Chapter 2 - Nice Bit Of Rump

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"Looking mighty fine, Reedus....even if I do say so myself! Whaddya reckon, Eye?"

My little black cat obviously agrees with my self-assessment. Cos he's twining himself around the ankles of my tux and purring up a storm.

Taking a last close-up look in the mirror, I lick a forefinger and dampen down my left eyebrow. The hair in one particular spot has a tendency to stick out a little bit. Where the tiny pucker of scar tissue runs underneath it.

It's one of many scars I wear nowadays.

Except this one is a sober reminder of how close I actually came to losing the old bod for good.

It happened twelve years ago in Berlin. An R.E.M concert. Totally awesome night that ended up almost totalling me! When the town car I was a passenger in got t-boned by a truck.

Smooched the windscreen as I flew through it. Then French kissed the concrete kerb just as intimately shortly afterwards.

German hospitals are good, but not for months on end. I almost went insane recovering from the broken nose, shattered eye bones and other injuries.

My face alone sets the alarms blaring whenever I go through security screenings. Thanks to the pins and a titanium socket that now hold together some of my ugly mug.

Giving my reflection the finger I turn and nearly hit the deck again.

"Sorry pal...."  I whispered to Eye.

Picked him up and stuck my face in his soft tummy. He forgave me immediately for nearly flattening him under my polished dress shoes.

I almost  forgave him for leaving a swathe of fur on my lapels.

'Nah, it's black on who cares'  I give up on all attempts to brush myself down.

Grab my phone, smokes, lighter and keys off the hallway console. Then lock the door to my apartment behind me as I leave.

The production company for 'The Walking Dead'  have really gone to town this time. And luckily for me, AMC has chosen my own backyard to hold their premiere party for season three.

New York! New York!

Even now, I still have to pinch myself to make sure I'm really awake. Cos I'm living a life that most actors my age can only fantasise about. Being one of the leads in a TV series that's become a worldwide hit? Is some mutha of a dream come true.

The regular paycheck and income from a couple of movies have paid for my apartment. In an area of the city that I adore. Full of cafes, hip art studios and a few truly  underground bars.

Love every minute I get to spend back here, between my filming stints down in Georgia.

But the thing I love the most?

The fact that my son and his Mom live only a few blocks away. It makes co-parenting with Helena a shitload easier.

However, having Mingo with me whenever I come home is getting harder now. Oh, it's not because of my hectic schedule. I'll always make time for him. It's more for the fact he's now a teenager. One who's spending more and more time with his friends instead of his old man.

I'm not complaining, he's growing up and that's how it should be. Just miss him heaps, is all. And it's leaving a big hole in my life that's now hard to fill.

I'm going stag tonight.

My last girlfriend was lovely. Nice....too nice  😖

Couldn't help it, I got more than a bit bored near the end. And thanks to work plus a growing legion of fans, she got nervous. Increasingly angry about my lessening attentions. Became all jealous....possessive and clingy.

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now