Chapter 11 Aliens of London part 2

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"Re, Lorraine's on the phone. You have to talk to her" She ordered heading me the phone. I sighed knowing I can't get away from the phone call now, also I had to owe Jackie for doing this to her, though I don't regret going I am sad that I mad her worry.

"Okay." I muttered standing, grabbing the phone out of Jackie's hand before walking out of the room, so not to be eavesdropped on, I took a breath and began to speak.
"Hi." I closed my eyes ready for the earful.

"Where have you been!" Lorraine snapped from the other side.

"Travelling." I simply stated, which was the truth after all. A frown was clear to see on my face, as I knew this was going to lead into the argument we normally have together. I mentally laughed there was never a time where this conversation didn't come up.

"Travelling? Not finding a job after you job exploded huh. Jackie told that happened and you didn't think of telling anyone where you were going! And what I have heard you still are not telling anyone." I could here the sound of distaste in her voice.

"It's no ones business as to where I have been, especially yours it not like you would care anyway. I am old enough to take care of myself, I don't need people to keep telling me what I need to do with my life." I raised my voice.

"So you went on you way with a stranger and no less a man and that is you taking care of yourself. I thought I taught you not to talk to strangers! And you went along and dragged Rose with you!" She argued back.

"I didn't drag her along with me, she chose to come. I would never pressure or drag someone to do anything. Unlike someone I know! And so what if I ended up and talked with a stranger how else will I meet new people and break out of this stupid boring life. He offered me a chance to explore the world and I took it. I was brave enough to do so and I don't care if you don't see following your dreams are that important, but there important to me!" I spoke sharply and offended that she would ever think that I would pressure Rose to do anything.

"You dreams don't pay the bills and help you survive in life! You need to earn money!" She always brought up money, and I placed a hand on my head.

"I don't care about money, I don't want to live a routines life eat, drink, work, sleep. I want to live! I want to go on adventure see the world in a new light not from textbooks, or the TV I want to experience cultures first hand, learn languages, find the magic in this world and be free." I spoke with passion in my voice trying to get her to see. I then frowned as I remember a certain someo0ne that always told me to follow my dreams and to not listen to what anyone says about it. "Nathan would want me to follow my dreams. In fact he would have tagged along."

"Do not bring up Nathan!" She snapped at me and I felt tears going down my eyes.

"Why not! You never speak about him any more, none of you do, you pretend like he never existed!" I clenched the phone.

"That is a lie!" She shouted and I shook my head, hanging up the phone. I leaded on to the wall beside me a slid down until I reached the floor. I missed him I always did, but it was coming close to the day of his death, and it was hard for me, especially when I have a chance to live my life for the both of us. To travel the world. I laughed sadly. He would not want me to be like this and yet here I was upset and agitated because I talked to Lorraine. Lorraine never cared about my dreams, she always wanted us to get a steady job and she hated me for leaving before A levels. I remembered how she flipped when I told her and how Nathan had to defend me from her. He was always there for me and now he was gone. I shook my head, he's not gone. He still here with me, don't be silly he always will be.

"Re..." I heard my name being called and I was drawn out from my mind. I looked up to find Rose looking at me with sad eyes, with a cup of tea in her hands. "Didn't go well?" I smiled sadly at her and shook my head. The blonde nodded and went to sit beside me, passing me the cuppa.

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