Chapter 21 The Long Game Part 3

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I watched as The Doctor began scanning a side of a door, with his sonic screwdriver.

"You're not allowed to touch the mainframe, you're gonna get told off." Cat notified us.

"Rose, tell her to button it." The Doctor told Rose.

"You can't just vandalise the place, someone's gonna notice!" Cathica spoke in a urgent whisper, while the Doctor finally opened the door to the mainframe and began to mess around with it.

"This is nothing to do with me, I'm going back to work." Cathica told us.

"Go on then! See ya!" The Doctor said his goodbye.

"I can't just leave you, can I!" She mentioned.

"Look Kitty Cat if you want to be useful, why don't you tell some people to turn down the frickin heating." I told her still watching what the Doctors doing.

"Language" The Doctor warned me.

"What it's not a swear word." I turned to him.

"It's substitute for one." He stated.

"So, any word could be a substitute for one" I argued back, while Rose decided to ignore us and ask Cathica.

"What's wrong with this place, can't they do something about it?"

"I don't know, we keep asking - something to do with the turbine." She explained.

""Something to do with the turbine"." The Doctor mocked.

"Well, I don't know!" Cathica huffed and the Doctor soon turned around.

"Exactly! I give up on you, Cathica. Now, Re and Rose - look at them." We turn to her smiling. "There asking the right kind of questions."

"Oh, thank you." Rose thanked.

"Why is it so hot?" He asked.

"One minutes you're worried about the Empire and the next it's the central heating!" She exclaimed.

"Well, never underestimate plumbing. Plumbing's very important." He responded and I had to nod to that. After a while he finally hacked into the mainframe and turned the screen to KitCat. "Here we go - Satellite Five. Pipes and plumbing. Look at the layout." He moved to stand by me and I smiled up at him, which caused him to smile back as Cat examined the screen.

"This is ridiculous. You've got access to the computer's core. You can look at the archive, the news, the stock exchange... and you're looking at pipes?" She pointed out.

"But there's something wrong." He notified.

"I suppose..."

"Why, what is it?" Rose questioned.

"The ventilation system. Cooling ducts, ice filters, all working flat out... channelling massive amounts of heat DOWN." She lectured.

"All the way from the top." He mentioned.

"Floor 500." I noted.

"Something up there is generating tonnes and tonnes of heat." He told us.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm missing out on a party. It's all going on upstairs. Fancy a trip?" Rose asked.

"You can't, you need a key." Cat responded.

"Keys are just codes, and I've got the codes right here." He stated gesturing to the computer. "Here we go - override 215.9."

"How come it's giving you the code?" She questioned and the Doctor looks up at the security camera.

"Someone up there likes me." The Doctor explained.

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