Chapter 20 The Long Game Part 2

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I leaned onto the railing that was in front of me as I watched a group of people the two ladies worked with began to start there work. I stood in between the Doctor and Rose, but to be honest I didn't feel like watching people do their work, but I didn't want to go an explore alone, so I guess I just had to watch.

"Now. Everybody behave. We have a management inspection." Miss wanting a promotion told everyone and then turned to us, mostly the Doctor. "How do you want it? By the book?"

"Oh, right from scratch, thanks." He smiled as she turned away, beginning to speak to the workers again.

"Ok, so - ladies, gentlemen, multisex, undecided or robot - my name is Cathica Santini Kadainy. That's Cathica with a 'C', in case you want to write to Floor 500 praising me, and please... do..." She told us her name.

"Cathica with a 'C'" I whispered mostly to myself. "I shall now name her Kitty Cat, for cat's are feisty" I heard snickering from beside me, and I turned to Rose with a grin.

"Now, please feel free to ask any questions. The process of news gathering must be open, honest, and be non-biased. That's company policy." Kitty Cat spoke turning to the Doctor with a smile.

"Actually... it's the law." The other female we just met smiled at us and I smiled back.

"Yes, thank you, Suki. Okay, keep it calm... don't show off for the guests... here we go." Cat acknowledged irritatedly and I rolled my eyes.

"Meow" I hissed not liking the way she spoked to Suki. Suki I like that name, that name reminds me of the female who Sokka liked in 'The Warriors of Kyoshi' episode. I didn't care what Rose thought about me liking a children's show, it is a good show.

Kit-cat now lay herself down on a chair, centred in the middle of the room saying "And... engage safety..." The staff placed there hands on pads before them as they sat around in a circle, while Kitty clicked her finger's. I watched I shook as her forehead began to open up.

"Eww" I squirmed.

"Your saying Ew to that and not to a Slitheen who shed their skin?" Rose questioned noticing how disgusted I was.

"Yes, but they were alien, Kitty Cat is a human, humans are not meant to have metal things like that sticking out their head." Rose shook her head at me.

"And 3... 2... and spike." Cat counted down and then a beam shot down into her forehead.

"Compressed information, streaming into her. Reports from every city, every country, every planet, and they all get packaged inside her head. She becomes part of the software. Her brain IS the computer." The Doctor explained.

"If it all goes through her, she must be a genius." Rose mentioned.

"Nah. She wouldn't remember any. There's too much, her head would blow up." He lectured.

"Charming" I muttered still in disgust and followed the Doctor who began walking around the circle of people.

"The brain's the processor. As soon as it closes, she forgets."

"So, what about all these people round the edge?" I questioned to him.

"They've all got tiny little chips in their head, connecting them to her -" I went closer to Suki, kneeling down looking at her, Rose doing the same with someone else. "- and they transmit 600 channels. Every single fact in the empire beams out of this place." The Doctor completes his circuit around everyone and then lead on the railings beside Adam. "Now, that's what I call power."

I began to stand up and walk back to the Doctor. Rose did the same but also asking Adam if he was alright.

"I can see her brain." He pointed out the obvious.

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