulders.

"I did it! Give the man a medal. Earth – Naples – December 24th, 1860." The Doctor cheered grinning.

"That sounded like you never normally get there right time period." I pointed out before looking at the screen. "and it's really Christmas?!" I began to feel like I was a child again at the sudden thought of Christmas. The Doctor nodded.

"Yeah but isn't that a bit weird?" Ro turned to me.

"Oh really? Does that make it normal in my case?" I joked, not really looking for a answer.

"It seems so." Rose smirked back and I nudged her, even though I am proud to be a bit weird, I always felt that normal was boring. I then turned to the Doctor and asked him beaming.

"Can we go outside!?"

"All yours." He gestured to the door, with a grin on his face. I looked at Rose for a second before I began to head towards the door, until she grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Hold on" She ordered me but turned to the Doctor "But, it's like... think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once. Just once, and it's gone. It's finished. It'll never happen again. Except for you." She began, and I realised what we see was getting at. "You can go back and see days that are dead and gone and a hundred thousand sunsets ago... no wonder you never stay still..." Rose continued.

"Not a bad life." He simply stated.

"Better with three though" I brought up before tugging on Roses hand. "Come on I want to see what Christmas is like here." I urged Rose, which caused both the Doctor and Rose to laugh. Rose the nodded allowing me to drag her towards the door.

"Oi, oi, oi! Where do you think you're going?!" He shouted to us. I stopped dragging Rose and turned to the Doctor with a pure innocent face, unsure why he stopped us. I looked at the door for a second again before turning to the door.

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