Chapter 36 Bad Wolf Part 1

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"Re!" I jumped up as I heard my name being called alarmed, feeling like I have overslept something. I moved my head around to see Rose besides me.

"Rose?" I questioned noticing that there was a pain in my forehead and that we were not in the Tardis any more. "What happened?" All I could remembered was a bright light that surrounded us, the Doctor and Jack. "Where the Doctor and Jack?"

"I don't know." Rose spoke honestly looking at me also confused to where we were. We soon saw a man walking up to us before crouching.

"It's all right... it's the transmat. Does your head in." He could tell that we were in pain. "Get a bit of amnesia. What's your names?" He asked as I moved my hand down my pocket to feel a familiar heating sensations.

"Rose." Rose told the man. "And this is..."

"Re." I stated interrupting her, shaking my head, I didn't want him to know we were together I felt like something was up and I wanted to keep much things quiet as possible. "What's going on?" I asked him as I began to try and stand up, while Rose gave me a confused look, and I gave a her look telling her to be quiet about us. She frowned at me, not understanding and I patted my Jacket coat signalling to the watch, and she nodded.

"A game. Just remember – do what the android says. Don't provoke it. The Android's word is law." He explained.

"What d'you mean, android? Like... a robot?" Rose questioned before a voice called out.

"Positions, everyone! Thank you!"

"Come on. Hurry up!" The man spoke and helped bring Rose to her feet along with me. "Steady, steady..." As Rose also felt a bit dizzy as well as we began to walk to the stage.

"That's enough chat! Positions! Final call!" That lady shouted standing next to a inactive robot, which was being worked on. This set up looked familiar to me, but I couldn't place my finger on it. "Good luck!" She wished us luck and the man smiled at us.

"But I'm not supposed to be here." Rose told him frightened, while I tried to kept quiet trying to stay calm and holding my good luck charm in my pocket.

"Well, it says your names on the podium..." He pointed out and looks down to see it for herself and I looked over to see my name. "Come on!" He dashed of and we take are places. Rose, who was next to him, while I was one away from her.

"Hold on... I must be going mad." Rose started now looking around and see looked over to me. "It can't be. This looks like the--" I knew she saw the same familiar atmosphere as I did.

"Android activated!" We then turned to the android to realise who it was as it sprung to life.

"Oh, my God. The Android. The Anne... Droid." Rose pointed out and my eyes went wide.

"Welcome, to 'The Weakest Link'!" The Anne-droid began the show and the music began to play. I gave Rose one more quick look. Not knowing what was going on but knew it was not good.

"17... 16... 15... thank you people, transmitting in 12... 11... 10..." The floor manager was counting down til we were what seemed to be live, we I was sure that didn't happen in the weakest link in our time.

"But we need to find the Doc--" Rose turned to Rodrick, which I read on the podium, before he pushed her away from him impatiently and I felt myself frowning giving him an annoyed look.

"Just-- shut up and play the game!" I heard him tell her, I clenched my fists before turning my head back to the Android.

"All right then. What the hell? I'm gonna play to win!" I heard Rose say and I shook my head, I knew there must be a trick to this game.

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