Chapter 30 The Doctor Dances Part 2

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"Okay, so he's vanished into thin air." Rose confirmed approaching the Doctor who was now sitting down as I still leaned on the wall. "Why is it always the GREAT looking ones who do that?" Rose wondered out loud and the Doctor peered at her.

"I'm making an effort not to be insulted." He told her and I grinned. Rose waved her hand dismissively.

"I mean... men." Rose told him and the doctor faked a smile.

"Okay. Thanks. That REALLY helped." I laughed at that. With all this waiting now in this room, I felt myself to have calm down rather a bit. I felt safe in this room... well for now that it. Rose looked at me.

"What do you think Re? Has he got a nice neck?" She gave me a cheeky smirk and the Doctor looked over to me, confusion as she is talking about necks. I looked down to the floor opening my mouth slightly.

"You are never going to let me live that down are you." I shook my head.

"Nope." She grinned at me and I looked at the Doctor.

"It's just something we talked about in the past" I told him before shaking it off and looking at Rose. "He's okay but not my type. I don't find him that good looking as well."

"Since when did you start to have a type?" She laughed, though after a second she realised and smirked before continuing. "and come on, when do you see a guy that hot walking around?" She told me and I frowned at that.

"Have you seriously forgotten about him? You know, Mickey?" I questioned her annoyed.

"What?" She looked at me shocked until we heard a voice coming from an old radio.

"Rose? Doctor? Re? Can you hear me?" We made it out to be Jacks voice and rushed over to it. The Doctor picking it up. "Smiths and I are back on my ship." He revealed where he was.

"Used the emergency teleport. Sorry we couldn't take you guys." Smiths voice came through as the Doctor held up broken wires.

"It's security-keyed to our molecular structure. We're working on it - hang in there." Jack explained.

"How're you speaking to us?" The Doctor asked him.

"Om-Com. We can call anything with a speaker grille." Jack answered.

"Now there's a coincidence." The Doctor replied.

"What is?" Jack asked.

"The Child can Om-Com too." He mentioned.

"It can?" Rose and I spoke in unison.

"Anything with a speaker grille. Even the TARDIS phone." The Doctor nodded.

"What, you mean the Child can phone us?" Rose inquired.

"And I can hear you. Coming to find you. Coming to fiiiiind you." We heard the gas-masked child in a singsong voice and I unconsciously grabbed the Doctor arms in sudden fear. He looked at me in concern, I realised what I was doing and quickly let go, looking away slightly embarrassed.

"Doctor, can you hear that?" Smiths questioned. The Doctor still looked at me with worried eyes before turning back to the radio.

"Loud and clear." He replied.

"We'll try to block out the signal. Least we can do." Smiths spoke calmly.

"Coming to find you, mummy!" It spoke again from the radio.

"Remember this one, Rose?" Jack wondered and Rose looked uncomfortable. I roll my eyes and the Doctor looked at her questionably.

"Our song." She explained embarrassed. I chose to walk away to a chair while the Doctor nods.

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