Chapter 34 Boom Town Part 2

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  "Doctor!" I call out the Doctor name as I saw him in the distance near town hall, and he stopped noticing me. Once I reached him and I placed my hands on my knees and breathed before getting up. "How can she still be alive?" I questioned once I got to him.
"I don't know, but we going to find out." He told me before noticing James behind me who was trying to catch his breath.
"Doctor?" James questioned, and I turned to him.
"Doctor, that's John, sorry." I waved my hand remembering I call the Doctor John. "Doctor met James, be nice unlike you are with Mickey and Jackie." I told him.
"So he's the man you travelling with?" James asked my and I nodded.
"Yep and that is Jack and Smiths, you already know Rose and you came here with Mickey." I introduced him to the others.
"Well it's nice meeting all of Re's friends, but can you know explain what's going on?" He spoke.
"We going to have to find Margaret." I told him.
"According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit. Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven/fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face-to-face, that'll designate Exit One, I'll cover Exit Two with Smiths, Re and James, you're Exit Three, Rose and Mickey Smith, you take Exit Four. Have you got that?" Jack then quickly designated roles.
"I'm sorry, pardon." James was confused and I couldn't blame him.
"I'll tell you later, promise, but right now we need to do this." I turned the my adopted father.
"Excuse me. Who's in charge?" The Doctor said to Jack sternly,
"Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir." Jack apologised.

"Right. Here's the plan." The Doctor now spoke in authority, but soon beamed at turned to Jack. "Like he said. Nice plan. Anything else?"
"Present arms." Jack stated and well all took out our phones instead of James.
"Ready/Ready/Ready." We all said to each other.
"Speed dial?" Smiths questioned.
"Yep." The Doctor responded.
"Ready." I spoke and Rose quickly followed me with her ready.
"Check." Mickey stated.
"See ya in hell." Jack grinned and we nodded all walking our separate directions.
"James this way, and sorry everything may be confusing for awhile, but just sit around it for a while. Will go to dinner okay and I'll explain everything." I brought up, and he nodded.
"Okay just tell me what to do?" He agreed.
"Not let Margaret pass." I grinned at him and we began to head to our destination.
"Slitheen heading North." The Doctor called through the phone.
"On my way." Rose responded hearing over and out in the background.
"Over and out." Jack stated.
"Gotcha." I told him. "James, headin' North!" I shouted over to him and he nodded as we began to run. We began to run down the hallway we were only and we saw two escritoires walking towards us.
"I'm so sorry!" I apologised pushing past them.
"We really mean it!" James yelled back as we soon reached the exit.
"There she is is!" I shouted to him as we turned a corner to see her.
"Gotcha." He responded back to me as she noticed us and began to run another way. We soon were met by the others while we were chasing her.
"Who was on Exit Four?!" Jack raised his voice over to us.
"Rose and Mickey!" My father told him, and we stopped.
"Here we are." I heard Rose yelled seeing her drag a Mickey who looks a bit worn. "Sorry."
"Mickey the idiot." Knowing that it probably his fault they weren't there on time.
"Oh, be fair - she's not exactly gonna outrun us, is she?" Rose commented.
"I dunno." Smiths replied and just as she spoke, Margaret vanished before my eyes.
"What the!?" James exclaimed, thinking this was some kind of illusion.
"She's got a teleport! That's cheating! Now we're NEVER gonna get her!" Jack complained.
"It's alright Jack." I started. "The Doctor has this way with teleports, watch." I watched the Doctor place his sonic in the air and grinned, pressing the button. She soon appeared again, but was running towards us. I could she the confusion on her face as she tried to run away again, but the Doctor repeated his actions twice. I quickly turned to James who was watching in disbelief and I whispered to him.
"That Alien scandal I mentioned, yeah it was real." I brought up to him. "She's one." I then heard the Doctor say that he could do this all day and Margaret huffed out of breath. She placed her hand in that air and said.
"This is persecution. Why can't you leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?"
"You tried to kill me and destroy this entire planet." The Doctor announced and James looked at me, and I nervously smiled at him.
"Apart from that." She dismissively spoke.
"Told ya. You opinion could change." I brought up.

"So, you're a Slitheen, you're on Earth, you're trapped. Your family get killed but you teleport out, just in the nick of time. You have no means of escape. What do you do? You build a nuclear power station. " The Doctor recapped as we walked into a room that held a large model in the middle of the room. "But what for?"
"A philanthropic gesture. I've learnt the error of my ways." Margaret tried to convince the Doctor.
"And it just so happens to be right on top of the rift." He explained, and I felt James whisper to me.
