Chapter 4 The End of the World Part 1

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"Right then, Rose Tyler, Re" The doctor began as we shut the door of the Tardis. "You tell me, where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. What's it going to be?" The Doctor asked us. Rose and I looked at each other thinking of where to go.

"Forward?" I suggested and Rose nodded in agreement.

"How far?" He questioned us.

"One hundred years." She gave us a number.

The Doctor began to move switches on the Tardis control panel. Like it did through are past to travels, it began to shake again until it stopped.

"There you go, step outside those doors, it's the twenty-second century." He explained and I turned my head to the door.

"You're kidding" Rose responded looking at him.

"That's a bit boring though, do you girls want to go further?" He asked us if we changed our minds.

"Why not, I mean 100 years really isn't that far, especially if you can travel anywhere through time, it's miniscule." I turned back to them from the door.

"Fine by me." Rose didn't mind to go further as well. The Doctor began playing around with the Tardis again.

"Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the New Roman Empire." The Doctor explained and I scoffed.

"Never a big fan of the Roman Empire." I revealed "and please ten thousand years, didn't you hear what I said." I began and Rose finished where I was going.

"If you think your so impressive, then go further." She teased and we smirked at each other. I was excited for what was to happen.

"I AM so Impressive!" He defended and I gave out a small laugh.

"Then make the Tardis go faster." I edge him on.

"Right then, you asked for it. I know exactly where to go." The Doctor revved up the machine and we it began to shake again. "Hold on!" He told us.

"Where are we?" Rose questioned excitedly and he gestured to the door, which we turned to.

"What's out there?" I looked at him again, curious and eager to find out. He directed at the door again, signalling us to find out for ourselves. I grabbed Rose hand dragging her out of the Tardis's door. I let go of Roses and and began to walk further into the room we had, placing my hands into my jeans pockets. "Wow! This is amazing, it's just a wooden room." I awed sarcastically, but still happy that we had travelled somewhere else. I heard Rose laugh at my comment which made me smile. "I'm not going to lie, it seems quite peaceful here."

"Yeah I agree with you." Rose awed as the Doctor stepped out of his spaceship. I watched him as he walked toward a screen that sat on the wall near a door. I heard the sound of his sonic screwdriver meaning he had just used it, and turned my head to some shutters that cover one side of this wooden room. It soon began to open revealing the earth that was below us. I began to move closer towards the window that just opened and placed a hand on it. My eyes gleamed in amazement viewing the earth from this distance.

"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in your future. This is the day... hold on..." He began. I felt slightly emotion seeing the world from view point. It looked so calming. "This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world." My eye widened once I saw the sun start to consume the earth.

"So what does it mean by 'guests' does that mean people?" Rose questioned the Doctor after hearing an announcement from an intercom. We began to make are way down a hallway.

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