Chapter 30 - An Oeuf Is An Ouef

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"Now you be a good boy for your Mommy and play nice with Mao! I'll see you when I get home."

Eye just gave me a look that said 'yeah, yeah....whatever'  before jumping out of my grasp. Sauntered off back to his food bowl.

If I'm just going to New York and back again? I'd normally take him with me. Eye is one well-travelled feline. And whilst plane trips aren't his favourite thing, he copes with the occasional one.

But he hates having to go into the cattery when I'm out and about on longer trips.

"Are you sure you're Ok with it, Ben?"

I climb back onto the bed and lay myself out on top of her. Kissing her nose before I nuzzle my face between her breasts.

"Ok with it? My vision's gone blurry, I'm dizzy and can't get my breath. Both legs have gone having trouble swallowing. And I'm so stretched I feel like I've given birth to a watermelon."

"But if you wanna go another round, Mister? Then I'm in!"

Her tone is that of a martyr. Preparing to sacrifice herself on my altar for the greater good.

It's my turn to give her a look and this one is saying, 'your palm Missy'.

"Ahhhh...."  She gazed down at me as if having a lightbulb moment.

"You meant am I Ok with cat-sitting Eye? Silly ol' me, whatever was I thinking of. Uh-Oh...."

Ben gave a breathless little scream as I sat up and tore the doona out of her grasp. Before yanking her body over my lap and placing my hand on her left bum cheek....readying my aim.

For an old guy, I can get a move on when the need arises  😉

"I'll give you Uh-Oh, you little witch. And whilst that's happening? I suggest you start rethinking your job description. Because I don't think 'smartass'  is obligatory."

She didn't listen to me....  😁


I stood at the front door. Smiling down at my phone while waiting for Ben to come out of the bathroom. When she does I can't help but grin even more. As she seems to be walking a bit funny.

Think my smart ass' smarting a bit itself  😏

"Oh faaaark. Promise me you won't watch that on the plane, Mister!"

Her cheeks flushed....both sets of them as she peeked at the footage I'd just taken. I turn up the volume.

Jeez, I can listen to her moans all day long!

"I'll give you a call tonight. Be my good girl and say goodbye to the Misses for me. I hate you with all my butt, Benny Tennyson!"  I whisper into her lips after I let them go....finally.

Closing that door behind me and walking to my bike is one of the hardest things I've had to do in a very long time.


Kept my promise to her though and didn't look at my phone while I was on the plane. Caught up with some sleep instead.

But once I flop down on the bed in my New York apartment? I put it on charge and settled in.

My little Missy's libido sure as hell is in sync with mine I'm happy to say. As is her imagination. I'm missing her like crazy already.

And not just her body. God knows how I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight without having her to wake up with tomorrow. Not being able to talk to her in person, listen to her and watch her lips move when she speaks.

Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now