"Slitheen? Rift?" He questioned.
"Slitheen name of her family, race still unknown to me, even though I have read books, the rift is like an earthquake fall of energy of two dimensions colliding together." I quickly explained to him quietly and the best I could in this moment, and he nodded, keeping calm even though I could tell there was so much he wanted to talk to me about.
"What rift would that be?" Margaret then asked the question that James answered, but Jack responded to her.
"A rift in space and time. If this power station went into meltdown, the entire planet would go schwwwupboom!"
"This station is designed to explode the minute it reaches capacity." The Doctor announced.
"Wouldn't someone notice that?" James finally spoke out loud and everyone looked at him. "Surely there would be people checking this stuff out." He continued.
"Someone could have and Margaret, decided to dispose of them." Smiths turned to him answering his question.
"But why would she DO that? A great big explosion - she'd only end up killing herself." Mickey questioned.
"She's got a name, you know." Margaret gave Mickey a dirty look.
"She's not even a she, she's a... thing." He retaliated and the Doctor eyed Margaret.
"Oh, but she's clever..." He stated before ripping the top of the model off and spinning it around. "Fantastic."
"Is that a tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator?!" Jack excitedly asked.
"Couldn't have put it better myself." The Doctor replied to him, and Jack took it off him.
"Ooh, GENIUS!" He awed, examining it walking of to Margaret and asking. "You didn't build this."
"I have my hobbies. A little tinkering..." Margaret talked to Jack as I noticed that the Doctor was focusing on something else. I looked to what he was looking at, it was a poster for the project that said 'Blaidd Drwg' on it, and I wondered what it meant.
"No, no, no, I mean, you REALLY didn't build this. Way beyond you." Jack continued.
"I bet she stole it." Mickey accused.
"It fell into my hands." She stated.
"Is it a weapon?" Rose asked as Jack placed it on the floor, and Smiths shook her head.
"No, It's transport." She told us.
"You see - the reactor blows, the rift opens, phenomenal cosmic disaster, but THIS thing shrouds you in a forcefield, you have this energy bubble, zzhum, so you're safe. Then you feed it coordinates, stand on top, and ride the concussion all the way out of the solar system." Jack explained.
"It's a surfboard!" Mickey compared it to.
"A pan-dimensional surfboard, yeah." Jack agreed.
"And it would've worked. I would've surfed away from this dead-end dump and back to civilisation." Margaret frowned.
"You'd blow up a whole planet just to get a lift?" James brought up.
"Like stepping on an anthill." She replied.
"How'd you think of the name?" The Doctor questioned Margaret talking about the poster.
"What, Blaidd Drwg? It's Welsh." She told us where it was from.
"Yeah, but he wasn't asking where it was from, he asked why you chose it." I turned to her.
"Chose it at random, that's all I dunno. Just sounded good. Does it matter?" She answered.
"Blaidd Drwg." The Doctor turned around.
"What's it mean?" Rose asked.
"Bad Wolf." He told us.
"Wait." I looked at him confused. "I swear we've heard that before, Bad Wolf. I've heard that lots of times..."
"Everywhere we go. Two words. Following us. Bad Wolf." He pointed out.
"How can they be following us?" Rose questioned and the Doctor was silent for a second.
"Nah! Just a coincidence! Like hearing a word on the radio then hearing it all day. Never mind! Things to do." He clapped his hands. "Margaret, we're gonna take you home."
"Hold on, isn't that the easy option, like letting her go?" Jack wanted confirmation.
"I don't believe it! We actually get to go to Raxa..." Rose began to grin at me and turned to her trying to remember how to say it as well.
"Raxacor..." I began, as the Doctor rolled his eyes and said it's name.
"Raxacorico..." Rose and I began in unison.
"... fallapatorius." He helped us out.
"Raxacoricofallapatorius!" We said at the same time and we screeched in delight.
"That's it!" He yelled joyfully and he hugged us laughing.
"We did it!" I yelled happily before what Margaret was going to say next.
"They have the death penalty." There was silence all around us and our smiles faded. "The family Slitheen was tried in its absence many years ago and found guilty. With no chance of appeal. According to the statutes of government, the moment I return, I am to be executed. What do you make of that, Doctor?" She stared at the Doctor as she continued. "Take me home and you take me to my death."
"Not my problem." The Doctor commented indifferently.
"Okay so you need to know something before we enter the Tardis" I told James as we walked to were it was.
"The Tardis?" He wondered.
"Time and Relative Dimensions in Space." I explained to him. "It's the Doctor spaceship. When I say that I am travelling, I don't just mean just Earth, I mean that I travel through time and space."
