Chapter 41 The Parting of the Ways Part 3

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  "Faster!" I yelled over the car, which had James and Mickey in, a chain leading from it to the Tardis to try and get it open.
"Come on!" Mickey yells from the car, as the wheel span uselessly on the spot, not moving. The Tardis was to strong for it.
"It's not moving!" Rose shouted by the door inside of the Tardis. I just stood staring at the console, with my arms crossed, hoping it would work, but I knew it wasn't strong enough. I soon saw the chain shuddering before it snaps, which cause me to jump back and Rose yelps in frustration, leaning on the door, defeated.
"We need something stronger." I brought up.
"And how are we going to find something stronger?" Rose huffed, walking over to slump onto the drivers seat. I followed her sitting beside, lying on her.
"Hey please don't be sad. I know what its like to give up. I did only a little while ago." I told her with a small laugh. "But as long as we work together everything will be fine." My hands tightened. "We are going to save him! He has saved us plenty of times before! Now it's are turn!" I spoke determined, moving my head from her before standing up again. I didn't want to be sitting around waiting, not again. I let him or myself down. I turned my head before pulling out my pocket watch. It seemed to be useless now, I couldn't feel any form of energy. I smiled I can easily tell the Doctor he wasn't alone now, but then I frowned I doubt he would like for me to turn up. He went to save us, to makes us safe and know we were seeking out that danger, and the danger being the Daleks. I won't let them defeat him or us. "I'm going to look for something stronger. Can you hold tight?" I asked her and she nodded. Before moving away out of the Tardis. I noticed Jackie was there and I nodded to her before turning to James. "James can you help me we need to find something stronger." I told him.
"Of course." He nodded at me and we soon began to walk away, knowing there was a little junk yard that could have some strange treasure in it that we could use. It was a quiet for a while and he spoke.
"So, it seems it worked then." James brought up, and I looked at him confused for a second before realising what he meant.
"Yeah, I guess. I don't know why at this time the watch decided for me to open it." I replied.
"Well you said it belonged to your mother, it had her essence in there didn't it? Maybe it wasn't a good luck charm in the sense of most, but you mother essence trying to guide you. It could probably see how important this is to you and thought she could help." He guessed and I looked at him.
"Maybe." I gave him a small smile. "I would like to think that's the case, but anyway." I began to look at the junk around us. "That's not important at this time, plus once we save the Doctor, he can see and check what has happened to me. I mean it was dangerous what my mother did, and something could have gone wrong. If I'm honest." I pointed at my head. "I feel pain, here inside my head. It hurts, not much, but it still does. I need to have him check it out." I told him and there was silence for another moment.
"Re.," He could out my name and I looked back up at him. "I know you care about him as a friend, but is it more then that." I looked away from his eyes for a second.
"It's more since a long time ago." I spoke honestly. "But I was afraid, if I am honest I am still afraid of it, but it's least important now, but I never felt anything as strong as this before. I hate it but love it at the same time." I breathed looking sad. "plus, do you really think he would like me like that." I laughed.
"Yes." I was shocked by his answer, and he walked up to me holding my head. "Your are a brilliant woman Rebecca. Smart, Intelligent, Brave even when scared, Determined, Strong, and you have a heart. Two now? If I heard correctly." I grinned at that and he smiled. "He would be a fool not to like you. Do not be afraid. Love was never meant to be feared, but embraced. Don't push it away it will only make you feel sad. Sure there may be heartbreaks." He moved his head to the side. "But it helps you grow. Into a stronger more independent woman." I looked away for a second feeling that tears could fall down my face. I let out another laugh.
"You know... You sounded a lot like Nathan at that moment." I began to cry and he looked at me with fatherly love in his eyes.
"That is one of the best complements I have heard in my life." He told me and brought me to a hug.
"Thank you..." I whispered in his shoulder. "For helping me."
"It alright, I told you. I would be here for you now. I promised and I won't break it." He replied softly to me.

"I'm not having that. I'm not having you just-- just give up now. No way. We just need something stronger than my car..." I heard Mickey's voice as I walked back with James.
"What's going on?" James questioned and I saw the look on Rose's face, and I looked at her feeling sad that she was sad, before she could say anything, we suddenly heard a roar of an engine and turned around. We all stood in awe as we saw a huge recovery truck driving down the corner driven by Jackie. I turned to Rose before we grinned at each other in amazement as Jackie climbs out, walking to us.
"Right. You've only got this until six O' clock, so get on with it." She greeted us.
"Jackie! I love you!" I exclaimed hugging her, surprising her by m,y sudden affection.
"Mum, where the hell did you get that from?" Rose inquired astonished.
"Rodrigo. He owes me a favour. Never mind why, but you were right about your dad, sweetheart. He was full of mad ideas, and this is exactly what he would've done. Now, get on with it before I change my mind." She told us all, chucking the keys to Mickey, who hurries to the pick up truck.
"Mickey, James." I called out. "Both in the truck, Jackie stay halfway between so you can shout over to them. Rose by the door inside as your coming to, but like I told you don't look at the light." I commanded and everyone nodded as we began to set everything up.
"Why can't see look at the light?" Jackie questioned me.
"No one is really allowed to do what were going to do, and I would prefer if Rose doesn't it could be bad." I responded.
"And it's okay for you?" She asked cautioned.
"I have a loop hole to what's going to happen, Rose on the other hand doesn't. Look it will takes some time to explain, but like you said we only have til six, so please Jackie I tell you when we come back." I told her. "You still have my cross don't you?"
"Of course I do." She replied.
"Good because remember that a promise that we will be back. Lets get rolling." I shouted running to the Tardis, with Rose following.

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