Chapter 15 World War Three Part 3

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"Alright, Doctor. I'm not saying I trust you, but there must be something you can do." She questioned as I leaned on Rose, tired from staying up all night.

"If we ferment the porch, we could make ascetic acid." Harry suggested.

"Mickey, any luck?" I asked him quietly moving from Rose, rubbing my eye that had some crust in them.

"There's loads of emergency numbers - they're all on voicemail." He replied back to us. I looked to see the Doctor deep in thought away from us.

"Voicemail dooms us all." Harry moaned and I nodded.

"If we could just get out of here..." She huffed.

"There's a way out." The Doctor announced seriously.

"What?" I questioned him confused.

"There's always been a way out." He repeated.

"Then why don't we use it?" I looked at him as he strides over to the table, and leans over to the phone.

"Because I can't guarantee your daughter or Re will be safe." He told Jackie.

"Don't you dare. Whatever it is, don't you dare." Jackie warned him.

"That's the thing, if I don't dare, everyone dies." He explained and I thought for a second.

"Doctor do it." I insisted, Rose nodding. I now moved besides the Doctor and he stood up straight to look at me.

"You don't even know what it is, you'd just let me?" He asked directing it as Rose as well as he glance at her as well.

"Yeah, if it means we can save the whole world then I would gladly give my life for it" I smiled sadly at him. "Rose?" I looked at her and responded with a yeah. We all stared at each other for a bit until Jackie broke the silence.

"Please, Doctor. Please! Their my children, even Re, their just kids!" She pleaded and I looked down, knowing that Jackie did see me as a daughter to her, while I saw her like a mother, but I couldn't let the world be destroyed because of us, and even if we didn't do it we would die anyway. The Doctor though responded to Jackie.

"Do you think I don't know that? Because this is my life, Jackie, it's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will." He told Jackie. He wasn't happy I could tell and it made me sad to see.

"Then what're you waiting for?" I softly spoke to him and he looked at me again.

"I could save the world but lose you and Rose" He admitted and I averted my eyes away from him. I turned to look at Rose. She could see how I nervous now and she gave me a soft smile.

"Except it's not your decision, Doctor. It's mine." The Doctor turned to looked at Harry and so did I.

"And who the hell are you?" Jackie argued.

"Harriet Jones, MP for Flydale North. The only elected representative in this room, chosen by the people, for the people, and on behalf of the people I command you. Do it." She demanded. The Doctor looked at Rose, then at me with a grin.

"So how do we get out" Rose asked him jumping to sit on the table.

"We don't. We stay here." He stated opening the briefcase looking for something. He soon found an envelop, which he then opened. He began to look through it until he found what he needed. "Use the buffalo password, it overrides everything." He addressed to Mickey.

"What're you doing?" I heard Jackie say.

"Hacking into the Royal Navy." He sounded like he didn't believe it. "We're in. Here it is, uh... H.M.S. Taurean, Trafalgar Class Submarine, 10 miles off the coast of Plymouth."

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