"But that's impossible." He stopped and I turned to him.
"But it isn't though." My hand moved as I spoke. "This is what I was taking about when I said it's complicated. There was a reason why Mickey and Jackie kept saying travelling to you and that is because they knew about this. Mickey was there on the day when Rose and I left with the Doctor, and Jackie found out when we came back. She wasn't happy and I couldn't blame her. Truth be said it was only two days for us, a year for you guys." I rambled on, seeing as he fou8nd out now I decided I might as well tell him the basis.
"Okay." He stated and breathed. "Let me get this right. Your telling me that you have been travelling space and time and what do you mean the Doctor spaceship?" He continued to ask questions as we began to walk again.
"The Doctor isn't human, he's an Alien, but not an alien like Margaret. Margaret is part of the Slitheen family, which is a different species all together. She wanted to start world war three and end the planet, so she and her family could sell it off and get money for it." I explained to him. "While on the other hand we, the Doctor, Me and Rose as well as Jack and Smiths travel together to just explore the world and have adventures."
"That sounds a bit to hard to believe." He mentioned.
"But do you really think I would make something up like this. I believe in this stuff sure, but I would never lie about it. Why would I lie?" I pointed out.
"I guess not, and you don't have a reason to, but still it's hard to believe."
"I guess so, but Trust me, I can tell how difficult it is for most. Although I would have to say your taking surprisingly well, Jackie ran away the first time. Called the government. That's how we got to the house of parliament. The Doctor was an alien specialist and was taken to a meeting. Rose and I met a lady called Harriet Jones, she was cool, I liked her, fun fact she's going to be one of our prime ministers, though I wouldn't really call that a fun fact."
"You know who the next prime minister is?" He wondered out loud and I laughed.
"Yep, of course, I also saw the world burn, of course it was evacuated before hand, met Charles Dickens, went to a news station, I mean a space news station that was being run by this Jagrafess thing." I stopped for a second remembering the blob thing before shaking my head. "Anyway I've been and seen a lot of things and places."
"You sound mad." James commented and I grinned at that.
"Wasn't I always mad?" I responded and he ended up letting out a small laugh. "anyway were here now." I told him once we reached the police box, that they other were already in. I decided that I would walk a little bit after them with James, so that I could talk to him alone before we get there.
"Here, but this is a police box. Why is there a police box here?" He stated and I grinned. "Don't tell me that this is his spaceship? How does everyone fit?"
"Well yes this is the Tardis and she has this thing inside her called the Chameleon Circuit, which it meant to make the spaceship transform to something related to this time period, but the Doctor somehow broke it and it now stays as this lovely blue box." I moved my hands down the Tardis informing James of what the Doctor told me. "And this comes back to what I was going to tell you about the Tardis. The reason it fits all of us in, is because it's bigger on the inside." I explained happily and he was speechless at first.
"You know... you seem to be very intelligent about this." I brought up and I knew it was meant to be a compliment. "But how... How is bigger on the inside?"
"Because it's its own dimension that lie inside of this dimension were in at the moment." I tried to answer his question. "Like another world inside this one, if that explains it any easier, but anyway I thought I should mention it before hand. Are you ready to enter?" I placed my hand on the door handle and looked at him. He seemed somewhat nervous for a second before nodding. I grinned before opening the door and allowing my father to enter first. I moved beside James who stood in place.
"Whoa." Was the first thing to come out of his head as his eyes scanned the room. "This is amazing." He awed which caused me to smile before jumping over to the Doctor who was by the console, Margaret was on the other side.
"So, what's up?" I asked the Doctor as I watched him fiddling around with the console. "When can we get going?"
"The Extrapolator that we have has knocked off twelve hours of the Tardis charging time." The Doctor answered.
"So does that means, we won't be living til the morning." I pointed out and he nodded.
"And that means we have Margaret over the night." I turned to see Smiths who was observing close to the wall.
"I see." I pointed before Rose ran over to me.
"Re! Have you noticed?" She told me grabbing my arms.
"Noticed what?" I questioned confused.
"We've got a prisoner! The police box is really... a police box." She told me and I realised what she said, I laughed slightly.
"I guess you right." I grinned at her.
"You're not just police, though. Since you're taking me to my death, that makes you my executioners. Each and every one of you..." Margaret soon commented getting our attention.
"Well, you deserve it." Mickey pointed out coldly.
"You're very quick to say so. You're very quick to soak your hands in my blood. Which makes you better than me, how, exactly...?" Mickey didn't answer, but Smiths did.
