Chapter 8 The Unquiet Dead Part 2

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I tried to muffle out a scream as the male began to drag me away from the door. I tried to rip the hand from my face, but it wasn't working, suddenly the door burst opened revealing the Doctor.

"I think this is MY dance." The Doctor spoke before pulling the dead man's hand from my face and grabbing me from him. I quickly latched onto him, once I was away from the undead. My heart race was beating fast, and I tried to calm myself down.

"It's a prank? It must be. We're under some mesmeric influence." An old man standing in the doorway tried to reason with himself what was going on.

"No, we're not. The dead are walking." The Doctor responded before he looked down at me with a grin. "Hi!" I couldn't help but smile a small smile as he greeted me, like this was usual, which it seems like it was. I shook my head for second before saying.

"Do you always wait into the last minute?" I joked softly, now calmed down. I noticed that every time Rose or I needed to be saved in the short time we've spent with the Doctor he has always arrived at the last minute. I turned my head towards the old man and asked the Doctor "Who's your friend?"

"Seems so." He joked back before answering my question. "That's Charles Dickens." He then turned to face the walking dead.

"Really? Charles Dickens? Okay." I nodded letting that set in before realising I holding on to the Doctor and let go, before looking over to where Rose was and running over to her. Who pulled me into a strong hug.

"I really hate Zombies." I mumbled to her and she let out a laugh knowing my fear.

"First Mannequins, a Human Trampoline and now this." Rose brought up in a whisper and I laughed slightly.

"Not what you would expect when travelling." I giggled back still in whisper, before the Doctor began to speak to the Zombies.

"My name's the Doctor. Who are you, then? What do you want?" The Doctor introduced himself.

"We're failing. Open the rift, we're dying. Trapped in this form - cannot sustain - help us." They responded before lifting their heads upwards to the ceiling. A blue gas left their bodies before they fell into a bundle on the floor.

"You did what to her!?" Rose yelled at the old man, which I know found out was called Sneed, while Gwyneth, the girl, poured cups of tea on the Table. "You drugged her and then Kidnapped her." Rose snapped at him finding out what he had done to me.

"He also had a quick wonder." I simply brought up as I leaned on the wall beside the Doctor.

"You dirty old man!" She let her anger out, showing how much she cared for me, even though I knew already. I somewhat enjoyed the way Rose stands up for people when she is angry and I knew she could do a better job than me at telling someone off then I could.

"I won't be spoken to like this!" he retaliated.

"Then you stuck her in a room full of zombies! Which she hates, And if that ain't enough - you swan off! And leave her to die! So come on – talk!"

"It's not my fault, it's this house!" He exclaimed at Rose and then looked at everyone before explaining. "It always had a reputation. Haunted. But I never had much bother until a few months back. And then the stiffs--" Dickens looked at him mildly offended. "...the er, dear departed started getting restless." Sneed corrected himself once he noticed Dickens look.

"Tommyrot." Dickens muttered.

"You witnessed it! Can't keep the beggars down, sir! They walk. And it's the queerest thing that they hang on to scraps..." He retaliated, when Gwyneth came over to the Doctor and I to give us our Teas.

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