Chapter 13 World War Three Part 1

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We watched in horror as we watch Indra's body fall to the floor before are eyes. I was to shocked to be sad at that moment, though I knew he didn't deserve that. I watched as Marget yelling in pain at the sudden electricity surround her. I turned to Rose, noticing this was a time to get out and we ran dragging along Harriet with us.

"No, wait!" She exclaimed stopping once we were out of them remembering something. "They're still in there! The emergency protocols! We need them!" She then began to run back, Rose and I following. Running back was quickly changed though as Margaret soon exited out of the cabinet room. We looked at began to run down a different hallway, through a door, Rose closing it once she passed through it, but only to be broken down by Margaret chasing us. We kept running through another room and passed an elevator to a door. I tried to open it, but the door seemed to be stuck. Margaret jumped out just has the elevator dinged and revealing the Doctor. He saw the alien and us and he pleasantly greeting us. I couldn't him but smile for second before focusing back on the door, while the doctor ended up distracting Margaret by closing the elevator door. Luckily it was enough time to open the door and slipped away. We all ran to the other doors in the room, but all of them were locked. I huffed jerking my head to look around to see what we could do.

"Hide!" I exclaimed at them in a hush tone as I ran for the curtains.

We heard the door opening knowing it was Margaret as she spoke in a playful tone.

"Oh, such fun! Little human children... where are you? Sweet little humeykins... come to me... let me kiss you better...kiss you with my big, green lips." She hissed once she finished and I felt my heart rushing and my pocket watch burning in my pocket. I then heard more aliens, entering. "My brothers." She greeted them.

"Happy hunting?" They questioned.

"It's wonderful. The more you prolong it, the more they stink." She replied to them and I covered my mouth to stop them from hearing my breathing.

"Sweat... and fear." One of the male ones explained.

"I can smell an old girl... stale bird... brittle bones." The other male announced.

"And two ripe youngster. All hormones and adrenaline. Fresh enough to bend before they snap." Margaret mentioned. My eyes closed in fear as the curtain soon began to be pulled from in front of me. I jumped though at the sudden noise of Harriet.

"No! Take me first! Take me!" I heard Harriet scream, I opened my eyes to see her and Rose out of the hiding place. The door then was kicked open at the Doctor suddenly entered with a fire extinguisher I grinned as I watched him blast the aliens face with it. I suddenly then grabbed onto the curtain throwing it in Margaret face. I began to run towards the doctor grabbing Roses hand on the way as the doctor shouted.

"Out! With me!" He exclaimed, we soon all stood behind him, Harriet included.

"Aren't I glad to see you!" I beamed at him from my near death experience.

"You too." He told me and then looked at Harriet. "Who the hell are you?"

"Harriet Jones - MP for Flydale North." She answered him.

"Nice to meet you." He greeted Harriet, who agreed before blasting the Aliens again with the fire extinguisher then making a run for it.

"We need to get to the cabinet rooms!" He ordered as he ran past us throwing the extinguisher.

"The Emergency Protocols are in there! They give instructions on aliens!" Harriet brought up.

"Harriet Jones - I like you." He announced.

"And I like you too." She responded with a smile as the Doctor bypassed a lock door with his Sonic. We stepped into the Cabinet room, seeing that the aliens were getting close. The Doctor quickly picked up a bottle of brandy and pointed his screwdriver at it.

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