"The difference between you and Mickey is that your dangerous, if we were to let go, you would kill many more people for your own gain." Smiths walked over to us where Mickey was and went to defend him, and I looked down.
"I will say though I do not agree with death." I nervously spoke, but I needed to and Smiths turned to me.
"I agree, but there isn't anyway else, but her planet to take her, she can't stay on earth and she would be a danger to other planets as well." Smiths brought up and placed her hands on my cheeks. "It's best to take her back, even if it means leading to her death. Though I do not agree with death myself, isn't one death better then the many more that could come and I doubt she could change her ways with how she was grown up." I turned my head.
"I guess... but I still don't like it." I looked at her.
"You don't need to like it, but can you see another way." She began before breathing out and saying. "Come with me for a second. Will be back." Smiths told the others before dragging me out of the Tardis and we started to walk over to the water feature. She could tell that I was unhappy about this. I understand why we have to take her back, but this would be the second life I helped take. Yes the Dalek ordered me to, but I still felt guilty about this and yes Margaret had tried to kill me, but still they were life.
"You know, Re." I heard Smiths call out my name after some silence. I looked over to her as she tugged onto the coat she worn. "I want to tell you something, and I don't know if I should." She laughed at that. "What am I talking about this has already happened, you knew long before hand." She pushed her hair through her hand. "Re, I don't like seeing you upset." She stated and I looked her confused.
"What are you talking about?" I asked her and she crouched down, running her hand through water.
"Re, you know how I'm mostly quiet about certain things in my past." Smith started, before looking me, who nodded. "There is a reason." She stood up again. "I was born in the future, but not like Jack as in 51st century, it's much more complicated then that, but I know things, things that only a few will know. I was told stories, stories about the wonderful people I travelled with before I tried out the time agents, actually it was because of them I decided to. I wanted to make sure what happens, happens and that is doesn't change." She stopped for a second. "I knew who you were even before we met. I lied to you about that, but I'm not going to any more because I care about you and that also makes it difficult for me to see you sad, but you know what. Normally I would keep certain parts of the future a secret, but this one time I think I can let it slip. You are not sending her to her death, in fact you and everyone else is going to give her a new life, but only if things go to plan, you can't say anything about this though. Promise me."
"I... I promise." I stumbled trying to take in what she had just said to me. What she had said confused me and I wanted to ask her a whole bunch of questions to make it clearer for me, but I couldn't. I saw her look at me with a smile on her face.
"Good." She spoke quietly, before I saw sadness in her eyes and look away. "Re... I have to go now."
"Wait? What? What do you mean go?" I asked her and she looked up at the sky.
"I had fun, fun with all of you, but I miss the people I travelled with." She placed a hand on my cheek as she continued to speak. "The people that gave me life. The ones that I don't hide secret with, I need to go see them. I haven't seen them in a while. They understand though. I'm always busy doing my own thing, but I am feeling quite a bit nostalgic." She grinned at me before giving me a hug which I returned. "You don't mind telling the others for me? Please." She began to take a step back and I slowly nodded and I felt tears slowly coming. One of my closest friends were leaving me.
"Will you come back? Will you come back to us though?" I asked her and she nodded.
"I will always come back to you. Whenever you call me. You have been there for me and I am here for you. We're a team." She laughed softly. "You, me and the doctor." She then moved her said from side to side. "As well as the couple of others." She grinned before becoming serious once again. "Re. You don't need to be scared." That was the last thing she said before she flicked the switch of her time watch, leaving me alone and surprised at what she said. I didn't know what she could mean by it. I mean I'm scared of quite a couple of things, but I couldn't think of any, well accept for one now, but did she know? If she knew then who else did. Rose did but she said she wouldn't tell anyone. I felt nervousness rush over me, before I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Re." I jumped up in the air before I turned around and saw James standing behind me.
"Please don't do that." I commented surprised before I noticed a frown on his face, once her saw the tears. I could see a bit a nervousness in his eyes and sadness. I could tell he didn't know what to do, especially with me, I couldn't blame him though. I just breathed in and smiled softly. I looked at him. "Don't worry. I'm use to tears, they help you, like ranting. It takes a weight of your shoulder." I grinned at him and he nodded.
"Where did the young lady go?" He asked me, and I turned around to where Smiths used to be.
"Oh. She had to go, but it's alright." James nodded and I continued. "Say would you like to finish off our conversation from early. You must have a lot more questions now." I laughed.
"I would like that." He laughed as well and signalled me towards the way of the restaurants. While at first I wondered if I should tell the Doctor, but I shook my head. It would be fine, I would be back later tonight anyway, so he wouldn't worry to much.  

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