Chapter 19 The Long Game Part 1

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"Re, you ready?" I heard Rose knock on the door of my bedroom in the Tardis. I was ruffing my wet hair with my hand staring in the mirror. I sighed looking at my mitch match of clothes that I wore for comfort. I didn't care if they didn't care, but I need to wear clothes from the rubbing I got in my leather jeans, while running from the Dalek,which I now know not to wear when travelling with the Doctor.

"Almost, come in!" I shouted to her as grabbed my phone and place it into my bum bag. I didn't care if they weren't classed as cool, I didn't want to carry a handbag and I had not pockets. Rose opened the door and stepped in, while I went to grab my pocket watch. I stopped for a second staring at it. I was still trying to get into my head, what the doctor said. If what he said was true, which I believe, he had no reason to lie, so what does that make me. It was hard for me, I have grown up to believe I am human and only human, but with my mother being a Timelord. I didn't understand, what does that make me. I knew that I have to ask him again, once we get alone time together. I didn't want Adam to know. I didn't trust him, and I was partly annoyed at Rose. I wasn't going to stop her, but what about Mickey.

"You okay?" Rose walked up to me, while thinking I forgot she was there.

"I guess..." I spoke to her not really convincing, as I shook my head and shoved the fob watch with my phone.

"What's wrong?" Rose questioned me worriedly, placing a hand on my shoulders.

"I'm just confused." I told her as I turned to her, with a frown on my face.

"What about?" She spoke. "Is it about your mother being a Timelord? which I am still trying to understand myself." I laughed slightly, shaking my head.

"I dunno, I'm just even more confused as to who I am. I had known almost nothing about my true family, and then he tells me my mother was his kind. That her essences was trapped in my pocket watch." I shook my head. "And if that is true then what does that make me? I feel human, physically, but then again I never felt like I fit in on earth. I always felt different and you know that." She laughed at that, and nodded agreeing that she knew that. "Could it be that I subconsciously knew. I dunno!" I sighed, brushing my hand through my head.

"I dunno about sensing it, but surly there would be another watch if you were a Timelord, I mean it's field with your mother essence not yours." She tried to think of what to say, not understanding it as well.

"But what about if she did it, while I was in her, not after and not before?" I stated and Rose shook her head at me and sighed before grabbing my hands.

"You think to much Re, and I don't think I am the one you should ask about all this Timelord stuff." Rose grinned at me and I nodded. "Anyway we will never know if you were conceived or before hand or not, but it shouldn't matter you will still be you."

"I guess your right." I told her sighing, but still thinking. "I will still ask the Doctor though when I can." She nodded at that and then began to swing my hands. I could see a gleam in her face and I looked at her suspiciously, as if she wanted to change the subject.

"Ro, what are you thinking?" I asked cautionally.

"Oh nothing." She fakely said. "It's just... You heard what the Dalek said didn't you?" She acted innocently.

"Nooo?" I gave her a look, feeling I will regret replying.

"I know, you don't want to talk about it..." She began.

"Rose no..." I tried to stop her.

"It said that the Doctor liked you." She quickly finished.

"Since when did you start listening to a Dalek." I huffed at just as quickly. "Rose we talked and I don't want to think about it, I thought you understood."

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