Chapter 38 Bad Wolf Part 3

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  I groaned as I felt the pain come back into my head. My hand slowly went up to my face. I wondered where I was, surly I should be dead, but I wasn't. I slowly opened my eye, slowly realising I was in some sort of spaceship. I looked around before seeing multiple figures of a creature I never thought I would see again.
"It can't be..." I spoke fear welling up in me. "You meant to be dead! All of you!." I exclaimed as I watched Daleks came closer to me. I slowly stood up and leaned towards the wall, trying to find an exit and went to move sideways a bit, before it shot at me. I held in a breath when that happened. "Okay..." I muttered unsure what to do. Suddenly a lady, that looks to be quite ill, appeared from where I was only moments ago.
"Oh, my masters..." She spoke proudly, looking in plain sit at nothing in particular. I watched how the Daleks turned around to her as she continued to speak. "You can kill me. For I have brought your destruction." She was happy, ready to die. I closed my eyes, bringing a hand to my face to block out the light and there was sudden sound of them killing her. I slowly moved my hand down, opening me eyes, the nervousness in the stomach growing and I began to shake, but they didn't kill me though. I didn't understand why, why weren't they killing me.
"Alert! Alert! We are detected!" One of the Daleks exclaimed and I felt my heart jump when I heard the next this it said. "It is the Doctor! He has located us! Open communications channel!" I watched as an image materializes in mid-air. I couldn't help, but smile a quick smile, when I saw the face of the Doctor, Rose and Jack, but also with him were three other people, to in suits and one in pigtails. "I will talk to the Doctor." The Dalek announced.
"Oh, will you? That's nice. Hello!" I watched him wave mockingly with fake grin on his face.
"The Dalek Stratagem nears completion. The Fleet is almost ready. You will not intervene." The salt and pepper shaker stated.
"Oh, really? Whys that then?" The Doctor questioned.
"We have your associate. You will obey or she will be exterminated." It claimed.
"No." The Doctor simply spoke and everyone turned there heads to him, but I knew the Doctor, I knew he planned something.
"Explain yourself." The Dalek seemed surprised.
"I said 'no'." The Doctor repeated.
"What is the meaning of this negative?" It inquired.
"It means 'no'." He stated.
"But she will be destroyed." The Dalek pointed out.
"No!" The Doctor suddenly jumped up. "'Cos this is what I'm gonna do - I'm gonna rescue her." He yelled at the Daleks in passion. "I'm gonna save Rebecca from the middle of the Dalek Fleet, and then I'm gonna save the Earth, and then just to finish off, I'm gonna wipe every last STINKING Dalek outta the sky!" I felt myself tense up, feeling how passionate the Doctor was speaking that it made my heart beat faster. I wanted to look away nervous and embarrassed by it, but I couldn't I just stared at the Doctor.
"But you have no weapons! No defences! No plan!" The Dalek pointed out.
"Yeah. And doesn't that scare you to death? Re?" He grinned before calling out my name.
"Yes, Doctor?" I asked not being able to hide the eagerness in my voice.
"I'm coming to get you." He spoke directly to me turning the device off with his screwdriver and I could help, but grin.
"The Doctor is initiating hostile action!" The salt one exclaimed.
"The Stratagem must advance. Begin the invasion of Earth!" The pepper ordered, and the spin around vildly without them taking notice of me and I slowly began to step out of the way.
"The Doctor will be exterminated!" The third Dalek shouted and they all started to shout exterminate, as I looked around to see more the dozens of them roaming about.  

(Wow I didn't realise how short this chapter was until now, I need to sort out my chapter separation.)

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