Chapter 32 Night Out

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"The Roaring Twenties, what do you have to say to that!" The Doctor grinned as I watched him fiddled with the controls of the Tardis with no particular patten that anyone could really detect. He rushed about the heart of the TARDIS with enthusiasm, causing me to laugh at his excitement with a smile on my face.

I leaned further on the Drivers seat which I was sharing with Smiths at the this moment. I turned to look at her to see that she had a warm smile on her face, while also watching the Doctor. Since Smiths came along with us, I had become really close friends with her, almost as much as Rose, but not really. Within this short time of her and Jack joining us, I found out that even though Smiths was secretive about certain things, she was open to everything else. I remembered when we had our first actual trip together. Jack, Smiths and I had gotten separated from Rose and The Doctor when a monster had become chasing us, due to Jack flirting with his alien daughter. We ended up finding a safe place in a storage cupboard and that's where I found out a bit more about them. I found out that Smiths has been travelling since she was baby, and that she knows quite a bit about monsters and planets like the Doctor himself, but wished to continue learning, knowing there is so much more out there. She's told me about some of the places she has been and that she joined the Time Agents to help the future stay the way it is meant to, but decided to go solo due to them trying to wipe her memory. That's when she met Jack and decided to travel with him. I could see why she did decide to travel with Jack. Jack was fun and entertaining, and the way he acted reminded me partly of my own brother, in personality. Like Jack my brother flirted with everyone though he didn't mean any harm in it. Also I found Jack to be really funny, as well as Smiths who had similar humour to me. I enjoyed hearing his stories as well as Smiths. They were entertaining, but I found them to be not as interesting as the stories the Doctor had told me. With the Doctor I could listen to him ramble on for days on end and would never get bored.

I turned back to the Doctor, the smile still on my face. "I say what are we waiting for!" I gave him my response, before looking over to Rose who nodded. She was on the other side of the room talking to Jack before the Doctor announced they were going to the 1920s.

"Yeah it would be fun." Rose added, a smile also plastered on her face.

Luckily to my happiness Rose and Jack haven't really been flirting much, since he came aboard, which I was grateful for. I was still finding it annoying when Rose did flirt though, it made me wonder if Mickey meant someone to her. Talking about flirting though, Jack and I seemingly had made it an accustomed to flirt with each other now and then, but more in a joking way. We both knew nothing would ever happen by it, like Mickey, he was more of a brother to me.

The Tardis soon began to shake as it normally did. Smiths and I held on to the Drivers seat, while Rose almost tripped over Jack, while the Doctor held on to the control panel. I heard Smiths laugh beside me. She always enjoyed the bumpy ride in the Tardis, their was always a spark in her eyes when it happened. The Tardis soon came to a stop and I jumped off of the drivers seat before heading over to the Doctor, who began talking and leaned on the control panel.

"1921, the year Winston Churchill is appointed Colonial Secretary. Also, first lie detector was invented by John Larson...though saying that, that was my fault. I told him I was an alien and he didn't believe me." The Doctor shrugged as it was the most ordinary thing to him, before he looking at me, who laughed at what he had just said.

"That does not surprise me one bit." I grinned at him before moving back from the control panel. "Guessing this place is good for a wardrobe change." I turned to Smiths. "Come on Rose, Smiths lets get changed!" I went over to Smiths, who was now standing and grabbed her hand. "This will be your first time seeing the wardrobe Smiths, you will be surprised with how many clothes he has in there."

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