Chapter 28 The Empty Child Part 3

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"Hello?" I yelled down a hallway as Rose, Jack, Smiths and I reached where the alien tech signal was coming from.

"Hello?" Rose repeated and Jack followed it as well. We soon reached a door that opened from the other side revealing the Doctor and I grinned when I saw him. We soon reached him and Jack held out his hand for a handshake.

"Good evening. Hope I'm not interrupting - Jack Harkness." He told the Doctor, who shook his hand "I've been hearing all about you on the way over."

"He knows." I began. "Rose had to tell him. You know about us being Time Agents." I brought up, sop the Doctor would understand what was going on. He nodded to me and I smiled before remembering Smiths. "Oh! and look at who we met again." I signalled to Smiths. She nodded her head in greeting and shook his hand.

"You must be Mr Spock." She spoke up and I felt like I wanted to laugh and so did Smiths. Rose made it up because she thought it would be weird to call him the Doctor and be asked more questions and Smiths went along with it for us. "I see that I will also be meeting you in the future along with Rose and Re." She brought up before she continued to walk down the hallway signally Jack to come with her.

"Mr Spock?" He questioned confused.

"It was Rose again." I stated with a laugh before I gave him a hug, which he returned. It seemed like hugging was know my personal greeting to him when we were separated on adventures and meet up again. It felt nice to hug him, tough I didn't have many to hug, I was a hugger and when ever I could I would, unless it wasn't okay with them.

"What was I supposed to say, you don't have a name! Don't you ever get tired of 'Doctor'? Doctor who?" Rose defended herself.

"Nine centuries in, I'm coping. Where've you two been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz, it's not a good time for a stroll." He stated as I let go and faked a laugh.

"Please Doctor, we don't stroll, we fly by barrage balloon." I smirked before walking down the corridor with Rose.

"Only way to see an air raid." Rose commented.

"What?!" He asked us following before Rose changed the subject.

"Listen, what's a Chula warship?" She wondered out loud.

"Chula?" The Doctor stopped, though we continued to walk.

"This just isn't possible. How could this happen?" Jack questioned the bodies once we stepped in. Both Smiths and Jack were examining them. The Doctor though was more interested in the Chula ship.

"What kind of Chula ship landed here?"

"What?" Jack asked confused.

"He said it was a warship. He stole it. Parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's gonna fall on it - unless WE make him an offer." Rose explained.

"What kind of warship?" The Doctor interrogated.

"Does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this!" Jack exclaimed.

"Yes it does." Smith's announced to all of us and we turned to her. "This started at the bomb site didn't it." She looked straight at the Doctor and he nodded to her before asking her the question this time.

"What kind of warship?"

"An ambulance" She turned to Jack "Jack show them." She gave him a look and Jack began to show us a hologram on his watch. "That's what you chased through the Time Vortex." She turned back to us.

"It's space junk. I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. Smiths and I made sure of it. Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. Saw your time travel vehicle - love the retro look, by the way, nice panels - threw you the bait--" He revealed.

"Bait?" Rose questioned confused.

"He wanted to sell it to you and then destroy it before you found out it was junk." Smiths explained rubbing her neck. "I don't normally like getting involved, but like I told Re hated the agency and Jack is fun to be around."

"You said it was a WAR ship." Rose directed at Jack.

"They have ambulances in wars." He stalked off annoyed. "It was a con. I was conning you - that's what I am, I'm a con man. I thought you were Time Agents but you're not, are you?"

"Just a couple more free-lancers." I smirked at him.

"Ahh... should've known. The way you guys are blending in with the local colour - I mean, Flag Girl was bad enough, but U-Boat Captain?" He turned to us. "Anyway... whatever's happening here has got NOTHING to do with that ship."

"What IS happening here, Doctor?" I looked around.

"Human DNA's being rewritten... by an idiot and Smiths." He told me.

"What d'you mean?" Rose asked.

"I dunno - some kind of virus. It's converting human beings into these things." He nodded at the bodies. "But why? What's the point?"

Smiths PoV:

"Why did you tell them?" Jack questioned me quietly as we looked at a body together a little while after the confrontation.

"I didn't do it to ruin your con if that's what you think. I did it because I had to do it." I stated.

"One of the things she told you to do." He whispered back.

"She didn't tell me to do, she implied that I did it, but yes and if everything goes to plan, everything will turn out fine, just like she told me."

"Why do you always do what she says, don't you want to you know be a rebel?" He wondered out loud.

"Because these things are fixed points, if I don't do these things everything could change. I would be here with you otherwise"

"What do you mean?" He inquired and I shook my head not telling him before the body we were looking at sprung to life. I jumped back along with Jack. He helped pull me up as I was leaning on the floor and we saw all of them jumping up saying Mummy.

"What's happening?" Re asked the Doctor as we backed up all together.

"I don't know." He responded. "Don't let them touch you." He warned.

"What happens if they touch us?" She posed.

"You're looking at it."

"Oh wonderful" She mumbled as they enclosed on us.

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